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knowlege pool

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Posts posted by knowlege pool

  1. most annoying thing one can have is popups and advertisement. You are trying to open up a site and before it lands on a homepage you are forced to close numerous popup windows and finally when to land up on home page you cann't find the content in the page already crowded by advertisement. With commercial site it is agreeable to certain extend but it become unbearable with personal pages and utility sites. say U are trying to access your mobile bill . But the site is adament on downloading a heavy flash file before showing you the way. Beside the bandwith it eats up lots of time and energy. At times the browser got struck. And you wait and watch helplessly.then there are sites which leaves list of unwanted guests on your system in form of Adware , spyware, cookies, exe files and what not. I sit every fortnight to get rid of this stuff which keep hitting me despite all antivirus and anti adware softwares installed in my sysytem.then to add icing on the cake, there are junk mails. They are like bliss to people you ahve nothing else in the world but to keep poking and intruding in someone's mailbox. In routine I need to flush out dozens of junk mail asking for all kinda of medicines, gagets, travel, mobiles and what not.then there are sites of sound alike names or so leading you to totally different location . you are looking for a government site and a mistake of character or so , you land up on a porn site. And then so many popups will be there that only option left with you will be reboot your system to save your self from unnecessary harrasment.

  2. this is something very crazy and weird. You adore google alright but naming your child after it no joke. A name is what a person carries with him to grave. It have a significant impact on peronna of a individual. Imagine a scenariogoogle and msn fighting each other in park and altavista mediating.Knowlege Pool

  3. Targeted advertising as the name suggest targets a set of consumer defined or cateogarized or segmented on different social , economic, demographic or psycological parameters.It helps the advertiser to effectively and efficienly used the money budgeted for advertisement. Targeted advertisement is supposed to hit the right audience with using right medium.this may not be a foolproof mechanism as all other marketing tool as it depend on various internal and external factors. Example of targeted advertising on different mediums areA edible oil company sponsoring a cookery show on television(presuming homemakers are watching the show)A matrimonial site having a banner of job site(with growing responsibilty you look better options)If we talk purely about internet targeted advertising. It may be in form of banners , emails and pop up's. But the concept remains the same. These mailers or banners will not be same for everyone they will will crop up according to your profile or say in case of search engines the words you are working on...Knowlege Pool

  4. With all due respect to technology and people who got real good friends I like to put forward my views. To me cyber chatting and making friends is like telecalling activity. A telecaller makes 80-100 calls a day picking a databse calls each and evryone and ask if they are intersted in the product or services on offer.same is the case with cyber chatting. You keep on opening new windows saying hi a/s/l etc till such time you get 5-7 windows going simultaneously. Then one try to pick and choose FRIENDS from them. The best part of the show being you dont know what your so called friend is. Is the person on the other side is saying truth about oneself or not? We live a virtual life , enoying the company of anonymys. How a person who doesn't reveal one's true identidy can be a friend. How can secrets can be shared . Its more like a window to vent out our emotions which by any fear or lack of confidence remains within us.Knowlege Pool

  5. belief in anything come with conviction we have about it. Conviction comes from faith and confidence we have in us and our surrondings. Now this belief may be regarding your job, your exam result , your marriage or even god.problem arises when we are forced to believe of which we are not convinced. If we are groomed to believe that marriages are natural, marriages are for kids, marriages are for sex we tend to make our mindset accordingly.Now these relationships tend to broke or staleness begin to creep in them when either of these notions we have are not fulfilled or just after they get fulfilled. Because we start loosing the meaning in the relationship. Someone believes marriage are to get kids. You have two kids What next or someone suggested adopt a child. So that not what marriages as a institution stands for.I belive marriage as a institution have much more value attached to it. It require faith , understanding , belief and top of it LOVe between the partners. Marriage gives you the strength and the feeling of bonding between two indivisuals who come together to enjoy life and to fight adversities together. people can say this can be attained without getting marriage. True emootions to some may not require any legal or social binding. They may share a same relationship as life partners without getting married. But my take on it is. Why are we then afraid to accept it. Why do we refrain from accepting the other person completely. I belive enoying relationship gives you right on persons body but marriages give you right on partners body , mind and soul. There is sense of belonging and oneness. which work wonders in relationship and gives you strength to streer clear of all hurdels in life.Knowlege Pool

  6. Love is beautiful feeling and binding it in words is difficult. words when mixed with emotions speels the real magic


    main tumse pyaar karta hoon (Boy to girl)


    main tumse pyaar karti hoon (Girl to boy)


    This is in HINDI the national language of India .


    Here MAIN means I


    TUMSE means YOU


    PYAAR means LOVE


    KARTA HOON is a verb means I DO for BOY


    KARTI HOON is a verb means I DO for GIRL


    the comlete sentence means I LOVE YOU


    PYAAR have synonyms like MOHABBAT , ISHQ picked up from URDU



    Knowlege Pool

  7. Hi thereI agree completely to what round has to offer. Instead of starting a new topic this could have been included in the thread. And then shigajet you have not even put any point across. Atleast you must have stated what messanger you are using. What are its pros and con. One point I differ is questioning the value of knowlege. Value of knowlege cannot be defined and calculated in set parameters. It has a broader meaning and span.A learning acquired may show the value over a period of time. This learning may help or guid someone to signup or change a service providerKnowlege Pool

  8. Kuddo Mayankyou are on right track. people fail to recognise the value of the knowlege they gain by being the part of any forum. it gives you an opportunity to express your views and gain from others experiences. Moreover you can find like minded people , talking to you at your wavelength. And then , if someone really wants to rate this forum on free hosting . Still he must give full credits to the brains behind it, who offers you FREE and I mean Free space without annoyoing ad's and pop up's.I belive even time spend on this forum for gaining hosting credits is worth as you only post on the topic of interest and end up ladding to your knowlege base @ PlenopticI appreciate you for confession regarding the free hosting. But Here I can say that INITIally what attracts people to forum is FREE HOSTING, but really kept them hooked is the platform forum provide to vent out , share and learn.Knowlege Pool

    Notice from mayank:
    Merging two posts..Please make sure that you are not making two posts continuosly..if you want to add something more to your post then click on the report button

  9. Hi professor,This is knowlege pool. I understand people complaining about getting credits and all . Because most of the people have joined forum just to have free hosting.But if we take this forum beyond only free hosting, It will be a more learning experience.I totally agree with you that quality is what matter more on this forum and this is what i belive will make people come back to this forum again and again.. Knowlege Pool

  10. Hi Theremy vote goes to download .com as the ultimatre downloading reference site. It has helped me a lot in updating my sysytem and finding me various tools to help me in building my website.other sites i used extensively were freewarejava.com and javatoolkit.com for java scripts and applets.Knowlege Pool

  11. Hi thereeven god cudn't make everyone happy on the earth. then this a small effort by hardworking techies to give us a much needed breather in terms of space and speed. I would not say they have compromised but yes there are certain features which may not appeal to all. but that stands true for every innovations. There are additions , substractions and upgradations.Let's thanks them for breaking a barrier...Knowlege Pool

  12. Let me explore my own country first which has to offer such variety and diversity in terms of landscaping, terrains, climates and geographical distinctions.I have travelled quit a bit across the country but not covered a hundreth of it. We have got the tallest mountains , deepest oceans , desserts , plateus, rainforests, backwaters, valleies and what not.Yes I am born in INDIA

  13. Hi thereEasy and fast money are the best laid traps for people to fall into. No one gonna give you money out of his own pocket. Falling prey to mallacious site and loosing your booty may be the end result , if proper caution is not taken. We need to understand the money being distributed has to originate from somewhere.Now the question is where ....It could be you , your neighbour our your relative also. So bewareKnowlege Pool

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