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Unregistered 0111405241546

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Posts posted by Unregistered 0111405241546

  1. Sounds okay, I might try it out. I'm a member on another survey panel, they email me every month or so about a survey that I already qualified for, because I post my profile on their site (it's private) and I already made $53 on just two surveys, it's really great because I'm on the computer anyways, might as well turn it into cash :P And they don't spam your inbox too, which is a bonus.

  2. I used to use Azureus for torrents, but now I use uTorrent. For some reason I get 200-300 more kbs. Like people have said, it's really light too. But if your connection is fast no matter what, I would use Azureus because it has a lot of nice features, like the download bar. You don't have to keep checking the window if your torrent is done. I don't like the newest Azureus beta because it has that built in download thing that is similar to limewire, but doesn't have a very good selection.

  3. Well sometimes I get downtime for about 10-20 minutes. I'm not able to load my website or Xisto.com. I'm not sure if it's only me or everybody gets that. But it does say in my cpanel when the server is last booted, and it always says like a month ago. It happens to me maybe once a week.

  4. I actually have no problems with the credit system here, I never have really really short posts, because most of the time I have a bunch of things to say, so I get 1-2 credits per post sometimes. But if I do have something short to say, I tend to extend it more by giving examples or something to prove my point. If everybody got tons of credits though per post, then this board would be totally dead, with nobody posting.

  5. I don't see what is so bad about the iPod shuffle, a lot of people don't like it because it has no screen. Honestly, if you like every song your shuffle, then it shouldn't matter what you are listening to because you like that song. If you don't like a song, then don't put it on your shuffle. I didn't like the thought of having no screen at first, but I'm trying to collect every single iPod, so I bought a shuffle off my friend, and it's really great. The battery lasts a very long time, it's compact, and a 1 gig shuffle holds more songs than a 1 gig nano. I have a 5G iPod video, a 1G nano, and a 1G nano, and a 1G shuffle. I really like how when you plug in your iPod shuffle, it automatically randomly selects songs from your play list or library and it takes the music off your shuffle and replaces it, so you will always have different songs on your iPod, and it's always a surprise.

  6. Most of the time when I edit things I just use notepad, and change something, then upload it, and if's wrong I change it again in notepad and upload it again.. But lately I've been using dreamweaver 8, I've had it but never really used it. I only use because it shows what it looks the website looks like, I don't use all the fancy bells and whistles that it comes with. It's really easy to use though if I wanted to design my whole website in dreamweaver.

  7. I don't think I'm ever going to buy a iphone, only it becomes cheaper, maybe.. I don't even have a regular cellphone. If I did buy an iphone though, sometime this year, I don't think I would keep it for the 2 years of the contract. I'd probably sell it. Most likely Apple would come out with the second version of the iphone, and it will be even better. I might wait till the second version of the iPhone to buy the first version of the iPhone, because it will be cheaper. They already found a way how to activate the iPhone without using their service. I could just get a iPhone off ebay, and get a cheap regular phone with a plan and switch the sim cards.

  8. I don't really see the point of this, the battery runs out, and you can't see your photo.. If you just used a regular photo it would be there forever.. Plus this one looks ugly and from the looks of it, it looks plastic. Same thing with some digital photo frames I've seen. You can make a mini slide show in the photo frame.. it kind of seems useless. Traditional photos are way better, and are cheaper.

  9. That's good news, I've had a lot of friends who have got the ring of death, and had to pay over a hundred dollars to get it fixed my microsoft, I was thinking about buying a xbox 360 but I was worried I'd get the over heating issue. Most of my friends xboxs died after they had played halo for a whole night or a really long period of time, but the xbox should be able to handle that..

    I found this video where this guy cooked an egg on his xbox with the ring of death Haha. click me

  10. I bought sims 2 a couple of years ago when it first came out, for about 80 dollars, but unfortunately I thought I could run it on my computer with only minimum requirements.. I bought the special dvd edition too. It's really choppy on my computer and slow so I haven't really played it on my computer for more than 10 minutes. So I have a basically new sims 2 game as a paperweight lol. I've played sims 2 on my friends machine, and it's really good squeal to the first game, the graphics are improved so much, and there is a lot of new features. I really like how if you have a kid, they will grow up to be an adult. Because in the first one I hate how if you made your own character it stays a kid. Also I like in the special edition, there is a lot of videos come up when you do things. And you can also make your own videos. Just like any other sim game though, it gets repetitive and it gets kind of boring because you're doing the same things.. but then I buy new expansions and it's fun again. The only sim game that doesn't get really boring is Sims online, but it 's kind of pricey for monthly payments.

  11. I like the new Cpanel 11 theme, but I honestly don't care how Cpanel looks, as long as it still has the same things, and it works, It doesn't really matter to me.

    Oh and one question, is it just me or does changing the color doesn't work? I tried changing colors to rvgreen the other day and it says

    Error!! Missing WHM Remote Access Key.

    Is changing the color disabled?

  12. That's for sharing that. Both my brothers started playing runescape and for one of the quests shield of arrav, they need to trade the halfs of the shields, and you can't drop trade them. I just tried it and it works, it's a bit slow, but it's better than nothing. I used to play runescape classic, and you used to be able to just make a new window and it worked. I remember trying to open a new window and play with two characters on rs2, and it says somebody with the same ip address is logged on, and it wouldn't login, I wonder why it works now..

  13. If I were to have my own forum, I would chose SMF. It's easy to install and it's not very complicated for admins. Well for me at least, I know a lot of people who have a hard time installing SMF fourms.. I would defiantly pay for my own dedicated hosting if I were actually into making a really good forum with lots of members. I've found that when there is a lot of ad's it attracts less people, so I would pay for no ad's. It might cost a lot but in the long run, but if it becomes a successful active community then it would be totally worth it.

  14. I've used both Kaspersky and Norton, and I would say that Kaspersky is way better. I got a virus once, and I knew I got it, and scanned my shared desktop with Norton, and it came out with nothing, the scanned it with Kaspersky and it found and deleted it.. My computer has Norton installed on it because my ISP provides free Norton a subscription for ever, so my dad put it on, and took off Kaspersky. I don't personally just trust once anti-virus program on my computer, so I always at least install two programs on my own computer it's more safe.

  15. I only spend a few hours day, I used to be glued to the computer, but now I find it's pretty boring unless I actualy have work to do, I hardly play any games on the computer. Mostly I check my email, facebook, update my blog, post of some fourms and that's about it. Or I fix up some of my photos to put on my blog, or fix up my site in dreamweaver. I used to play like 5 hours a day on runescape, but I find that game boring, and it's not very fun anymore.

  16. I think that blu-ray won't get very far because of the really expensive blu-ray players. What I find so dumb is how blu-ray players cost more than the ps3, and that has a blu-ray player. I've watched movies from both blu-ray and hd-dvd, and they're both really great quality, you can't really tell which one is better quality. So I think that it will purely based of the prices of the players. For me though, I don't see why I need to upgrade to blu-ray or hd-dvd, I'm still watching vhs movies and they work, and that's all that I care.

  17. I've used both frontpage, and dreamweaver, and from my point of view, I like dreamwaver way better. I'm not a big fan of wysiwyg editors, most of the time, I make a layout it photoshop, slice it it imageready, and fix up some things in notepad then just test it out in dreamweaver and add a few things. Also I find that frontpage runs a bit slower on my computer than dreamweaver. Dreamweaver is way easier to use too.

  18. I use smartFTP. But I can do everything I do in windows explorer that I do in smartFTP... I guess the only reason why I don't use windows explorer is because when I connect with windows explorer it says my username and password at the top. So just about anybody on my computer can gain access to my websites and change or delete my files. I don't really use all the fancy stuff with smartFTP, but it might come in handy one day.

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