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  1. Just curious, but how would you know if I had the distribution rights? Not saying I am going to pretend I do, just asking?
  2. Alright. Would I be allowed to put some MP3s on here and make it a little music player?
  3. I doubt its real. It does look REALLY cool. Check out this video... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This one is kinda cool. I am not sure these videos are real though. I hate people that make fake videos.
  4. Sorry, but I had to vote for GatorHost. I currently have hosting with them and they have WAY more web space and bandwidth than Xisto. I have nothing against Xisto, but I prefer GatorHost. BTW: I AM working on getting hosting from Xisto to store files and have a music player.
  5. Yeah. I am sure someone will have the money. I don't really understand why you wouldn't just buy another hard drive for about $50. Oh well. People are stupid.
  6. Uhm...I would have to say it depends on what kind of game your looking for. If you want a fast paced game, you could get Halo or Halo 2 for PC. I have also heard a lot of good things about the new CounterStrike: Source. If your looking for a system game, in my opinion Gears Of War for XBox 360 is definetly one of the best games you can get if your looking for good online play. Gears of War is a 3rd person shooter, so it might take a little time to get used to the look of it, but its overall a good game. It is supposed to be coming out for PC soon as well. I hope this helps.
  7. Looks like another thing that I might want to try. I will head over there and sign up now. It looks really cool!
  8. I might try this out. This is looking pretty cool. I will let you guys know any other Pros or Cons that I find.
  9. Just make sure you don't look at some of my achievements...There are certain ones, that I get made fun of for a lot...
  10. In that case, I don't need hosting. I need another reason to need hosting. I was gonna make a small Warez site. Something like Blackbay or Warez-BB, only it would be smaller. EDIT: NO ILLEGAL LINKING ALLOWED, EDIT BY XBOXRULZ
  11. Thanks! I will try that sometime. That could be helpful!
  12. No! I was NOT planning on hosting illegal programs on Xisto. It would basically be FILLED with links to programs. I was also wondering it I could use it as just a directory to store files. That would be REALLY awesome. It could save me so much HD space! My HD is only 80 GB, so I need space to store my stuff.
  13. I am a 1337 chains4w n00b! I will play with you on gears sometime. My headset broke and I don't know how soon I will be getting another one. Playing without a headset kinda sucks.
  14. You guys saying its simple it making me feel stupid. I can't figure it out. I have no idea what I am doing. I will probably figure it out eventually!
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