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Cerebral Stasis

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Posts posted by Cerebral Stasis

  1. I'm an avid PC gamer, mostly because of it's higher power in graphics and all-around processing, as well as it's support for things such as fan-made modfiications and the like, while when it comes to a console game, what you see is pretty much what you get; it's tough (if even possible) to make the complex kinds of mods that one finds for popular PC games (Unreal Tournament, for example).

  2. Although MSN is my favorite out of the more popular messengers (YIM, AIM, MSN, ICQ, etc.), due to both it's simplicity and it's functionality, I probably will NOT be using this new "Live" messenger. Although I use an MSN messenger account, I'm strictly Trillian (or maybe even gAIM) when it comes to the messenger program itself. For one thing, there aren't all those annoying ads/popups/banners/etc., and then I can access all my messenger functions in one program, if I wish to (although I'm currently only using MSN).

  3. I have to agree with Imagination; it's tough to put the two side-by-side. Call of Duty 2, being a FPS, is for those players who want a lot of fast action, and don't care a whole lot about who they're killing. In Word of Warcraft, it's more important to know who's helping, what's going on, etc. It's not a mindless slaughterfest like a FPS would be. It all depends on the player's personality/imagination/patience.Personally, however, I think I'd prefer to play Word of Warcraft (although I like REAL roleplaying; not all this "1337" newbie talking and blowing of smoke).

  4. UPS (United Postal Service) and FedEx (not sure what that stands for) are the two major shipping services here in the United States. On Friday, I ordered a new PocketPC, some extra flash memory, and a flash memory-to-USB adapter from New Egg. I knew that, in order to get the package here on time (I will be leaving for a [boring] trip early tomorrow morning and won't return until late Sunday night), I would need to use next day shipping (since it takes awhile for the shipping info to clear the New Egg office/warehouse). I saw about a 5 dollar difference between the UPS and FedEx next day options, so I thought "hey; a penny saved is a penny earned" and went with the cheaper; UPS. Early Monday, I recieved an email alerting me that my request was processed and had been shipped. However, here it is; the day after the package was shipped, and I still haven't gotten it! This has really served to infuriate me and spoil my day. I paid about $28 for something that would have cost around $5 to $10 in shipping and handling in order to get it on time, just to find out that the *bad word hoe* UPS didn't keep their side of the financial bargain to get me the package in the alotted time. I should have realised that one gets what one pays for, and that FedEx is naturally way better than UPS (FedEx has a habit of getting packages to their destinations ahead of time; pretty much every time), but regardless of my trying to take the more affordable route, UPS still should have gotten the package to me as I paid for. One thing is sure; it will be a cold day in Hell when I next use UPS to ship my purchases.UPS, in my mind, now stands for "Uncaring Postal Screwovers."If you ever require something to be shipped (and have a choice), listen to the word of the wise (so to speak) and go FedEx (an extra dollar or two is worth it)!

  5. There's nothing like a moron to brighten up one's day.

    People who don't know what they're doing should either ask for professional help, research the steps, or even better, "RTFM."

    On the other hand, some of the people who replied don't exactly sound like the sharpest tools in the shed, either. For example:

    ROFLMAO ROFLAMO!!!! Omg if you say is true your so dumb and so is your friend no offense lol.

    It's ironic that a person who has a worse grasp of grammar than a third grader would be commenting about a stupid mistake someone made ("you're so dumb and so is your friend... no offense"; do I smell contradiction?).

  6. I'm going to have to remember to give all the poor kids I see a glass of milk. That way, I'll be sure to be able to sucker my way out of all bills.It's a good story, but it's predictable, and I doubt it's true.And I wish that kid would lick that stupid milk mustache off his face. Seeing food/drink on someone's face like that just bugs the heck out of me...

  7. I'm a Firefox guy, myself. I love the features, the automatic ad-blocker (although it doesn't always block everything), and the overall security/features. I may give this "Maxthon" a try, but I would never go back to Internet Explorer, since it can be easily taken advantage of (with Active X conrols and the like), resulting in spyware that causes popups when the browser isn't even open (I can't stand that).

  8. It seems to me that colonization of Venus would be a step in the wrong direction (Mars would be best if we were trying to "escape the heat" so to speak). Besides, Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system (it's dense, toxic clouds trap in heat, so it's actually hotter than Mercury). It would be much easier to colonize Mars than Venus, even if venus is about the same size as Earth.

  9. OpaQue, for time travel you would need to be able to travel at the speed of light. And we already know that is not possible... yet...

    Who says one needs to travel at the speed of light? There is no solid evidence that time travel is even possible, let alone HOW to do it. Assuming that Gravity Physics may be the universe works, you may be right here, but since there's a lot of evidence suggesting that the universe works by Quantum Physics, then amazing things are possible, but not what you think (for example, one could teleport, but it only transports the properties of the atoms and not the atoms themselves [kind of like copying one file over another]), and it's suggested the the universe has alternative universes, and in each universe, small factors are different; including the timeline at which they exist at. So, one could jump through to an alternative universe that existed in a different time, but it wouldn't have any bearing on what happens in the universe the time traveller originated from (and there would be something different, whether it be big or small). It would be as if one could either walk through a long maze to enter a room, or just walk through the door to get to it). That would eliminate the possible time paradoxes that would exist if one would go "back in time" and would, for example, kill their mother.

    As was said, by the time the sun would begin to make Earth uninhabitable, humanity would have either advanced to a point where such an event would be insiginificant, or we would have ceased to exist (whether we "evolved" into something else, or were wiped out by either eachother or someone/something else).

  10. What about sex? Food? Beer?Seriously, though, as was mentioned, if life on Earth would die, it wouldn't happen in the snap of a finger. It would take time; a long, long time. For all we know, it's dying now, but that won't actually hurt US for dozens of generations to come, and considering how much humanity has advanced in technology in the last two centuries, I really wouldn't be surprised if we were able to colonize another planet, change the course of an impending asteroid, or even bend nature to our will. After all, science is merely the manipulation of nature; eventually we'll be able to completely manipulate it to do what we want (it may take hundreds of years, but it WILL happen, assuming we're still around). The only thing we really have to fear is ourselves (meaning war and weapons) but even with that, there will always be survivors. If a supervirus is released, there will be some who will be immune. If a gigantic bomb is dropped, there will always be some who will survive the blast. Besides, the world as a whole isn't stupid enough to risk humanity's entire existance over a dispute, and I doubt it ever will be. There may be wars, but I highly doubt there will ever be mass extinction of humans, unless it is carried out by someone or something else.As far as God goes, there is lots of evidence against it, and very little solid evidence for it. For example, carbon dating doesn't lie. Neither does the calculating of time via the depth of the Grand Canyon, for example. Things like this just can't be falsified worldwide; if scientists were lying about it for the sake of some agenda, there would surely be others who would expose it, but all we've got is a bunch of Bible-thumpers crying foul with no evidence aside from a book written thousands of years ago and put through dozens of translations, interpretations, and damages.

  11. It was partly a joke, partly an experiment for something else, which I'm trying now.Your signature's render is quite clear and clean, but it doesn't necessarily fit in very well with the background, since they use different shades of blue and don't blend together very well. Perhaps it would blend better if the background uses a more sky-blue color, instead of the water blue it's using now.

  12. Not exactly, Plenoptic; if the sun went behind a cloud and was moving at 1mph, you wouldn't actually see it go behind the cloud until nearly an hour afterward; our eyes see with light, so, for example, if one would look at a spotlight from a mile away, and the spotlight was then turned on, assuming that the light was moving at 1 mile per hour, you wouldn't actually see the light come on until an hour after it actually did.Selim, yes, the signal in fiber optic wires fades over time (it's impossible to create a 100% pure reflector), so there are amplifiers set up every seven to ten miles (I believe) to boost the signal and avoid data deterioration.This "light" computer certainly sounds like a sight to behold. If this method for storing/indexing/transfer via light was combined with a quantum processing method (using a qubit data system as well as the quantum processing), we could be looking at a computer that could do almost anything we humans could think to ask it to do fast enough that it would seem to happen instantly.

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