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Posts posted by Miles

  1. Hello,On my website and forum, SDeckNET, the mySQL database is not working. I get the error "mySQL error: Got error 28 from storage enginemySQL error code: Date: Wednesday 02nd 2008f July 2008 05:33:53 AM"from my forum. From what I know, error 28 means I'm out of disk space, how can this be? I was never told of a mySQL space limitation and all these cases of downtime are destroying my site's memberbase.EDIT:It now seems PhpMyAdmin is down too, with the error: "Warning: session_write_close() [function.session-write-close]: SQLite: session write query failed: database is full in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php on line 42Warning: session_write_close() [function.session-write-close]: Failed to write session data (sqlite). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/var/cpanel/userhomes/cpanelphpmyadmin/sessions/phpsess.sdb) in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php on line 42Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php:42) in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php on line 99"

  2. Triple, or quadruple monitors seems a bit much. I use a laptop, and when I'm doing anything related to photography, I switch on an external monitor which works with the lapotop screen to give me more space. I usually maximise a program like GIMP on the external monitor, and also use the external monitor to test how my web design looks at other screen resolutions, which is useful and easier and quicker than changing my screen resolution on my laptop screen.

  3. I don't see much, or really anything significant that is different from other free online file hosts/backup places. The only reason one may want to use this is because most people have an MSN account (or windows live account, whatever it is called now). Aside from that, whilst 5 gigabytes of storage space is quite good, I don't like these online file hosting sites because they are slow and using a more traditinal method, such as burning files to a CD or DVD is easier, quicker, and less hasslesome.

  4. Astahost is a very reliable company and hosting providor and I doubt they sold your address. It's possible that those spammers are using a system that runs through every possible address and sends when possible. Xisto wouldn't sell your email address. And I don't think there was a database compromise either. The SQL errors were probably due to IPB breaking down. It happened on a forum I visited for a long time.

  5. Limewire in itself is not illegal; it is only illegal when people download copyrighted music not licensed for distribution that is hosted by someone. This of course does not apply to some music, such as when the author gives permission for redistribution or it is licensed under an open-source license, like creative commons. MY opinion is that the RIAA has no right to prosecute limewire. They try their best to avoid copyright breaching, however, the riaa is of course greedy and wants as music money as possible, even if they sacrifice fairness.

  6. I remember reading this, back in 2005. I find it hard to believe. Not eating or drinking for 50 hours? What an idiotic person. I'd expect him to be in terrible pain before his death. I admit, I've used the computer before when I've had headaches, but not usually with anything other than light headaches. I'm surprised he got off with this at the cyber-café I believe it was he was playing the game at. They should've unplugged at night.

  7. Scientology is a false religion for me. No offense, but I'm just telling the truth. Just look at the scandals that involves their organization.

    We aren't the only people who think this, too. Apparently some people at other sides of the internet, namely the group anonymous, are protesting against the church of scientology outside their offices and hacking their website.Perhaps they should cease this silly religion now and stop a lot of trouble.

  8. Hello,Several times today I have tried to use the "View new posts" page. Every time I try, this messae comes up: "IPS Driver ErrorThere appears to be an error with the database.You can try to refresh the page by clicking here"Can this be fixed? I like to go through the new posts to find one suitable to comment on.Thanks in advance.

  9. Hello,When I first started using GIMP, it took me a while to figure it out, and I made a few mistakes. Well, here's a tutorial so others won't! Although, you will need some VERY basic knowledge of the gimp, ie placing text and choosing a colour. Anyway;1) Create a new image. Any size is ok.2) Put in some text of your choice. Now, select the text, and using the text tool, click the button marked "Path from Text".3) Now, make a new transparent layer.4) Selecting the new transparent layer, make sure it is below the text layer, and then use the select menu's from path option.5) Select menu -> click the grow option, and enter in a number of pixels.6) Fill the selection with the colour of your choice.And voila! You have a text outline!

  10. So I suppose pointing out that each of those only has 4 syllables would be a bit irritating, then? :)

    The first is easy enough to fix, just change "bidding's" to "bidding is". The second I guess would be "the hand turns around".

    Oops, I didn't notice. I can fix them soon though.

  11. Hello,Haiku is an ancient form of japanese poetry. It follows a 5-7-5 structure: that is, the first line has 5 syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the last line has 5 syllables. It requires what a person is saying to be condensed down to it's pure essency. Here are two I wrote:EBAY:I bid on ebayBuy it now or wait untilbidding's overCLOCK (this is very random, dosen't make much sense):The clock looks funnyIt has a freaky numberThe hand turns round

  12. As far as i know there is no way to perform that, what you can do is to obfuscate the html code by encrypt it, about the php code you can use an encoder to encode your code prior to distribute them to your client.
    One php encoder that i know and you can use is PHTML Encoder, comes in two versions -free and pro- and the free one is available to download from here. You can use this with all versions of PHP between 4.0.6 and 5.2.4.

    Best regards,

    Obfuscating HTML coding is not particularly useful. Whilst changing the names of elements can be frustrating to people who want to steal, it won't stop them, just like javascript based html 'encoders'. As for PHP encoding, it's only really useful to prevent hack attacks on site's by encrypting the coding, for scripts that will be redistributed it is an annoyance and will deter users.

  13. If your old host cannot recover from a hacker attack within 24 hours, it's just a very poor quality one. I suggest switching to a new host, like Xisto. Anyways, get an SQL backup and any other files you need (skins, etc) and upload them to your new host, and restore the SQL backup there. Edit the configuration file to the new host's details, and you're done.

  14. I myself started with VBScript, a cut down version of Visual Basic. I learnt it by following tutorials in a magazine I read called computer shopper (the British Computer Shopper, not the american one) and soon moved on to real Visual Basic, visual basic 6 to be precise. I learnt it well, and by then had a good understanding of how programming works and so on. I tried out other languages, and eventually found one I liked most: PHP, a web scripting language. I suggest you do exactly what I've done, as it works perfectly, though in some cases, the languages I've used could be swapped for different ones.

  15. Depends on what country you're in, nearly all european countries have football. Being Scottish, I mainly support the Glasgow Rangers, and I feel like telling a little story here. When my father was younger, his friends supported another team also called rangers. He misinterpreted this and assumed they supported Glasgow Rangers, and as he was neutral with football at the time, he decided to support rangers. As is common within families, I followed him and started supporting rangers.

  16. Haven't finished writing it out yet. By the way, there is more below.
    You are now going to create the main files: index.php. This contains nearly all the coding for the forum. You will place the following within it:

    <?php$name =  $_COOKIE['username_cb'];if ( $name == "" ) {$name="Guest";}//---------------------------------------------------------// Include all necessary files and find the requested page//---------------------------------------------------------include "conf.php";//---------------------------------------------------------// Prepare a few things//---------------------------------------------------------$page = $_GET['p'];  if ($page==""){$page = main;}switch ($page) {//---------------------------------------------------------// Show the list of forums//---------------------------------------------------------case "showforums":echo "<table width=\"90%\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\"><tr><td width=\"6%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#E6E6E6\"><strong>#</strong></td><td width=\"76%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#E6E6E6\"><strong>Forum</strong></td><td width=\"18%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#E6E6E6\"><strong>Last Topic</strong></td></tr> ";$sql="SELECT * FROM forums ORDER BY id ASC";// Now to get the forums list done$result=mysql_query($sql);while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">".$rows['id']."</td><td align=\"left\" valign = \"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><B><a href=\"index.php?p=showtopics&id=". $rows['id'] ."\">". $rows['name'] ."</a></b><BR>". $rows['desc'] ."</td><td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">".$rows['lastpost']."</td>"; }//Join it all upecho "</table>";break;}?>
    More parts of this tutorial coming soon!

  17. The UN Human Rights Council said the UK must "consider holding a referendum on the desirability or otherwise of a written constitution, preferably republican".
    The council has 29 members including Saudi Arabia, Cuba and Sri Lanka.

    It was the Sri Lankan envoy who raised concerns over the British monarchy.

    The resulting report said Britain should have a referendum on the monarchy and the need for a written constitution with a bill of rights.

    The monarchy costs each adult in Britain around 62p a year but even groups representing taxpayers said there was no case for getting rid of it.

    Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said: "With so many human rights abuses around the world the UN should be busy reporting on issues of starvation, execution and the denial of the vote to huge numbers of people around the world.

    "Saudi Arabia and Cuba should pay a little more attention to their own human rights record."

    The UN report was also critical of the UK's treatment of immigrants from Sudan.

    Syrian representatives accused the UK of discriminating against Muslims and Iran complained about the UK's record on tackling sexual discrimination.

    A royal source said: "People here certainly haven't detected any appetite for a referendum. The Queen is a focus for national unity, identity and pride."

    From the telegraph. I find it rather hard to believe that the UN is concerned about our monarchy. Strangely enough, Saudia Arabia has a monarchy themselves, and their one is an absolute monarchy, completely different to britain's monarch, who is essentially a figurehead without real power. I don't see how it concerns the UN. If anything, it shows that they are becoming useless. I think that this shows that the UN are no longer being of much use to the countries of it. I think that the British ambassador to the UN should repeat Oliver Cromwells words to the rump parliament; "You have sat too long for any good you have been doing! Depart, I say; and let us have done with you! In the name of God, go!".

  18. It depends on what you want, really. The best free one in my opinion is AVG anti-virus in my opinion, as it's fast, easy to sue, and best of all, free. McAfee, I find, is one of the worst anti-virus softwares availible. It is slow, uses up a lot of ram, takes ages to load, treats the user like an idiot, and worst of all, once, when I was using the program WPE, a packet logger, to test one of my programs, it gone and deleted WPE without my permission, saying a "threat" had been "cured". Norton is slightly better, but still poor. Other smaller anti-virus programs are usually okay.

  19. Ah, these "complete some offers and we'll give you a domain" sites. I've tried some before, whilst some people with good levels of sanity will find it ok to go around completing the registrations and whatnot, I find it boring. I also tried a site called valued opinions which claimed to offer you money for talking surveys, I never did recieve the £5 that was promised. Another problem which has to be considered is spamming. A lot of these sites DO give you the free domains that they promise, but in many cases they also sell your email address to spammers, resulting in large amounts of spam email coming into your inbox. Thanks to my silliness in using my normal email address to sign up to some of these sites, I get 50 emails a day, most of which are spam. All in all, unless you use an alternative email address and have a lot of free time, these services are not worth the bother.

  20. Ignoring the fact that windows has more software and going down to the core, Linux is a definite winner. Windows is buggy, slow, and crash-prone, whereas this is less common in linux distros. What's more, Windows is commercial software, and as well as commercial software costing money, it's not as fun and enjoyable when a company shoves legalities in front of your eyes. MacOS is second best, in my opinion. It's cheaper than windows, less prone to crashes, and more enjoyable., as well as looking very pleasent. However, MacOS has less backwards compatibility, which is annoying in many cases, as well as that, it uses a very weird system for GUI applications.

  21. In my opinion, opera is the best. I at first used Internet Explorer 6 when I started using the internet, as I did not know of any other browsers. I then switched to firefox which I found a very good browser, however, in October 2007, it glitched up and opened the floodgates to hundreds of infections into my machine. I took a desperate measure at that time, using a windows XP restore CD at risk of losing everything, including my data partition, fortunately that didn't happen, anyway, I stopped using firefox after this, and tried the then-new safari for windows browser, which was irritating and constantly changed the window size, along with other irritations. I then downloaded opera, which I found the perfect browser, and have been using for 9 months, on both my windows and linux partitions.

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