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Posts posted by tgp1994

  1. Meh, that's ok, I don't use seamonkey anyways.It looks like I may have to put off the puppy linux usage for a bit: on Thursday, my computer became infected with a host of malware, so I've been dedicating most of my time to cleaning that. (Ironically, since becomming infected, my computer has not received a single BSOD, other than one due to the fact that one of my virus scanners had quarantined Winlogon.exe previous to a reboot.)

  2. Precisely, you run puppy linux for a few day, trying to do everything you were used to, and see how the system behaves.If you experience no kernel panic, this will mean that you have no hardware problem, at least each hardware managed by puppy Linux works fine.
    After that several-days-test, back to windows if necessary. Then, if possible, I would suggest simply remove your hard drive and perform a fresh Windows install on a virgin disk.
    If you cannot borrow a disk, simply make a backup of your Windows system disk, test the backup, format the c: disk and perform a fresh windows install.

    Could a segfault possibly be caused from hardware as well? I remeber seeing one last night while trying to install F-prot throught pupget, although I regret to say that I didn't copy it down :) (I found out that my bios supports booting from usb devices, so I put a 512mb card into my card reader, and installed puppy linux onto that.)

  3. Well, anyhow, I'm all booted up into Puppy linux.

    I looked through my dmesg right after booting up, and a few things caught my eyes:

    Notice: NX (Execute Disable) protection cannot be enabled: non-PAE kernel!
    AMI BIOS detected: BIOS may corrupt low RAM, working around it.

    Those two lines weren't next to each other, they were just the only lines out of my dmesg that seemed interesting.
    I don't know what they mean, but if anyone's interested, I'll attach my full dmesg log :) (Thanks for looking through it, if you do.)


    So now what? Do I just run puppy linux for a few days, and see what happens?

  4. Hi everyone.I'm running an Ubuntu 10.04 (Mint 9) machine, on my computer with a wireless Atheros card (which should be running at G speeds right now), on my Linksys WRT54G router, with DD-WRT installed. The connection is unsecured, running on Channel 10.My question is; is there any possible way to improve the speed between that ubuntu box, and people outside of my network?I'm hosting a gameserver on my network, and I'd like to be able to get the most out of it. It seems like my network card, or ubuntu configuration may be the chocking point here.Wireless reception, by the way, is generally > 90%. The connection only has to travel through a small piece of drywall before it gets to the router.

  5. OK, this nice pixel effect looks like the one I am currently experiencing, which is related to the graphic adapter, mainly when it uses the computer memory.It makes the computer freezing at boot time when failing to initialize the graphic adapter.
    Some people on the web say it's a memory problem, they solved it when changing a faulty memory chip.
    Some other pople claim that it's a hidden bug in the Nvidia chip. That could explain that some people solved the problem when they bought a brand new non-Nvidia graphic adapter.
    As soon as I have money enough I will buy both memory and a graphic board, and see what happens.
    If your computer is still under garantee, try crying at the shop door.
    If not, try borrowing another graphic adapter and see how it behaves.

    And, of course, the "IRQ IS NOT" thing seems seems to be concerning IRQ's, so try removing everything you can (leave only the keyboard, mouse and display) in order to check that whether you have a device IRQ conflict.

    Wouldn't windows tell me up front in device manager if there was an IRQL conflict?

  6. The BSODs I've written down:


    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT STOP 0X01AC0000 (0x00001128, ...) Memory dumped.

    DRIVER_IRQL_IS_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL STOP 0x0000000D1 Memory dumped.

    The most recent error recovery info:




    (The specified "dir" directory or file was missing when I looked for it :))


    Also, the unusual once in a lifetime pixel effect I mentioned:





    If anyone could continue helping, that'd be great.

  7. Gah... the onslaught continues.It seems like now, it's jumped up to once a day, when I turn my computer on for the first time.The first of the new type of BSODs now seems to save a memory dump to my computer when it occurs. (I'll upload one if I can.) Also, windows has now been telling me that it has recovered from a serious error the next time I reboot (about time), which I will attach a picture of.Finally, just today, I got some very odd screen when the computer was booting up. When windows finishes with the very first part of loading, and before it draws the login screen, my cursor showed up like usual, but it froze there, with some random colored pixels across my screen. I will attach several pictures of this as well.I think I'm going to burn puppy linux to a CD now, but the problem is, I don't have anything in terms of persistent storage. I don't want to have to repartition my two hard drives, and the largest usb drive I have is 64MB, which I can't even find right now. So what can I do?

  8. When you got paid dollar credit on your billing system, your myCents gets deduction in factors of 100 for each dollar. This happen once or twice in a day. Sometimes mine got updated twice a day.


    If for some reason that one thread where you actively post stuffs gots deleted, myCents system will calculate the points earned and deduct them from your present myCents value. Since 100 myCents always gets converted regularly, there is a very high chance that your current myCents value is way lower than the value that needs to be deducted from penalties of deleted thread/s.


    This results on negative value, just like how bank accounts work, how credit cards work and other money insitution work. It won't be fair for the system for example that you have 189 myCents penalty and you currently 12 myCents. Making that to 0 means 177myCents loss to the company.


    In Xisto, we work for xisto by posting and this post was being pulled into other websites that xisto have which displays ads. This ads in turn gives revenue to xisto. Xisto then pays us in dollars of virtual money which we can buy hosting and domain services. The domains you buy can be used anywhere you want and can even be transfered to any other hosting that you like

    Well, ya, I understand how the system works, I just find that my particular example seems to be a bit of a loop.


    And suppose the topic begins legitimate, but then degrades overtime from other people? Should it be fair that those of us legitimate posters loose our hard earned credits? (Or gain a debt.)

  9. It's a shame that Ubuntu will no longer work on systems with less than 1GB RAM :) Lucid never worked on my old PC with 512MB RAM and Maverick is no different. If you've got 1GB RAM or more, then you can surely have a good time with this latest distro :D

    Are you sure about that? I don't think Ubuntu would be able to maintain most peoples respect for the Linux ideals if it became apparent they were upping the minimum memory required.

  10. Xisto pays its users by Mycents within an hour or so for the posts they make. When a user posts something, his accounts get rewarded for the reward of the post in terms of mycents in the next hour but the posts are not moderated before they are live. A moderator of the Xisto team comes later to see the post and if he finds the post as spam or copied content etc he will delete the post. Now as the Xisto has already paid the user by mycents but the user does not deserve to be rewarded so Xisto takes its mycents back from the user.Now the question is that why the mycents become negative and not go to zera because the mycents are given by the Xisto and then taken back so at the end they should get reduced to zero. The answer to this question is that when 100 mycents accumulate in a users account they are instantly converted to 1 US $. When a user's account has been rewarded by a real US $, it goes to the billing account and it is no more a MYcent system. It is a similar dollar whether you get it through paypal, or credit card or any other source. So now if the user has made posts that at the first hour rewarded him more than 100 mycents, his account will be credited with one us $. If the posts are declared as spam then the posts will be deleted and Xisto will need to take back the mycents from the user. But because the mycents are converted to Dollars therefore Xisto does not take the dollars back but instead marks the mycents as negative. For example if I made some posts worth 563 mycents my account will get 5 dollars and 63 mycents. Suppose later my posts were declared as spam so Xisto will take it mycents back from me. Because my 500 mycents have been converted to 5 dollars, Xisto will not take the dollars back instead charge me -500 mycents. the 63 mycents in my account that exist in mycent form will be taken back as such and my account balance will be -500 mycents.

    You must have been posting a lot of spam to have about -600 myCENTs right now :S

  11. Ah, I just recalled now setting up Windows 7 on a friend's computer. The setup took forever, since it seemed to be using either some bad CD rom drivers, or bad I/O interface drivers. But once the system was up, (and was able to connect to the internet and download drivers,) everything was set and well.I still have a Windows XP SP 1a cd sitting around, and I'm sure it has terribly outdated drivers, if I were to use it to install an operating system right now. But then, as Microsoft released more service packs, their CDs began coming with newer and newer drivers, most likely better performing as well.

  12. I guess that, as usual...If you buy your PC from a manufacter, it's shipped with Windows 7, including all the drivers.
    If you happen to change to another graphic display or another burner or another sound card, you will need to buy it with it's own driver. And, of couse, some of the audio adapters don't have a decent "seven" driver.

    True, that makes sense. All in good time, I suppose.

    I haven't been following along too much with the news of Windows 7, but I look forward to see what Service Pack 1 will bring. (unless I've somehow already missed it?)

  13. I can imagine that you fond somebody who can temporarily provide you with a spare hard disk. You backup the whole content of this disk on an external storage (like a USB disk), you remove your own disk and put this one, you install Windows, and see if it has the same problem.That's what I stated when I said "we could imagine".
    I guess that this is what a guy in a repair shop would do, in order to clarify the situation and make a real diagnostic.

    Ohhh, ok. I didn't quite understand you at first.

    Ya, that's a great idea. Maybe I could use one that saves to a USB stick, so at least sessions will stick around.

  14. That idiom actually makes sense :) (Although I've heard it said as "As dead as a doornail")I overheard a story regarding routers and (I think:) WEP encryption.This person was sitting in a subway shop, when they discovered an access point secured with WEP, which AFAIK, is crackable in 5-10 minutes these days.So this person discovered the key, then joined the network.The people running this network also happened to have a printer attached, so this person printed off 50 papers reading "Secure your wifi better."What's $15 of lost ink and paper, when uncountably more information could have been stolen :D

  15. And we could imagine borrowing a hard disk in order to see what happens with a fresh Windows install.

    We could?

    Also, just booted up my computer, logged in, then went away for a few minutes. Came back, just to see another BSOD, different yet again:

    IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (That's a first :) )
    STOP Ox0000000A (0x0888D81C, 0X0000001C, 0X00000000, 0X804DF0BC)

    Interesting, this is beginning to look like a driver issue more and more now. (According to this very helpful website, that particular stop message indicates a kernel-mode process or driver trying to access memory where it shouldn't have.)

    I'm still certain that my memory isn't faulty. I did run that memory test, everything checked out.

    I suppose I'll try running a linux distro for awhile, and see what happens.

  16. For example, on my system, Win7 seems to run much more smoother than XP, but it could be do to drivers, as Win7 drivers are official and XP drivers are as I guess not so official..
    When I bought my laptop, it was with Vista pre-installed, I used for several months and downgraded to XP and used it, Vista seemed to run smoother, but used 3-4 times of more RAM, if XP usually takes 300-400 MB, Vista took 1.2 GB just booted with some startup programs.

    I haven't tried comparing the two systems with opening big wav files or opening a huge power point file, but I noticed that opening of folders and moving the windows there slower, but I think it was due to drivers and maybe do to that AERO is using new graphics card features where XP doesn't, but I can say that Win7 runs much more smoother on my new hardware.

    My specifications are:

    Operating System: MS Windows 7 Professional 32-bit
    CPU: Intel Mobile Core 2 Duo P8600 @ 2.40GHz
    RAM 4.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 531MHz
    Motherboard: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. R560
    Graphics: LEN L220xwC @ 1920x1200, 512MB GeForce 9600M GT (Samsung)
    Hard Drives: 320GB (IDE)
    Audio: SB X-Fi Surround 5.1

    Furthermore, my friend/colleague is using an HP laptop which is a bit older and was pre installed with XP, he tried to install Win7 and it worked well, he removed all the fancy features and made it look like XP in some way, he used it and it was OK, but he got back to XP, as he said there almost aren't any difference, just that XP takes less RAM, but performance seems to be similar on his older hardware, can't say which HP is it, but it had only 1 GB of RAM, just that XP has less features than Win7..

    I noticed, that on XP some older games work much better than newer games, like on Windows 7 I had issues with Heroes 3, Age of Empires 2, Dune 2000, Starcraft 1, but it can be solved by googling, even though XP hadn't any issues with those games as much as I remember. :D

    Windows 7 drivers are no less "official" than XP drivers, although it could depend on what drivers you are referring to :)

    When my school district had Vista computers, the aero interface was generally disabled, being replaced with a more circa-Windows 2000 UI.

  17. I never thought of running a Linux live disk to diagnose problems but I will certainly add it to my list of things to try in the future.
    I would think that running a Linux live disk would not test the hard drive in any way. The definition of a live disk is mounting everything in RAM and the hard drive is never touched. This would prove that there is something wrong the Windows install but there still might be a hardware hard drive problem. I guess Iâm splitting hairs on this one.

    Great idea!


    And sorry for not updating you guys, but I got another BSOD, which, from what I can gather, occured while my sister was playing Sims 3. Here's the information I gained from it:

    STOP 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, ...)

    I'm telling the truth though, my graphics drivers are updated :)
    Heating issue perhaps? I suppose I may as well install Rivatuner.

  18. As a side note, I used to work with an old navy seamen and he once told me this story. He was on a naval ship in the Atlantic running military exercises, which at the time was during the Cold War with Russia. As was the custom, a Russian naval vassal was also in the area just to make sure the sneaky Americans weren’t up to something. This went on for a few days until the order was given to point the ship’s radar at the Russian ship to run it off. Apparently this didn’t go over too well with the Russians and they did the exact same thing to the American ship (run a full strength radar beam at the American ship). When the radar hit the ship, and my co-worker, everyone got sick and started puking all over the place. It turns out that standing near a large EM emitter will cause quite violent side-effects. He said that he never wants to go through that again.

    That's actually an interesting story :) I think we should start a storytelling topic. Would you care to start it? I wouldn't have anything interesting to share :D

  19. Hello,
    XP SP 2 is the best. It doesn't require DVD to install this OS. You can install this OS from 700 MB CD. The best benefit of this OS is the faster OS than VISTA. VISTA best features is the GUI interface. Windows 7 follows the SP 2 criteria in performance. I like to operate on Windows 7 because of the Taskbar icons. This OS is also faster in operation and easy to operate but Some additional features I don't understand in Windows 7. But yes it supports the every software which is supported by XP SP2.

    Regarding the present day feeling towards content distribution, the compact disk is being phased out. When you make a comparison by saying "This [Windows 7] OS is also faster..." What os were you comparing it to?
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