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Posts posted by HTML_Guru

  1. .Solitude,


    if your address is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, then your cPanel address should be (and have been) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Did you type that in exactly? If so, and it still gave you a 404 page, you either have your security settings too high, or cPanel was down at the time.


    Please try again; if the problems persist, PM an Admin or contact Xisto - Support.


    In any case, we apolgize for the inconvenience.

  2. Hello, pat - I hope you enjoy your stay at our forums!


    A word of advice: Post your know-how in the How-To's & Tutorials forum! I kid you not, that is a really good way to start; it gives you some standing and shows that you are a contributor to these forums, which of course is the whole point to Xisto forums - to contribute!


    Hope you have some fun,


  3. Oh... my God - this rocks! I mean, I didn't see this coming yet... oh man, well, first, I'd like to thank... OpaQue, all the Mod, and all my fans - :mellow:! And of course, let's give it up to Chef Prudhomme (lol)!Seriously, OpaQue, I appreciate your allowing my request and I will do my best to make Xisto the best forum to be at!

  4. I myself am actually an artist as well, and if I ever take the time to actually scan some of my pictures (I have some of DBZ as well), I can display them here for you guys.


    Still, good job on the artwork, golgothurteen. I actually still keep up my drawing skills - I've gotten to the point where, if I have a picture of something, chances are, I can draw it.


    Making sure to keep everyone in check,


  5. Killer008r; I would say easier, personally. Then again, I've been working with HTML and XHTML for a bit of time, and I've oriented myself with the markups.


    mastercomputers; you've got a point... The standards seem to continuously change, and it gets harder to meet such stipulations. However, I don't mind the challenge and I actually don't mind I.E. - however, that's just me. I also haven't tried FireFox, which apparently is also a good browser...


    In any case, since I found out about the W3C, I have made attempts to "standardize" my site, and I can certainly say, they have been successful attempts (I just validated my site again - yes, I checked all the boxes - even though I've done it many times before)!


    When the time comes where it will be necessary to update my markup, I shall do so. When the time comes that I will simply require a whole new markup, I will do so. That's when the time comes!


    Here to help,


  6. What's goin' on, Matt?! Good to see some new faces!


    Anyways, hope you like the forums - they'll sure like you back! Oh, and remember to post some tutorials in the How-To's & Tutorials forum - it gives you some standing and shows you know, well, "your stuff".


    Helping out the new guys since 1989,


  7. I'm gonna have to agree with mastercomputers here. To me, content IS best - no doubt about it. You have to look at this aspect: design will not have users coming back. Refreshed content will, however, hold true to such a stipulation. You have to understand, just how long will users want to look at some layout? How long will users be enthralled by your flash intro before... they simply get bored? Well, the same cannot be said for content, because content is ever-changing, and graps the attention of all the audience.


    As such, yes, I believe content is the first priority, followed by structure and - then and only then - design.


    My ratio can be viewed as such:

    Content: 50%


    Design: 20%


    There you go - the truth to all life, as a matter of fact, shown by the above ratio... :mellow:!


    Stickin' to it,


  8. techocian,


    I play Guild Wars as well, and I also had a bit of trouble getting oriented with the gameplay. However, now, I am very used to the game and undertand the "nooks and crannies". I myself have two accounts (currently): W/R11 and Me/Mo5. I don't play too often but I appreciate the game and I like the storyline. But, I have no trouble gathering a good team and I have no trouble traversing through the quests.


    Actually, I posted a review about this game some time ago (it can be found in the Games forum), which I think sums the game up rather well.


    In any case, I suggest anyone who likes MMORPG(s) tries this game, because it can be very addicting...

  9. The fact of the matter is that even though rodneyley did have some form of a point, he represented it in such a poor fashion, he should not have assumed any further handling or apologies - period.


    I recall a problem that occured with my account not too long ago; I noticed one day after having checked my e-mail that, apparently, my hosting account had been suspended. I checked the source of such an accusation, and found that there was simply some mistake. I immediately took it upon myself to handle the matter. I e-mailed OpaQue with a long descriptive account of my account happenings (with "good roads, good weather), then e-mailed Xisto - Support. Though it ultimately took OpaQue some time to post a reply, I was patient and I waited. I kind of realized that OpaQue had other things to handle, and would get to me in due time - which he did. I later sorted the problem with little upset and I have not had any other problem.


    Do you see the difference?


    I didn't post a rant about my dislike of the host, I handled the matter rationally. In the first place, I had not actually broken the rules or caused a disruption, I had simply found a mistake with the account concerns, and thusly fixed it. That's it.


    So, to all the "rodneyley(s)" out there, be patient, handle the your problems accordingly, and any complaints you have with, in this case, a host, boast it to the correct staff - then MOVE ON.


    Handling your "screw-ups" since 1989 - :mellow:,


  10. Well, I personally do believe in the Loch Ness Monster, or at least, it's rendition.


    Don't claim that something don't exist just because you didn't see it.

    They recently proove that there really exists giant Squid. Check about that here:


    Very good link, finaldesign; I've actually heard of the many attempts to discover giant squid and it seems the scientists out there have finally made some progress!


    In any case, I believe it is a silly thing to assume that supposed "mythical" creatures do not exist. For instance, aliens, Big Foot, Loch Ness Monster, etc. Why would one believe it does not exist. In all actuality, what makes those animals different from other animals. Those are still animals, we just have yet to discover and make it a reality that those creatures are of actual substance. I believe it to be a matter of illresponsibility to think that, for instance, there is no other life on any other planet but our own. That's silly, wouldn't you think; wouldn't you think it to be illresponsible.


    Well, anyways, so as to not stray too far from the subject, I would have to say, yes, the Loch Ness Monster is real and until proved "without-a-doubt" otherwise, I will continue to believe such.

  11. vujsa,


    Very good banners - I like! Anyways, I was checking over your site, and I'll tell you, you should consider changing the default template. In my opinion, it is very poorly designed and the layout is bad. Thusly, that could cause a lessened impact on your site hits. For instance, I almost have back-off on continuing through the site with the default template you currently have uploaded. However, that is just my opinion and it certainly is not a harsh one; I just think your site would be improved with such a change.


    OTHER THAN THAT, your site is good. Though I am in no way a fan of Volkswagon Beetle(s), those who may be would certainly find the site entertaining.


    One other comment - you have a virus somehow uploaded onto your site; to explain, when your site loads, a window for the Trojan Virus pulls up via my AntiVirus software. The reason why I'm saying this is to also expound on the fact that I noticed some other user having the same problem. As a matter of fact, he posted his concern and if I find the post, I'll be sure to reference it for your use. Just be sure to rectify the problem and you'll be on your way!


    Still, keep up the good work, and I hope your site kicks off!

  12. Definitely all good ideas...


    Yeah, I myself had actually posted a tutorial on META tags and their use thereof; it sort of expunds on this topic of sticky sites. I know I've had some trouble in the past where I just could not get my site noticed. Now, I have a site that results as 5th on Yahoo!; so I would say that that is not all too bad...


    In any case, this is a very good tutorial and I'm sure those without know-how could certainly find a kick out of this!

  13. My review of Xisto, soley and as compared to other hosting sites:


    Personally, I think Xisto.com is an incredible hosting site.  Before this time, I had not yet come upon such a hosting site whereupon the only necessities for one to earn a FREE hosting account (with good specs, if I might add) was to simply stay active in their forums.  In general, I like interactivity and have no problems posting in forums which interest me.  However, upon that you have great stipulations and, once met, are not hard to maintain.


    Concerning the hosting aspect:

    Wonderful. Great.  I'm actually slightly befuddled by the sheer amount of options from which one can toggle and control -.  I'm still getting used to it!  In any case, I have no complaints with the hosting aspect of Xisto.  If you have some problem, check the F.A.Q.; if you have a question or comment, post in the forums or PM some "significant other".  One really can't not get used to AstaHosting.


    Rating: 4/5 Stars



    Concerning the forums aspect:

    Well, forums are forums; you have a nice skin, good topics and a crowd and you've just whipped up a recipe for success.  As such, I can't really rant on how great the forums are - I will, however, state that Xisto forums get my recommendation.  Besides the technical aspect, the moderators and admin actually frequent the forums and are helpful (moonwitch, vujsa, OpaQue, mastercomputers [he's not admin or mod, but damn, how many posts?!]).  There are many "guide topics", and it can't take one long to accustom himself/herself with the board.


    Probably my ONE and ONLY consideration/complaint:

    I've been noticing lately as I browse the forums some "suggestive" ads.  What are you guys doing there at Xisto Central? I really like Xisto, and I would like Xisto even more if Xisto kept a clean image; hence, no ads which are, quite frankly, arousing.


    Other than that, kudos and Mazel Tov because you guys there at Xisto have made a really good thing - run with it.


    Rating: 4.5/5 Stars



    My own note:

    I'm serious, guys, consider getting rid of those ads - yes, yes, I know about revenue and "per-clicks" markets and things like that, but at least try different "revenue" and different "per-clicks".


    My review still stands, guys - :mellow:!

  14. Personally, I'm all about freeware. In any case, it is the proprietor's decision to allow a software program to be freeware, so I love grabbing all the good freeware I can get. However, I am in no way about getting "pirated freeware", the sort of software that's been cracked so it can be used freely and often unnoticed.


    BTW, someone posted a link about the top freeware programs. I don't recall the link specifically (I'll post it in the shoutbox if I find it), but it has some really good stuff.



    P.S. You should have went with Freeware for Dummies - I would have clicked on it, no doubt 'bout it!

  15. To upgrade from your starter package to your advanced package, you need to first ensure that you have at least 30 credits. Then, you need to head to FREE WEB HOSTING. There is a subforum there pertaining to upgrading your account. You can thusly upgrade it there. Once you get your reply from, in most cases, OpaQue, you will then have your account fully upgraded and complete.


    I should certainly hope that that helped...

  16. My favorite game character would have to be Lara Croft from Tomb Raider, simply because she is what makes the game(s) so good. Besides her, I would have to... say... Neo of the Path of Neo, the new videogame coming out. No, I haven't gotten it yet... which has to make you wonder, how the hell can you like the character if you've never played him? Well, the reason is simple - I like all things "Matrix>". No, I'm not a fanatic, but I certainly take the time to try and catch news of new Matrix "stuff".


    Man, I can't wait for that new game to come out... :mellow:!

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