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Everything posted by xereo

  1. Extra crunchy! (I'm eating a pb sandwich as I type.) but afterwards i will want smooth
  2. i guess mine would be SFA2 GOLD. that is the one i played most on play station I LOVED Rose and Chun Li and occasionally I'd use Sakura. but from 1992 on till the creation of play station i was sort of forced to learn how to play the first SF 2 game at the arcades so that my male friends wouldnt leave me behind when they went to the arcade lol.they KNEW i would love "Chun Li" and thats who i started learning to use first. For a total novice i actually held my own well against some of my challengers but when this really cute black guy laid total waste to me with Ryu, he felt sorry for me and i was like "oh please" and he was like "no really, let me help you learn how to completely use Chun Li" so << giggle>> we began to meet up there WITHOUT all the other gawkers and he'd show me how to use her we'd play and he tell me how to execute her various moves and what not and afer several months, i got really good. so good that i was giving him a real run for his money with WHATEVER character he used.its ALWAYS nice when your a woman, and you come up into an arcade to any of the SF games (especially X-men vs. Street Fighter or Marvel vs. Capcom 2) and you wait for someone to lose to the person who apparently has been there for a minute...you put your quaters in and when they see you pick all female characters they laugh....but then as the game begins and the guy see's that he cant get you with what he's been doing all along and you start forcing HIM into the corner and beating him down.....i cant help but smile when the big "K.O." comes across the screen and his characters fall down to the ground!aside from SFA2 Gold i also loved X-men Vs. Streetfighter and Marvel vs. Capcom 2(that one had the most women characters on there...including Jubilee as a hidden character )the music on SFA2 Gold was very nice....some of the background tracks for the different stages were jazzy, sublime and very nice to listen to while fighting....and i liked the subtle remix of M. Bison's stage music...not to mention the water fall background
  3. I don't believe in the intelligence test, the intelligence is not measured in a test, the intelligence should be measured day by day in the, in the capacity of each person's superaci?n.Of anything it serves that a person has 140 iQ if later she doesn't know how to be unwrapped in the life, the test predicts but it doesn't assure, the intelugencia leaves acquiring with the experience, the intelligence not this written.
  4. I don't believe in psychological test the same as I don't believe in the horoscope, that is to say there is not anything fixed for each person, each person it is different and their future and their personality doesn't determine it nobody only the one writes what can end up being capable or it cannot end up being capable.Memory also eats once I not made some psychological test wise well the procedure and I obtained a punctuation of 119 when i discovered the procedure obtiuve 129 and they were different questions.
  5. My first obsession is to be able to be happy and to be able to help to the other ones in something, to know that I am useful in this world and don't unite statue more, to be able to reach all my goals and to overcome me day by day in all that I intend.To be able to be every day better person to be mainly happy to have good health and that mine also enjoy good health, without health you are not nobody that it is the best in the obsessions.
  6. Usually me like in Kentuky Fried chicken, but now with that of the chiken?flue me has entered some fear, although I don't believe that it has still arrived to my country, because my friends omen in kentuky fired chicken and not yet they have made sick.I find Mcdonal a good place if your you want to die from quick ingestion, it is necessary to take care of the health, we already saw that man's documentary that he ate the biggest hamburger in mcdonal every day and look like I finish that poor man, the truth that I would not like to finish as he, has a lot of life for before and I want to continue healthy.
  7. When i access to admin panel on joomla script i put my same username and paswoord and i seee that es incorrect, then i remember that i change the name of username(but in theory my nick initial on sevillatrap should be the same)and i put my new username and i see a failure to.?somebody help me?
  8. Today in day, people already drink more and more, the alcholimetros is overcome and every time there is but you have an accident caused by the consumption of alcohol, I don't need anything to be more amusing, to drink to be more amusing denotes lack of personality.I don't drink, as a lot in a wedding or in a year end to toast with my family and friends, but the rest of the year is not necessary me, they are many the negative effects that takes place and few according to in my opinion the positive effects that it takes place.I don't even want to die, I want to live more years than the rest and there is only a solution to moderate my alimentary habits and my consumption of narcotics, I take care, I wait that you also.
  9. I believe ke they have already had several "ends of the world" in different times and different places. I suppose that for the vitnamitas the end of the world was when it exploited the atomic bomb, for africa a plague of AIDS and for the Jews... Hitler's birth ConfusedMe thanks to what is (God, luck,... that is another topic) I have not still listened any shot, any bomb, I have not suffered any "end of the world", I have not seen people suffer, in conclusion, I live in the paradise comparing me with other people of other countries that have suffered world ends when their dear beings have died, there is not another end but I last that that.When fades the Sun all will we be soup of the stew and do I hope that stops many years they still happen, the planet Earth is not anyway, the only planet that exists in the whole universe (do I think) Because hibamos to be only in this life? and if there is another planet with different habit, knowledge, beliefs (etc)? will we be able to put on in contact some day? Sinceramnte, I wait that not, because if we don't still clear up with this world, alone us toward other lack but (we were few and the grandmother gave birth to) WallWe are in a dream where every day they are born and people die, it would be beautiful that the causes of those deaths are not for a suicidal attack... or for some weapon of massive destruction... Rolling EyesIn short, we will never end up getting the world peace, there is not anything good if there is not something bad.Some Christian with those that I have chatted concerning to the topic "End of the world" have told me that the Bible doesn't reveal day neither hour of this event. But some biblical verses that insinuate exist that we are not very far from that day. They say that it is necessary that the Gospel is shown in the entire world before, so that all have the opportunity to know Christ and they can be salvos. Me not you if it has already been shown or not the Gospel in the entire world but they must be some corners where they have not even been spoken of Jesus.(Mateo 24: 14) "and this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the entire world By testimony to all the gentile ones; and then the end will come." Undoubtedly the earth will disappear some dia,pero we won't see it.Let us dedicate then to save and to preserve what we have for the coming generations that nobody can predict what will happen tomorrow's day.(From that of the Torres Gemelas I prefer to live the day to day,that to eat up the coconut thinking of the distant tomorrow).
  10. what?s the matter? this is is the message that i see on my website Joomla! Logosevillajoven.trap17.comThis site is temporarily unavailable.Please notify the System Administrator Somebody help me?
  11. xereo


    Definitively I think that NOT to the abortion, but I also think that it is VERY important that is helped the COUPLE to avoid it. And I emphasize in the couple because it is always given the woman the responsibility of deciding, when the man also has the right and the duty. They are not all the couples, not even most, in the world who you/they have the opportunity to avoid a not wanted pregnancy. Condone, birth-control pills, patch, cirujias, etc. is not within reach of all the couples. And every time is made but necessary because the world continues growing, being developed and the poor creatures are, in short of bills who pay the consequences of a moment of pleasure.They are too many babes them that they don't end up being born, but they are many but those that are rejected by their own parents after being born or for the society. Many of them are those that become criminals with the time, drug addicts, prostitutes, or simply people that don't adapt to the society, people sick sicologicamente. And of that, we all have the responsibility a little. Let us demand laws that avoid the abortion, but also laws that put birth-control methods within reach of the couples, and mainly, let us educate the youths with our example, let us teach him the necessary thing of being overcome, of getting ready for the future, so that the day that they face the great responsibility of the paternity they can make it with security and without fear.
  12. It is a very good page, it is an entire luxury to be able to play with a departure with a person that is to the other side of the world.The chess is one of the biggest pleasures and games of the world, it is a forgotten pleasure that it should be practiced more to foment the intelligence from children, to improve the creativity and to foment the imagination.If we don't work our mind we won't be nobody, make it deports with your body and also make it deports with your mind, a healthy mind and a healthy body gives much more quality of life.
  13. then fantastico sript always is stable and you never need upgrade?somebody help me?Thanks very much for your kindly
  14. Hello, I have Joomla from Fantastico Script and to my I would like to make the upgrade from the version 1.03 to the version 1.04 by means of a patch that it upgrades it, How I Do for not to already lose the data already kept in my obsolete version 1.0.3?Thanks very much.See you soon.
  15. I believe that it should already end with this series of movies, the main character this too bigger one already and hee cannot have as much hook with the childhood as in the past, better a farewell on time that a humiliation postuma, should end up worthily and non machara and to classify a person so much with a character as it has passed with these youths.
  16. xereo


    forgive the nuisances, somebody can help me, me alone I want to register my domain, but not you if first I have to make a parking of the domain or if I can choose inside it paginates it that offers the domain, to choose the option that says, hosting from other webs like east is the case
  17. xereo


    my web page is in subdomain of Xisto,to sum up for example http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, afterwards i go to change my 15 credits and once that i change Xisto send me my dns1 and dns2 information?afterwards i buy a domain xxxx.com puting dns information on a web domain, and finally i go to manage tools->domain parking and i writte my new domain?sorry for the incovenience.thanks very much.
  18. xereo


    then i have to buy domain parking firstly because i don?t put the date of my dns primeary and secundary?
  19. xereo


    Firstly i will buy a domain, and i see on the web page that i want tol buy the domain the following sentence:Choose the hosting that you need:a)domain parkingb)in other hosting---> put your primary dns and your secundary dnsI suppouse that i have to choose option b and afterwards i have to writte ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com or firstly i have to change my domain with a 15 credits?I need somebody to help me.thanks very much.
  20. I think hes The Pimpest Video Game Hero next to 50 Cent in his new game. The only thing wrong with him its not a big deal but he has green eyebrows, gottie, and sideburns and it dosent even tell how he got them.
  21. Y'know... I've been playing a lotta Splinter Cell, and I just love the shadow meter, obcene difficulty, and sheer number of actions you can take. Sorry MGS, I love your plot and characters, but your gameplay just isn't as good stealthwise splinter cell is more reilistic like in mgs what the is the ra ri ru re ro or for thouse who dont understand japenise la li lu le lo but tom clancy realy doesn't know that much about games but he sure does make alot but in mgs the cut seans are way way way to long but in splinter cell there really arent cut seans its all real time im not saying that wroung its just that a little brake every know and then is good
  22. Firstly I don?t know my IQ and I am not interested.I find it no surprise that many of you know your IQ. Presumably this enables some of you to make up for your woefully inadequate lives. - 'Ah, I may be socially inept and a complete freak who has a fixation with gathering knowledge to help feel superior, but screw you - my IQ is 4000 you chimp.'It is also very similar to the whole celebrity & media industry. You're special if you are beautiful and have the right things and wear the right clothes. Substitute IQ for image.
  23. i don?understan about ff7.I try to like it(ff7) but I just can't. I just see the battle system as bogged down by lengthy animations, characters with no individuation, and so little difficulty you could probably gameshark your entire party to be berserk the whole game and still win (Save for one or two boss battles where you actually need to heal).And the plot strikes me as having a lot of vague metaphysical jargon that has the appearance of being deep if you don't look very closely. But when you get to the middle it drags..you're just chasing Sephiroth from place to place for the first disc then chasing huge materia for the second.So..somebody please explain to me what I'm missing about FF7!My favorite RPGs of all time are as follows (In no particular order):FF4, FF5, FFTactics, Lufia 1-2, Tales of Destiny, Tales of Eternia, Star Ocean 1-3, Xenogears.That basically covers the ones I still have an urge to play, except that I want to start an FF6 game for sentimental reasons and another DW7 game because I didn't finish the first time.(And there are a few games I started, stopped, but still intend to finish, like Xenosaga II and La Pucelle Tactics).And I'm highly anticipating Dragon Warrior 8 and Tales of Legendia.
  24. i don?t understand very well firstly if you want to change your subdomain name ej: xxxx.trap17.com to xxxx.com or .net.info.... you have to buy the domain name and afterwards you have to have 15 credits and you have to say:" i want the change of domain? or if you have 15 credits you have a right to have a free .com domain?please i need help.thanks very much.
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