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baby bear

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Posts posted by baby bear

  1. I am very much catholic. I believe in their teachings but I just don't find any sense in the fact that "god created everything" expecialy when there is proof of evolution. now I'm not being uncatholic or anything like that. I still believe in god, I still believe in the teachings of him and, I still go to church and pray to him. to me it doesn't matter wether or not I believe that he created everything, it matters that I believe in him and worship him. am I correct??

  2. Look at what your typing.......This is what you said: "Ummm you find it ridiculous for a human being (a man in particular), to be brainwashed, yet you believe in an all mighty god that supposedly created everything (who created him/her/it?) with no proof of it being even remotely possible......"Now Mr. Chesso, I don't remember ever saying about that I believed god created everything. I believe in Charles Darwings ( the guy who founded EVOLUTION ) theries. I DO BEILIEVE IN GOD but I don't believe he created everything. Because if he created everything then we would all start out as human beins, not as cavemen. But yet there is scientific proof of cave men and their evolution into what we are today. So before you start typing you had better know what your talking about. OK? Geeeeeesh. :P

  3. Ummm you find it ridiculous for a human being (a man in particular), to be brainwashed, yet you believe in an all mighty god that supposedly created everything (who created him/her/it?) with no proof of it being even remotely possible......
    Riiiigghhttttttt, that's some great logic there lmfao!!!!!

    "a man in particulare" what the heck?? does it matter if it's a guy or girl?? lol.

    and I never said that I believe that god created everything. I believe in the teachings of Charles Darwin.

    lol....way to make yourself look stupid. :P

  4. my sister had sex with a man named mark. he had something I don't remember what it's called but when I do i'll post it. but anyways she had a kid with the man and now her kid has it. her kids name is drea. he's mentaly retarted and he has the condition also and almost all people who get it die in the their late 20s or early 30s. drea will die before my sister will. now drea suffers because mindy didn't have an abortion because people kept telling her that she would go to hell if she had an abortion.

  5. Yeah, this is very interesting. I've seen many people do this (youtube) but instead of placing the Mentos one by one, they tie it into something similar to a necklace of Mentos. After that, they drop it all at once and the fizz squirts out. I want to try it out as well.
    I think it requires regular Mentos and Diet Coke. I'm not sure.

    I don't really remember if we did it with diet cola or regular cola. mabey it was diet?? idk.

  6. ok but see the reason why I didn't want to write too much is because we started this subject in our school and I became very argumentitive regarding this subject and it lasted about a month before the teachers put a stop to the subject. ok so here it goes. I am pro abortion because sometimes there are sertain sircumstances where it would be best for the parents and possibly for the child. like if the parents are poor and can't afford to have a child. or if the mom has a sertian health condition where it would effect the child.

  7. I got 7 stitches today on my right arm. I've never had stitches and I was just wondering if any of you know how to take care of them??? like are you suppost to clean out the cut adn if so the with what?? and when can I take them out or do I go to the doctors to take them out?I would have asked my doctor about this but I was too woried about him sticking a needle in me and stitching me up. it was so grose. yuckie!!!

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Topic title modified.

  8. Should abortion be permitted?
    I don't think so. First because abortion is like killing someone. Killing a child, exactly. Killing a child without his/her consent. I don't think that is right.

    Firstly, if the parents decided to have children, they should have prepared for the children. How would they support the baby if they can't support themselves? The child did not ask to be brought into this world. He/She was brought into this world because of the parent's choices, and now the parent's would just dispose of the child? Sexual intercourse is not just an activity for fun, it includes the chance of having a child. It isn't the parent's choice to have an abortion or not. It isn't their life that they are choosing, its the child's.

    Second, the child has its own life. It was hand-selected by God because it was the most fertile and best sperm and egg cells of the parents. When you kill the baby, what happens then? You just wasted God's blessing, and killed someone.

    I think there should be a law about abortion. It isn't right.

    I know there are very strong opinions regarding this and I don't even know if I want to voice mine. so all I'm going to say is I'm pro abortion.

  9. I heard that if you placed mentos into a bottle of diet coke it would create a fountain effect. When I tried this I got covered in coke because of the speed of the reaction. Luckily no sugar means it does attract as many bugs. After this I wondered for a while what exactly is the chemical reaction that takes place between a mentos mint and diet coke. If anyone knows please post. It would be interesting if this only worked with diet coke.
    One more thing, I have also heard that a group of people created a video with several hundred of these "fountains" going off in a specific order to create a very unique affect. If anyone knows were this can be found please post that as well.

    it's the carbonation. the mentos have little open pockets all over the outer shell of them, and when they come in contact with the carbonated water and caffine in the soda then a reaction happens with the mentos. and lots of little bubbles starts being released from the pockets in the shell of the mentos, and the mentos go pretty much crazy, they release so many bubbles they don't have time to settle down and they burst out of the coke bottle.

    I have tryed this experements with my friends for the forth of july and it takes 3-4 mentos to have this reaction happen. and it takes a 2 liter of coke. ( this only happenes with coke not any other carbonated soda ).

    so try it and see what happens. it's fun actualy. just remember to bring an unbrella if your going to be the person to drop in the mentos.

  10. Possibly a new theme or color. Whatever you call it. Its really, really plain. Its not too bad though. I have no experience with it, but I have heard it is a pain getting the forum set up, so good job. :P

    thank you! it is really hard. but me and another admin are going to make a new forum and it's just going to be us running the show. the admin before me were the ones who screwed up the forum. I feel bad because now I can't get it up and running again.
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