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Posts posted by FelixMercer

  1. Personally I like the entire Halo series and thought they were all great. I recently got Modern Warfare 2 and its a great game and better than halo in some aspects and worse in some.It all just depends and your likes and dislikes.The main things I like in a game beside graphics are the ability to drive vehicles frequently if you want to, the ability to shoot threw small walls to a extent, Being able to change the environment(Ex: blow a hole in a side of any wall and charge in), customize-ability if the game has classes, and finally good game modes.Bad Company has pretty much all of those and its a great game in my opinion.

  2. Have fun playing through it. If you need help getting achievements message me on the forums and I'll give you my gamer-tag.I still need to get Endure vidmaster challenge for playing firefight on heroic with 4 people while connected to x-box live.Or go threw a whole level without shooting a single shot or tossing 1 grenade.Also a good thing to do is collect the audio logs. If you get a certain number (15 I think) it unlocks all the weapons cashes in the game. They can be pretty useful since the usually have smgs, magnums, snipers, and most usefully a mongoose inside for fast traveling around the city.

  3. Well if you don't like the being robbed part in the game you could always download a mod to remove that.In my opinion all of the stalker games were great. I loved how in Clear Sky you could join a faction and help them expand or fight them with another faction. Also gamefaqs isn't always right because Ive gotten past the machine gun with only dieing like once on medium difficulty. All you need to do is stay behind cover and wait for when he starts reloading then make a run for the next rock or tree. If you went that way like your suppose to you get contacted by the trader who was in the first game and he gives you a quest for him and the stalkers under the bridge are friendly and let you past. Its also pretty awesome how you can join the Bandit or Military factions in the game if you talk to the right people. All in all it was a fun game to me, After I beat it I played the game with the mod that allows you to the leader of a faction and command troops.In conclusion if you like the first one and not the second one the third one will probably be a lot funner to you Ive played it start to finish and It has mostly the good feature of both games combined. And a nice interesting plot and side stories. And doesn't have any parts with something like the machine gun in the military base.

  4. This game was pretty good in my opinion it has lots of combat, good story, lots of secrets, and a side story.The only part of the game I disliked was the fact you had to go wander the streets and the limited number of marines in the game. I can live with not being able to drive a hornet or wraiths since you get to drive a banshee.But if you haven't played any halo game I would recommend you get Halo 3 over ODST.Also if anyone wants to play some firefight on ODST send me a message.

  5. You need to own at least one game with Source SDK and have played it once for Garry's mod to work.I thought this game was great and had lots of fun with it. I never got around to buying version 10, but I have played version 9 a lot.The also have a ton of mods and addons for basically anything in the forums.Such as a wilderness survival mode and Combine invasion maps.

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