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Posts posted by HTML_Guru

  1. Alright, so I've started my new forum; it's with InvisionFree, which is a free board provider (I want to see if this project gets anywhere). It's called Open Source, but it's not like you might think. I called it Open Source because my forum is for sharing web design knowledge, as well as computer know-how and other such things. I have many forums already set up, as well as some sub-forums. I've also set up a skin for it, so, in other words, it's going well.


    However, I need some help. As I've posted before (and gotten some feedback), I need others to help me with staff positions, and others to lead forums for programming types for which I have no knowledge of (such as C, C++, etc). In some case, even both.


    The URL is: http://s13.invisionfree.com/Open_Source or OpenSourceForums.uni.cc


    If you would, register there (preferably, using your Xisto username), and be sure to post here to tell me of what you're knowledgeable in. For instance, I also need (perhaps) another Admin, so if you're are very good at Invision Board, I would probably set you to it.


    So, register there and post here, so I could see what I'm up against.

  2. Update!

    So, I've got my board set up; it's called Open Source, though it's not as it sounds. No, I'm not hosting projects or whatever, I'm using it to imply the sharing of programming knowledge, and other such things.

    For those who have posted here thus far (and any others):
    Go to S13.InvisionFree.com/Open_Source

    (BTW, I'm not giving myself a PLUG; I just wanted to inform those who were interested for helping me for staff to know the URL)

    P.S. Some topics that I have currently up... well, I'm not knowledgeable in. For instance, I'm not so hot at Javascript and I barely know C and C++. So, I need some staff who can lead those forums, and other such forums as I may need it.

    If you are knowledgeable in those as well, definetly don't hesitate to tell me or register, so I can set you up.

    I will be willing to give you guys (who posted) Moderator positions, and even Admin, depending on the circumstance.

    Thanks, guys.

  3. Hmm... favorite band, you say?Well, offhand... offhand, uh... you know, I can't really think of a favorite band OFFHAND; I guess that's 'cause I don't have a favorite band, per se. I don't like music according to genre - I like music according to THAT music. I don't neccessarily like a band; I do like a song that band makes, and in that sense, like the band.Simply put, I like music that is good. The best way to put it, really.

  4. Ipods Are Overrated

    You know what... you are SO right! iPods, in my view, are a ridiculous waste of metal (or whatever they're made of) and money. And, it seems to me rather strange that Apple can keep coming up with new versions, oh, just every other month! If you ask me, it looks like a marketing point to get people to continuously spend money just so they have to spend money again to get the newer version. And, they're apparently addicting, so it works.


    But all that says is that there are consumers gullible enough to drop money on machines so small, you could swallow them.


    Hehe... you know someone's got to have tried it...

  5. Well, as a matter of fact, I could use some help from you, if you know how.Firstly; as of right now, I am using a free InvisionFree board; I have had it up for a bit more than a month, and it's going well. I haven't promoted, and already I have nearly 20 members. I could get into the premise of the board, but, for the purpose of it, we'll say it's for an MMORPG that I play every so often but my brother plays quite a bit. I'm setting it up for my brother and his guild (it's my guild too; I just don't frequent the game much so...), and so far, many of the game's guild members have joined. I also already have a logo, created by myself and my brother; it's simple, but snazzy.Now, the preposition; the InvisionFree boards don't have mods, and skins are created manually via CSS and HTML write-ups. As it is, it would't be much of a problem setting up a skin as such, but for me, it's a lot of trouble to work throught it all; plus, I'm not very proficient with CSS - and, if you must know, I don't have the patience to set up my own skin.So... if there's anyone willing to set up a skin for my board, that would be great! I will be sure to give you much credit, and advertise said "credit" throughout the boards. Also, in the least, if you wanted, I could manage some moderator position.Ball's in your court.

  6. ruben,

    Thanks for the extra tidbits!

    Yeah, as you notice, I didn't post every META tag, mainly due to the fact that I find some unnecessary, and some - I don't even know of.

    However, you spoke of how the CHARSET META tag is not necessary; however, in a sense, it is. See, for a website to be properly validated - for instance, XHTML conformed, etcetera, there needs to be a few mandatory tags; one, being the CHARSET tag. The CHARSET tag can properly identify the encoding for the browsers, and so it can be properly validated.

    In XML documents, one can include the XML doctype, but this does not remove the need for the CHARSET META tag.

    For more info, please check out validator.w3.org

    Hope that helps!

  7. Google's slowly trying to creep into AI, is it?

    No, seriously; there is actually a much more established search engine program for that - it's called BrainBoost. I've talked about it a couple of times on here, but perhaps it hasn't generated much feeback...

    BrainBoost uses AI to calculate the best possible answer to your question. Sometimes, it may not be THE BEST, but it does a good job nonetheless.

    Check out http://www.answers.com/topic/brainboost-1 for more.

  8. While I like to browse eBay every now and then (and by that, I mean it strictly; I've reviewed the eBay web pages, oh, no more than 3, 4 times), but I have never bought anything, and I really don't care for it. Not that I dislike eBay itself, I just could care less for the whole idea of online bidding. Hell, I've barely been to Amazon.com as well! I am really not interested very much in online shopping, I suppose.Who knows; maybe I'll come around... become one of those eBay junkies, eh?

  9. troykid,


    As a matter of fact, I do. My two favorite choices would have to be Stone's WebWriter and HTML-Kit. While Stone's WebWriter is slightly outdated, it is a much more "ease-of-use" tool than HTML-Kit; a much better choice for beginners. However, both are free and can be downloaded.


    The download page for Stone's WebWriter is: http://www.webwriter.dk/english/download.htm


    The download site for HTML-Kit is: http://www.chami.com/html-kit/download/


    Hope that helps!


    P.S. From now on, try to keep questions and suggestions to a more relevant manner; just a heads-up, that's all.

  10. My five cents (I only had a nickel; I'll need three cents back!):Here's the thing; while PCs are much broader tools and are rather customizable, the consoles have only one purpose; one subject - for games. And, the fact of the matter is, the consoles, being game-oriented, are much easier to control the games - playing-wise, at least.Nonetheless, I'd have to say that I would rather get a PC, probably with a good sound card and a good video card, and online capabilities - default.What's after Xbox 360, you have to wonder? Xbox 360 2 (squared) - :)!

  11. I will call the existence after death the spirit.  And I propose that is made out of energy like everything else, but not a part of the measurable conserved energy, which the physical universe is made of.  This energy which the spirit is made of, is given form by the choices we make.  These choices are events with both physical and non-physical components.


    I will describe the physical component first:


    Living is a non-linear process that creates points of bifurcation where a quantum wave collapse is amplified to macroscopic consequences.  The result is an event which has no pre-existing cause.  Human consciousness identifies these events (which we call our actions and choices) as caused by the self, and our sense of self come from its identification as the cause of these events.  Therefore the self and its actions are not in a traditional cause effect relationship, but are an example of self-causality, which means both the cause and the effect come into existence simultaeously. When we make a choice, we also simultaneously choose the reasons which are the cause of our choice. 


    These self caused events transform the unverse as the usual type of cause and effect travel outward from these events at the speed of light.  This is the true arrow of time, for the quantum wave collapse is not reversible.  Particles are represented by waves (from which a probability distribution can be computed) which collapse instantly to point (according to that probability distribution), but the point (highly localized wave packet) cannot un-collapse.  The localized wave packet cannot instantly revert to the non-localized wave, for the wave packet cannot expand faster than the speed of light.  It must expand accoriding to Schrodinger's equation.


    The physical consists of energy which is bound in a single definite (macroscopically four dimensional) mathematical form which we call the universe.  Everthing physical is an inseperable piece of this whole, bound by the laws which are its shape and form.  The energy is bound to this form by the limits described by quantum mechanics.  What do I mean?  Well for example the energy is bound to a definite quantifiable amount.  So we say that energy is conserved.  However energy is bound to this quantity only within macroscopic limits defined by quantum mechanics.  According to quantum mechanics, during shorter intervals of time (dt) an amount of energy dE need not be conserved according to (dE)(dt)=plank's constant.  Here is the real boundary of the physical universe.  It is not out there somewhere, but everywhere.


    The non-physical consists of energy which not bound to this single unified quantifiable form.  The non-physical can interact with the physical only at the boundary, which means that it can only interact within the limits set down by quantum mechanics.  The choices of living beings which we described above occur at this boundary and the formless nonphysical causes of our actions are given form by our choices.  It is this form which we call the spirit.  The spirit is not a piece of the physical universe and so it is not bound by the laws of its form.  The spirit is only bound by the laws of it own form, which if you remember, I said was created by the choices of the living creature which indentifies it as the cause of its actions.


    How do I know all this?  The same way I "know" anything else.  It is consistent with my experience of reality.  Is any knowledge certain?  No.  For example, I "know" the sun exists.  But everything I have experienced in life could be a dream and when I wake up I may find out that there is no sun after all.  The simple point of fact is that regardless of whether my experiences are "real" or not, the existence of the sun is consistent with those experiences.  Knowledge is something we take for granted in order to live our lives.  It is an hypothesis that we accept on faith, so that our minds can reason, because reason cannot find any beginning.  Logic only goes from postulates to conclusions.  Reason must start from somewhere and we must take our starting point on faith.




    I just have to ask, how can you assume life and afterlife is so... physical? Do you not believe in any sort of spritual component or aspect, or do you simply not know? To me, it seems silly to attempt to "explain" such aspects with physical logistics, because as you see, it gets into subjects which just - quite frankly, it's silly, especially when it pertains to a subject such as this.


    In any case, it is your belief and as such I will leave it at that; however, just know that I believe in something that's quite opposite from your belief.

  12. "Top 5" movies; here they are:1. The Matrix2. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King3. Terminator 2: Judgement Day4. Spiderman 25. SignsAnd there you are - probably the best movies of all time. If you have yet to see any of those movies, I suggest either watching any/all of them or, well, dropping dead - ;)!Man, there was one I couldn't think of... well, if I think of it, I can always change it.Power rocks.

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