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Everything posted by psql

  1. Is there a God ? NO. Its impossible to explain to a believer in fairy tales why their imaginary friend doesnt exist so If you dont get it nothing i can write here will help you. Are there Alien life forms ? Yes.Reason for opinion.Conservatively are about a 100 Billion stars in our local galaxy the milky way. (yankee billion) Conservatively again there are a 100 billion galaxys. There are a lot more but nobody really knows how many more. But lets start very low with a 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars.We know about one star the sun . That one star has 10 planets. One of those planets has life on it. Even if you assume only a very tiny percentage of the stars in the Universe are like our star then statistically theres a lot of planets with life on out there.Will we ever meet any aliens ? - I hope notReason: if evolution shows one thing its that if a stranger ever comes knocking on your door if you dont kill him he will eventually kill you. Ask any native american, australian aborigine or british red squirrel.If they have the capability to get to our planet they will almost certainly have the capability to kill us all.
  2. Depends on what your current environment is where you are coming from and where you want to go. They are all robust capable databases but obviously even with support contracts PostgreSQL and MYSQL are a lot cheaper than Oracle to roll out. PostgreSQL is more enterprise capable (read highly robust reliable and scaleable) than MYSQL . Things like Skype runs on PostgreSQL and thats a big system. MySQL is pretty much installed on every webserver out there and ideal for those kind of apps. Perhaps skills are more generally available for mySQL but with PostgreSQL 8 thats changing.One of the issues most important and most ignored is normally what experience do you have in house and where are you starting from. Probably the biggest issue with the adoption of open source solutions in a company is migration of applications, data and skills from Oracle to either of the above open source products. Once you start assigning value to risk ond time and people an experienced Oracle DBA or Oracle salesman can start making open source seem very expensive to a CFO. If you are moving from Oracle there are options like PostgreSQL based EnterpriseDB which offer Oracle compatibility with PostgreSQL reliability and performance and allows lots of money saved and an easy entry into the open source space for an Oracle shop. If you are starting from scratch with nothing invested in skills or technologies today i'd go with PostgreSQL
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