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Posts posted by keifer

  1. I know it can be kinda hard to keep posting everyday. But i think it is worth it because there is no other free host that offers as much as this one does. There definatly is no other host that is as reliable. But i have found that if you take 1 day and get your post count up around 15 or 20 credits and then post just at least one post per day your account will be ok. I did get suspended for a while because of personal problems but i got it back up in 1 day and have been up ever since. But i do understand why someone would want to leave. If i had money i would probably go to a paid host. Actully i think Xisto has a paid option. I would probably just upgrade my account here to paid.

  2. I signed up with studiotraffic last month but i havent done anythign with it. I am thinking if i sign up will all 4 of these sites i could make some fast easy cash. I have researched studiotraffic and found that they will be around for a long time. But im not too sure about the oter sites. How can i know they are not gonna run off with my money after i upgrade? I dont want to put on $1000 so i can make 20 bucks a day and they runn of with my money.

  3. I have been hanging on to a handful of various coins since i was a kid. I have researched some and and found a few are only face value but a couple are worth a little more. I have 1 dime that if it had 1 letter on it it would be woth like 5 million dollars! :angry: But alas it dosent so its only worth about 20 bucks. :blink: I also have a couple silver certifcates. One 5 dollar and one 1 dollar. They look like normal bills but the writing on them says silver certificate. Most money is backed by gold but when theese were in circulation they were backed by silver. Im sure they could be still used as currency at fce value but they are much more valuable to collectors.

  4. I agree totally and hands down that Ad-Aware is the best free spyware removal program! It is the easyist to use and you get free updates too. The only complaint i have about it is it dosent have a "check all" option with the results. SOmetimes i find 100 or more results and its a pain to check each one individulally.I have tried a couple others that are ok but i like ad-aware the best. I havent tried any pay ones but from my experience on the net if you search hard enough you can find free software for anything that is just as good or better than some pay stuff.

  5. I looooove Diablo II! I have used the cheats availible online to beat it very easily. :D The cheats involve actully editing the code in hex format. And if you dont know how to read or write hex its ez to mess up but the place i found it gave you step by step instructions,But if you play it the way its meant to it is veeeeeery hard. I am currently doing it that way just to say i beat it fair and square.

  6. Many of these programsa say that they actully invest your money in the FOREX market. That is the trading of one countries currency for another countries and make a profit. Theses are the ones with lower interest rates and stay around longer. But most of them are just using the deposots coming in to pay the members and when the total amount of deposits out number the amount needed to pay the members they shut down and take the money and run. That is where the risk lies.

  7. What do yall think about the pound putting animals to sleep if they are not adopted in a certian period of time? I had 2 cats and both were spayed and neutered. Then we started feeding a stray and she hung around. She then had 2 kittens and then later 1 of them had 3 and the other had 5 then the stray had 3 more. We couldnt get her spayed because we couldnt afford it. But we had 16 cats! :D And this all happend in about 1 year. We gave 2 away 2 ran off and 1 was hit by a car. So that leaves 11. We cant really afford to feed them all but we do and they are healthy. But we got to get rid of some. We want to keep only 4. But we dont want to take them to the pound cuz we have kinda grown attached to them so we dont want them put to sleep. That is why i want to knwo what you think about the pounds way of doing things. I think the pound should advertise or something and get good homes for them before they put them to sleep. I know they cant keep every animal they get forever but they could put more effort into getting them good homes. BTW if anyone lives in louisiana and you wanty a cat PM me hehehe :D

  8. I had a rubix cube when i was like 9 and i could get like 2 or 3 side done but never all. Then i cheated and figured out how to take it apart and reassemble it in the correct order hehe :D Then i got lazy and would just peel off the stickers and put them back in order. :D Slick huh? hahahaWasnt there a pryamid version that wasnt quite as hard as the cube? Maybe im thinking of something similar but not actully rubix.

  9. Im 29 here. I said i am not gonna have anymore birthdays from now on. Next year instead of being 30 i will be 29.9 and everyyear after that i will add a 9 hahahah eg: age 31 = 29.99, 32 = 29.999 etc :D:D:D:D:D I am very impressed with what all you younguns can do. When i was 15 all i could worry about was how to attach a mirror to my shoe to look up girls skirts. hahaha j/k

  10. I have just found a way to make money without doing anything at all. It is extremely risky but if you follow the strategies from the monitoring sites you will be ok.

    It is called HYIP or High Yeild Intrest Program. Basicly what they are do is you invest x amount of money in thier program and it gathers interest and they pay it to you via e-gold. The amount of intrest varies from one program to another. But the good ones are usually around 1%-5% daily.

    There are many that are scams that pay out for a while then shut down with no explination and take your money (hence the risk) But if you invest small amounts in multiple programs you will come out ok. There are a few sites that monitor these sites to see if they are paying or if they are a scam. The best monitoring site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can look at this site and learn all you need to know about HYIPs. And they have a list of sites that turned out to be scams and the ones that are paying good.

    I am currently testing out one program. I invested $14.25 14 days ago and i have made a little over 5 dollars in interest. The website is http://prime-fund.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t.

    I have tried 2 other sites and lost money but it was only 10 bucks on each. Once i accumalate more i am going to invest in a couple more.

    I have talked to people online that made over $15000 but right after they did i signed up and the site closed and i lost money. The trick is to invest only what you can afford to lose.

  11. Well for about 2 years i had DSL that was about 1mb down and 300k up but i couldnt afford it anymore and had to go back to old sloooooow 56k dial-up. :D I forgot how slow it was and i hate it. I am fixing to change back to DSL from another provider that will be 3mb down and 500k up. But my house is old and the telephone wiring is old so even with filters it reduces my speed greatly. It was supposed to be 1.5mb down and with 2 phones and 1 line to my sat hooked up and a filter on each it would slow my speed down to less than 56k at times. I may get cable but i have sat TV and getting cable net only is more expensive that have cable net and TV in my area.

  12. Well my first site was made at angelfire. In fact i just looked it up and its still online. Look at it here. My First site! I was done with veeeery basic html. I was soooo suprised to see that it was still up. it took like a week to make it because i had hardly any idea what i was doing. I learned HTML and alot of other stuff and htmlgoodies.com/. It is ez to follow and step by step.

    I also made another site right after it. It was about me and my friends dream to build a Nightclub. It is still our dream but it will be a normal club instead of a christian one. Check it out HERE. Alot of the pics dont show up because i didnt know how to put some pics on it without hotlinking them. So they dont exist anymore.

  13. I have had an ebay account for about 5 or 6 years now. I have bought and sold many things. Isold mostly pro sound equipment. But i have sold some used computer parts. I have bought all kinds of stuff from a new motherboard to "Karate Kid" parts 1-3 on vhs to a Nascar banner. I have been looking for a dropship company that i could use to sell more but all the ones i have found charge a monthly fee and i can barely pay my rent right now. For those of you that dont know what a dropship company is heres an explanation. You sign up with the dropshipper and pick one of the products they have and you make the ebay auction for it. When the auction closes you collect the money and then you send the dropshipper thier asking price of that product and they will ship it to the auction winner and you keep the rest of the money. You dont have to keep any inventory at all . You only make the ad and collect the money from the buyer. If you have the time and know basic HTML you can make a pretty good living selling on ebay.

  14. I agree that this is a sensitive subject. But if we were not meant to eat meat our bodys wouldnt crave it or need the vitimins and minerals that meat contains. And liek someone said in an earlier post that our teeth are shaped the way they are to rip flesh. As fo talking about how the meat is processed and slaughtered sure it sounds gross and inhumane. But we are basiclly animals just liek all other living things. Think of how a cat or tiger kills its meat. it sneaks up on it and attacks it then they will play with it and smack it around and bite and scratch it but dosent instantly kill it. It basiclly Tourtures it before it actully eats it. And it is all done by instinct. As is the same way with us humans. But because we have evolved our brains to think more we question if it is right to do or not. Everyone is entitled to thier own beliefs. But beleive that it is not wrong to eat meat at all.

  15. I am 29 and holding :D I just wish when i was in my teens someone would have stressed to me how important it is to set goals. When i was young i had no idea hat i wanted to do with my life and didnt really care. I just wanted to have fun and party. And beacuse of that i am 29 nd still living at home. I havent had a job that i stayed in for more than a year and i still dont know what to do with my life. I didnt realize how important goals were until my mid 20s. I started making some small ones and i got most of them. But i must be cursed of something. Everytime i start to get all my stuff together something happens and it all falls apart. Then i get depressed and get stuck in a lull and think I will never get ahead. But it is time for me to start over from scratch and go to trade school or something and get everything in order. I need to get a steady job that pays enough to support me and get out of the house. I have had a few girlfriends but when i start to get serious i pull away because i cant support a family. I want to get married have a couple kids and live the american dream. I have had a couple ideas to start a business of my own but i come from a poor family and we all have terrible credit so i cant any money for startup capital. SO i guess i just need to get a real job and try to save money to start one of my own businees. Having hosting here is helping me because my website is one of my business ideas. I just need to learn how to get more visitors to my site with zero advertising budget. Now i know how to make goals effectivly and everything is coming together and i just hope nothing else comes along and throws me back into a depression.

  16. I live right in the center of louisiana about 3 hours from New Orleans. I love louisiana but i have also been to a few other states that are very beautiful. I love forests and such. I am very patriotic and love the good ole USA. But i have always wanted to see africa. I love the ancient egyptgian culture and would love to visit the pryimids and stuff but because of the racisim here in america against blacks i want to see and learn what thier culture was like in thier home country. And to learn what it is like now. BTW i am white. I am a very eclectic music lover and from what i have learned most of todays music originated from africa so i would like to learn more about that first hand. There are many exotic animals there i would liek to see also. I have always wanted to go on a safari. My mother has always been fascinated with the UK. She is desended from irish and british so she has always been into that kind of stuff. She watchs British TV shows and the BBCAmerica channel alot. Some of it is cool but alot is very corny and cheesy to me. When I get rich i want to send her on a tip there for a whole month as a birthday or christmas present. But i dont see that happning in the near future tho unless i win the lottery haha :D

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