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Everything posted by RedWaffle

  1. Korean government announced the second summit between the two divided Koreas will be held on Aug. 28. For the summit, Roh, president of South Korea will visit the North Korean capital for three days.North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency also announced at the same time that the two Koreas are to hold a preparing meeting of the summit in the North Korean border city of Kaesong.The two countries last held the first summit in June 2000, when Mr. Kim met then South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung in Pyongyang. Though the two nations remain technically at war because their 1950s conflict ended only in a truce. This summit is expected to make an end of the state of the war.
  2. It's amazing what some people will sell. But it's even more amazing what people will buy. The weirdest thing I've seen was a picture of an extremely old man being cut in half with a butter knife.
  3. Science can only prove so much. Their are many things that can't be explained. That's were religion comes in. Religion helps to explain the unexplainable. Though the Big Bang Theory best describes what happened to create the universe:The Big Bang is a cosmological model of the universe whose primary assertion is that the universe started from a tremendously dense and hot state, and has been expanding ever since. The term is also used in a narrower sense to describe the fundamental 'fireball' that erupted at or close to time t=0 in the history of the universe.Observational evidence for the Big Bang includes the analysis of the spectrum of light from galaxies, which reveal a shift towards longer wavelengths proportional to each galaxy's distance in a relationship described by Hubble's law. Combined with the assumption that observers located anywhere in the universe would make similar observations (the Copernican principle), this suggests that space itself is expanding. Extrapolation of this expansion back in time yields a state in the distant past in which the universe was in a state of immense density and temperature. This hot, dense state is the key premise of the Big Bang. Observations now place the age of the universe at around 13.7 billion years.Theoretical support for the Big Bang comes from mathematical models, called Friedmann models, which show that a Big Bang is consistent with general relativity and with the cosmological principle, which states that the properties of the universe should be independent of position or orientation.
  4. 6 out of 10. It's one of the best engines out there, but it still has its issues. It tends to give me almost completely irrelevant hits that will repeat for several pages. I agree that the automatic language translator is funny. It's the main problem of direct translations. The grammar never makes sense, and sometimes words aren't even in the correct context.
  5. Scientist these days really must have too much time on their hands. Why can't they be off inventing a cure for cancer instead of making things levitate?
  6. Personally, I wasn't aware that the sticker exsisted on my laptop. The more you know I guess.
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