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Everything posted by alephalpha

  1. Just another comment on open-source marketing--I have seen more and more companies make some or all of their packages available under some open license but where they can make money is in consulting or providing support services to that product, and/or they do something like what was mentioned--Fedora, and have open-source for one level and cost for the next.
  2. Solar power has always been an intriguing idea; however, modern methods of usefully appropriating that power have been slow and expensive in such development-- probably because cheaper alternatives have prohibited the time allowed for sustained investigation. I have not done any research on the topic but that stars are potent and obvious resources that we should learn to appropriate, however, I do believe that there exist many other sources of energy more easily applied but not so easily understood. Just some thoughts about the sun: -It is interesting how solar emissions can be directly used as energy, as can be evidenced in biological processes.-It is also interesting that many elements are derived from solar dynamics and star formations/destructions (is this correct?)-Is it correct that the atom may resemble the systems of space?The idea of focusing solar emissions to amplify energy reception is a good idea but I think it is simply the next, more advanced form of solar power processing. Yet, it is a step that may have been needed to be done in addition to perhaps other similar yielding methods. Well, for me, one idea that I've had is that such a system of capturing solar emissions ( flares etc.), once created, could be put in place outside of Earth's atmosphere to better (?) capture the more abundant energy, and that the system to relay that energy to Earth would be of a type that converts such energy wirelessly to receiver stations on Earth. I do not think that such wireless transmission of energy/power is unheard-of. Another idea is to create organic apparatuses to directly convert sun energy, but I have no knowledge of such efficiencies. I believe that organic technology will be the apex of human engineering; thereafter, further evolution will not have a human element. In a side note, I think that there should be an education system on par with EU governance across the world, like the UC system in california or the UP system in paris. maybe?
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