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Posts posted by Miles

  1. I'm not sure, but judging from your code, this could be caused by not having the session_start() function at the top of the code. Put it to the top and post here with any more issues. Or, it could be that config.php has session_start() already in it and you're having it again, which causes warnings. If all else fails, it dosen't seem much more than a warning, so you could possibly have error_reporting(0); in it, which I believe stops warnings from coming up.

  2. I've never really used emulators much, the real thing is always far better. But hearing of this CherryOS thing angers me. I find it sickening that non - profit software can be taken in by commercialising capitalistic companies. Especially when it's barely changed by the company. Yet they get off with it because they have the money to invent their own truth and use lawyers to make everyone believe that truth. It's disgusting.

  3. I am 13 years old, so as a child, or technically teenager, I'd like to give my opinion.My father and mother only ever spanked me when I was under 7. After that, they stopped. And so far, I don't think it's made the slightest bit of difference without the threat of being spanked. Although I disagree with those who say that spanking is sexual harassment, that's ridiculous. I also disagree with those who think spanking is a good punishment. I'm not out of control, and I doubt I'll be out of control as an adult.

  4. True, although technically not a domain (rather a subdomain, .cc is a domain) it still allows you to have full control over it. You can have external nameservers or set your host's IP directly through their name servers, which brings it far beyond most free 'domains', and the only thing is that you have to place a small affiliate-style link image in your website footer, which is not a problem, since it's only 90x25 or something similiar to that size.

  5. If you're looking for a good program, I recommend going along my route, have a look at a HTML programming book ( I still remember looking over internet bible many years ago, around 2003), then learning more on the internet, and applying any previous coding knowledge to learn PHP. It worked for me, and I'm quite young. If you get the temptation to copy and paste, say, hex colours, or table coding, you should do it, because you'll learn how to do it that way eventually. The program you should use is notepad, or if notepad is buggy and messes up the layout of your php, wordpad. At most, use a syntax-highlighting editor, like notepad++, mentioned by some people here.

  6. I don't really care for tatoos myself, but getting a gun tatoo? I'd definately prefer something else, it's also extremely stupid for people to trace a gun for a tatoo, I'm sure a professional tatooist would have a premade image of a gun that he could tatoo on. I'd probably never get a tatoo though. Sounds too painful and permanent for my liking, if I wanted it off I'd need a skin graft!

  7. Ah, good old php 4. Ancient, but a very good version, one of the best ever in my opinion. Still, there is no problem with me having to upgrade. I recently upgraded my home server to the latest version of PHP, and it allowed me to do more. Most hosts, however, still run php 4. Good to see that Xisto have a relatively new version, not the latest, but still good.

  8. Windows Live Messenger? Meh. I have not used it for a great deal of time. I instead use trillian. Trillian is fully compatible with windows live messenger and can also connect to yahoo messenger, ICQ, aol messenger, and even IRC. All within one program. I see no reason to use windows live messenger when other programs have that kind of features. Worse still for live messenger, it's a good program if you wish to pick up viruses. I went back to using it several months ago and instantly recieved a virus. The virus was drivecleaner, a phoney spyware removal program. And it eventually led up to me having to format my computer.Nice looks are no match for security.

  9. A text based game is not likely to demand much bandwith. Xisto I'm sure would be a great host for your game, due to it's rarely having downtime and the fact that it's free, unless your game became massive and over several thousand people started playing, in which case you'd need to buy paid hosting. Or you could use a dedicated server which is probably the best option, although that would cost a lot and dedicated servers tend to require configuration before usage, which could take a good deal of time and effort.

  10. My school runs websense, which seems pretty much to be the standard in all of scotland, or at least all the highland schools. Unfortuantely, this school set it up badly and now it blocks any site the school haven't added to approval. Worst of all, my previous host wasn't blocked, and since it works by means of domain names, I decided to set up a proxy there for personal use, and it worked on a test computer that I installed filtering software on. Those people who used to host me somehow discovered my proxy, and proceeded to delete my account.Now I've given up. I'll just ask the IT admin to add my own forum, which is all I wish to access.

  11. The basics I learned many years ago from looking at an old book, called the Internet Bible. It covered your simple images, frames, and links, and a little of tables but nothing of css (it was a very old book). More recently, around early 2007 I started to get serious and run my own website and forum. Strangely enough, I learnt PHP far quicker than html, despite what people say that html must be known to do good PHP. I suppose that was because of my experiance in Visual basic 6. Anyways, with PHP I rapidly learnt HTML, mostly out of necessity. First thing I used for making, say, sidebars was an Iframe. After that I started using invisible tables. Only recently did I phase that out of my coding techniques and started using DIVs and CSS.

  12. Microsft are buying out yahoo for the purpose of enlargening their already massive monopoly on many things, especially on the internet. Yahoo I have never really liked as a search engine and didn't use it, but it would be sad to see them lost to microsoft. But that's what big businesses do. Try and eliminate the competition, and if they can't, buy them out and pull code from the company they bought out's services, then dissolve anything to do with the bought-out company.

  13. Ah, Hamachi. Reminds me of something that happened many months ago. I used to visit MMORPG private servers, however since stopped due to their illegality. Anyways, I'll go on. The particular MMORPG was very popular for private servers, complete idiots even ran them! All it took was downloading a program and running said program after editing a little HTML. People apparently didn't know how to portforward and make their private server publically accessable, so they turned to hamachi to make it easier. In that way, by allowing complete strangers access to their network, they compromised security. My last main use of hamachi was several months ago. I had an old 1997 game that I wanted to play with a friend on the internet. It didn't have an online play option, so we used hamachi to make it work.It's a pretty good piece of software, and far easier than setting up a VPN.

  14. I suggest you use a real parition program, like partition magic. The one coming with the Windows XP cd isn't very good, where as partition magic has provided me great service for many years, I was very young when I started using it. If you have the multi boot program called hyperos it includes partition magic on it's cd. If not you can get it and put it on a floppy drive.Read a tutorial online and you should find out how to use it.

  15. I do not remember any previous hosts that I used that closed down. However, I had a very bad experiance with two. My first, freehostia, was OK for a while but then excessive downtime irritated me. Then the next, Core-Fusion. The first blow with it was not being able to make subdomains despite is saying I could. That was fixed. Next problem was they switched their service to work differently. Originally they gave you hosting points based on how long your post was, then they changed it to how many posts you made. The final blow was them now switching me over to a different page giving me numerous unfilled promises.Interestingly, a site that's owner hadn't posted on their forums for many months is still running.

  16. Ah, FPS Creator. In late 2006 and early 2007 I was always trying to program games. Usually they were 3rd person RPG's, however one time I decided to try and make an FPS. It was easier than you'd think. This program I also tried at a time close to what I previously mentioned. It's easier than programming from scratch, but the engine is hard to work with. You'd be better off just making your own FPS engine in gamemaker or if you are experianced, C++.

  17. I cannot access my site. Nor can I access any of it's subdomains, but I can access the cpanel (through the server IP) and the site through the server ip followed by ~miles. I believe this may be related to the namesevers in some way, as I have proven that the site hasn't been suspended or anything. Can someone investigate? My cPanel username is miles and domain is sonic-deck.uni.cc

  18. 65MPH? That's not exactly high speed. I'm pretty sure people can touch 70MPH on the motorway. I had a look at the specifications, aside from the low speed it seems pretty good. 56 Miles to a (British) Gallon is a good figure for fuel effiancy, and it seems to be able to speed up in a relatively small amount of time, especially considering the size. And the cost is amazing. I have never seen a car before that was new and would cost less than £1500, unless it was sold before inflation decreased value.

  19. I have heard of much fear of the number 13. I do not know much , but I understand why people fear friday the 13th. It comes from two bad things, a number and a day of the week:Friday was the day when Jesus was supposedly crucified, understandably christians seem to dislike that day.13 could be this, 12 is considered a 'completion' number, as in the twelfth month of the year is the last. 13 could be viewed as irregular or odd due to coming after 12.Combining both of those could lead to something bad. I'm guessing that is the origin of the superstition.

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