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A W K1405241550

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Posts posted by A W K1405241550

  1. I had trouble when I first started my first website at first too. I started off using HTML. It's good for basic web design and easy-to-remember codes. You can find some basic html design on w3schools. When I had my website, I turned to them for many things that I forgot (in different programming languages).If you want a good software to use, you can use mysql. Mysql is easy and it doesn't take much effort to make a good website.

  2. hi.. somebody can tell me what program i can use to make a good game.. on-line??
    like.. MU, ragnarock, battlefield....... somebody please tell me.. thanks...


    I use a free program called Xtremeworlds. It makes a good 2d game with lots of sprites and areas already created for you, all you have to do is tweak some things you want. Its online and enjoyable but i'm not sure if its the kind of source you're looking for.

  3. The one that surprised me is when you lick a stamp and gain 1/10 of a calorie. Interesting. I also think its interesting that our teeth is hard as rocks. I knew they were hard, but jeesh. I never though Flamingos could only eat with their heads upside down, it must be a digestive problem. But then again, we have google. And banging your head on a wall uses 150 calories an hour...I'd pass out before the first 5 minutes.

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