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Everything posted by sharpie

  1. i now feel stupid for buying the wi-fi thingi am gonna show this to my lil cuz though, thanks!
  2. the xbox in my oppinion is best, because im biased towards it as its the console i play mostly
  3. Mafiacrime the best textbased game online, you can kill others online and gain points in order to level up etc there are allot of features, so you should check it out http://www.mafiacrime.org/ really fun!
  4. In byond, you can make your own, if you learn the easy to learn scripts. Or if you dont like scripting, you can play ones others have made, the games are fairly basic, but if you have the know-how, the possibiblities of the game is endless. some famous games people have made on the site are Dragonball Z style; Naruto style; pokemon; etc etc. the looks of most rpgs on the site look like the pokemon for the gameboy, you can add mini-quests, guilds, chat, and anything you want with the know-how. have a look, i play some of the games, they are really entertaining. http://www.byond.com/ download the game engine, and go to the game library on the site, you temporary download the game untill you quit. any more information just go to http://www.byond.com/
  5. to start off ill share minei got to 27 then got killed by a team mate, i was gutted and raging that i killed him back...
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