I would defnitely have to say that the best role playing game i have ever played is world of warcraft.The sounds and the enviroment really make you feel like your in the game. Running thruogh the terain, and its just verey lively. Unlike most game there is no real grinding process to get to the maximum level. The only grinding is for higher end luxury items which are not needed at all. Thus allowing people who play once a week and 12 hours a day be at the same positionI really like their customer service also, gms contact you immediately, often reverse actions which are accidents. For 15$ its defnitely worth it.I've been playing it for an year and theres nothing better IMO, can't wait for wrath of the lich king to come out this year.The endgame is awsome too, i really like the concept of raiding.If anyone wants to look me up i play on <altar of storms> [uS][PVP]Lvl 70 Druid : azshalasLVL 70 Lock : maxpayne (my pvp guy!)