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Everything posted by ArashS

  1. The problem is solved. I just have to set MySQL connection collation: to utf8_unicode_ci. it works for 99% correct conversion. Still a few hebrew letters replaced by question mark. By the way all American words look exactlly as the English ones
  2. That looks ok. I can search and watch all website on https://www.google.co.il/?gws_rd=ssl correctly and hebrew chars are fine. Even for my website i use a hebrew virtual keyboard. With this keyboar i can pass hebrew chars to my php script and call up them back on my browser. Everything goes ok. So probleem should not be my browser.
  3. No, still I got the same prob. Here is what I want to do and it doesnât work. I have a FileMaker pro file. I donât know this application. But I export my file in excel Ă it looks ok but I canât upload excel to my mysql. So I tried export my.fp7 (FileMaker pro) file into CSV with utf-8. Export finish then look at my CSV fileĂ instead of my Hebrew chars I see some symbols. They are probably ok but I donât know if it exported 100% as the way it should. I import csv to my PhpMyAdmin with and without setting âCollationâ to âHebrew_general_ciâ. As result in the table overview on PhpMyAdmin still seeing the symbols instead of Hebrew chars. When I select en echo this table with php on my browser I get 70% of Hebrew chars ok and the rest a black rectangle with question mark in it. I check and I see the same Hebrew font â Aharoniâ which is used by FileMaker pro is already installed on my pc. So the browser should actually be able to show everything fine. But it doesnât!
  4. Your right, i didn't made the db. I just need a clear CSV conversion of that file which i can upload to my mySql server and make my website. I see what was going wrong. During conversion i used the option UTF-16 instead of UTF-8 which is not probably supported by phpmyadmin. Now i got my records 90% ok. Still I get next to some hebrew sentences not the regular question mark but � this black rectangle with question mark in side of it. Could you show me where should i look at in my configuration to let this � char be replaced by the correct one or at least be disappear. Should I have to perform some change in to coming table in my phpmyadmin oprations: Table options Rename table to Table comments Storage Engine MEMORY MyISAM BLACKHOLE MRG_MYISAM CSV ARCHIVE InnoDB Collation armscii8_bin armscii8_general_ci ascii_bin ascii_general_ci big5_bin big5_chinese_ci binary cp1250_bin cp1250_croatian_ci cp1250_czech_cs cp1250_general_ci cp1250_polish_ci cp1251_bin cp1251_bulgarian_ci cp1251_general_ci cp1251_general_cs cp1251_ukrainian_ci cp1256_bin cp1256_general_ci cp1257_bin cp1257_general_ci cp1257_lithuanian_ci cp850_bin cp850_general_ci cp852_bin cp852_general_ci cp866_bin cp866_general_ci cp932_bin cp932_japanese_ci dec8_bin dec8_swedish_ci eucjpms_bin eucjpms_japanese_ci euckr_bin euckr_korean_ci gb2312_bin gb2312_chinese_ci gbk_bin gbk_chinese_ci geostd8_bin geostd8_general_ci greek_bin greek_general_ci hebrew_bin hebrew_general_ci hp8_bin hp8_english_ci keybcs2_bin keybcs2_general_ci koi8r_bin koi8r_general_ci koi8u_bin koi8u_general_ci latin1_bin latin1_danish_ci latin1_general_ci latin1_general_cs latin1_german1_ci latin1_german2_ci latin1_spanish_ci latin1_swedish_ci latin2_bin latin2_croatian_ci latin2_czech_cs latin2_general_ci latin2_hungarian_ci latin5_bin latin5_turkish_ci latin7_bin latin7_estonian_cs latin7_general_ci latin7_general_cs macce_bin macce_general_ci macroman_bin macroman_general_ci sjis_bin sjis_japanese_ci swe7_bin swe7_swedish_ci tis620_bin tis620_thai_ci ucs2_bin ucs2_czech_ci ucs2_danish_ci ucs2_esperanto_ci ucs2_estonian_ci ucs2_general_ci ucs2_hungarian_ci ucs2_icelandic_ci ucs2_latvian_ci ucs2_lithuanian_ci ucs2_persian_ci ucs2_polish_ci ucs2_roman_ci ucs2_romanian_ci ucs2_slovak_ci ucs2_slovenian_ci ucs2_spanish2_ci ucs2_spanish_ci ucs2_swedish_ci ucs2_turkish_ci ucs2_unicode_ci ujis_bin ujis_japanese_ci utf8_bin utf8_czech_ci utf8_danish_ci utf8_esperanto_ci utf8_estonian_ci utf8_general_ci utf8_hungarian_ci utf8_icelandic_ci utf8_latvian_ci utf8_lithuanian_ci utf8_persian_ci utf8_polish_ci utf8_roman_ci utf8_romanian_ci utf8_slovak_ci utf8_slovenian_ci utf8_spanish2_ci utf8_spanish_ci utf8_swedish_ci utf8_turkish_ci utf8_unicode_ci PACK_KEYS DEFAULT 0 1 CHECKSUM DELAY_KEY_WRITE ROW_FORMATFIXED DYNAMIC
  5. Hi, I want to put hebrew text in a (varchar) Field but instead of to see the right hebrew characters phpmyadmin put couple of question marks!Even wehen i import my csv file within combination normale char and hebrew char AND i set Character set of the file: to UTF_8 or Hebrew, I still get de quistion marks in place of Hebrew characters. How can i setup right phpmyadmin to get my hebrew char right?
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