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Shadow Guardian

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  1. I have one, and I can tell you now, there is not a PC that your average human being can afford that is as reliable as a Mac. Trust me I speak from experience, I have had a computer before, I sold my new dual core just to get a iMac, because I was tired of always having to have super firewalls on that blocked both what I didn’t want and what I wanted, spending endless hours resetting things to make sure it worked just right, and heck I don’t care what they say when it comes to multimedia, especially sound and video editing, a Mac is a must. I personally prefer to limit my digital art to images. Since lets face it I cannot play a musical instrument.But for anyone out there who is sceptical of a Mac, at least give it a try. Unless you’re a Linux user there is a 99% chance you would convert to a Mac as soon as possible. The reason I do not include Linux users in that is because I happen to know programmers and the like love their Linux for it’s customizability and independence from Microsoft so they are quite loyal. Nothing wrong with that. However Mac OS Jaguar… that is something else all together… lets be honest here… Microsoft’s Windows Vista is a rip off, it slows down your pc, takes up a chunk of memory, and wastes hard drive space and your time. Sure it looks flashy and has a few nice gadgets, but it’s nothing you could not download from online long before it came out. I had to have a programmer friend of mine cut out half the program coding to remove all the “useless” gunk in that operating system just so it would stop annoying me with this and that request to update. My windows 2007 Word and Excel files were not even compatible with the older versions, now how sad is that?If you want an operating system that has flair, flexibility, style, sustainability (as in it does not require a million and one constant updates), manageability and of course improved time saving through it’s advanced design (which lets face it Vista is pretty much the same as XP but with more buttons to push and a pretty Theme) Mac OS Jaguar is a must have.So to the person who started this forum I have to say… 10 out of 10 for good system taste
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