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Posts posted by Aniki

  1. Seriously? Lol. Your definition is too rigid. Simple as that...too rigid.

    If Christianity never existed think of the good things that would've never happened. You are too quick to look at teh bad things and not at the good. Do not forget all major world religions have done thier good and bad. The Good of Chirstianity far out weights its bad that occurred so long ago.


    No Offense but you seem to never have looked into Christianity--Your one to talk.

    I ask you to do the same, you've made clear that you've never even read a the bible in part it seems yet you come in with insults to Christianity.


    As for the tower of babel, if you want to get technical that's where the root languages probably came from.

    What do you mean by the definition being too rigid? I think that's what a definition is supposed to be. It's the word that's flexible, that has many definitions.


    Although I gave you examples of the things I have said, you seem to do the opposite. You make a reference to the good christianity has done for the world, yet I can't think of a single thing. Please, give me examples so that I can understand.


    You say I've never looked into christianity, and even though I haven't actively, I seem to be getting plenty of information by simply existing. At least, by my standards.


    Thank you for clearing up the tower of babel story for me. Now I know.

  2. Oh my, so many misunderstandings, so little time!

    Aniki, its an error is to state that deity=polytheistic gods and that new deity cannot be invented.
    Deity is any Divine God, Monotheistic or Polytheistic. Jesus is a Deity, as much as Odin or the ones you listed.

    Who said those gods were polytheistic? Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest monotheisms. I am saying that by that definition, everyone who doesn't believe in a particular diety, is an Atheist. In contrast, if you believed in every deity, then you wouldn't be an Atheist, but no one believes in every god and goddess, so everyone is an Atheist (by that definition, your choice if you want to use it or not).

    Its not wired or insane and who said God made it? ROFLMAO.
    Modern English dude has its roots in Middle and Old English that are Proto-Indo European languages.

    In the bible, the tower of babel story says humans tried to reach god by building a giant tower, correct? But god gets all huffed up and he makes them all speak different languages in order to stop their construction. To me, this sounds like the origin of the different languages. The way I see it, he has to create the language in order to force it on someone, therefore he made English. However, it is the craziest language in the world... other languages may be more complex, but we've got insanity on our side. If you truly look at the language you speak, you can find all these little quirks you've never noticed before. English is absolutely nuts.
    Please keep in mind, I've never actually read the story of the tower of babel, and I've heard it in a watered down version. I may be mistaken, I'm just explaining why I said what I said. Also, I realize that English was not made by a god, it was made by humans... crazy humans.

    Religion nor Christians are responsible for those acts--individual people are.

    The purpose of the crusades were to regain the 'holy lands' for christianity. The inquisition and witch hunts were simply the mass murder of 'heretics', aka people who were not christian. Of course, perfectly nice and innocent christians were caught in these all the time, too. Throughout history, atrocities have been committed in the name of god, for reasons found in the bible, and by 'good' christians. While yes, the people who were directly responsible are, obviously, responsible. You can't deny the part christianity played. If the religion never existed, these specific atrocities would never have been committed. Sure others would have, that's just how some people work, but I'm adamant in my belief that they'd be considerably lessened.

    Limitation of worship is failure to worship at all if its set for social reasons.

    I'm not sure what you mean here, but let me explain what I said before. If your religion requires you to sacrifice a fellow human every day, that's simply wrong and it cannot be allowed. By 'limits' I mean 'reasonable limits that make sure no one gets hurt.'

    So a ideology that teaches hate and malice is better thane one of love and kindness? Dude your out there, no offense.

    You've obviously never looked into Satanism. It's based around, basically, having fun... but not quite in hedonism. They see Satan in the pre-christian version, not as a deity, but as a force of nature. They do not have an ideology that teaches hate and malice. For one, they believe children are the purest form of life, and cannot be harmed in any way. Anton Lavey teaches that you cannot love everyone, as the christians attempt to do... because then it becomes a mediocre thing, overused and without much meaning. He teaches that you should love your friends and family, and although it is less in quantity, it is greater in quality.

    I ask you to look into things before blindly insulting it.

  3. I guess I should have started with where I was coming from but if you check you will find that a large portion of the threads here in the religions section were started by me and so I figured that it was pretty obvious where I was coming from. Perhaps you should start all over and read it from the top.
    I honestly liked your OP but your last post leaves a lot to be desired. It is weird how you seemed to make a complete U-turn in your attitude. Your OP was so objective and now you are showing a different side. Now I have no prejudice against any single philosophy, but I am against intolerance as a whole. Even the atheistic kind seems to be a crutch people fall onto whenever they confront a way of thinking they do not understand. Also the majority of atheists I know are just honest rational people, but they do tend to see things through a filter. For example, if one narrowly avoids a car accident they would say "Oh what good luck!" But if the same person were to run into a ditch moments later they would blame God and religion for it.

    I am a Christian of course BUT I am also a physicist and a philosopher of metaphysics. Scott Peck is or was a clinical psychiatrist who wrote a series of very popular books starting with "The Road Less Traveled", where he shares some of the things he discovered about people and their psychological/spiritual development. His stages of spiritual development was a theory he developed to explain why when people made breakthrough in treatment it often involved either a break from religion or a break through to religion. Scott Peck became a Christian himself, but I am not sure if he finds the spiel of any particular denomination any more appealing than I do (probably less so than I do).

    Anyway I am sorry that the mention of the Bible and its contents are so painful and offensive to you, but you can either be a closing off person or an opening person (lit. ref. to the "Santaroga Barrier" by Frank Herbert). In other words, I am sure you can safely surround yourself with like minded people, or you can participate in the challenge of understanding people different from yourself. The internet, especially a forum like this, is a great opportunity for the latter. One of the great challenges for many atheists in particular is to understand that Christianity is expressed in individuals with a great deal of diversity.

    First off, I'd like to say that no matter what you say about the Tower of Babel story, I absolutely refuse to believe that the "perfect" christian god invented an absolutely weird and insane language like English.

    Then I'd like to say that if you've ever really met an Atheist who blames god for his problems, I'd ask that you slap him for me, maybe he'll snap out of it. I myself blame religion for what religion has done. Since christians slaughtered millions of people in the crusades, inquisition, witch hunts, and other acts of intolerance, they are to blame... not god, since he doesn't exist. Blaming religion is blaming the idea and concept of god and the affect it has on people. How exactly does a concept cause you to run into a ditch, though? You can't blame religion for everything.

    I'm against all organized religion, myself. I hope someday in the future parents will teach their children about religion in general and encourage them to seek out more information. At a certain age when they are deemed responsible, they should be allowed to build their own belief system and worship as they please (within limits).

    As for the bible (I know you were talking to Arkane, but oh well), I just couldn't read it. I get extremely drowsy and I can't get past all the "and it was good" parts due to the large amounts of jokes I find running through my head. However, I hope to read it someday in order to understand the christian perspective and appreciate some aspect of the religion, though it is the religion I most dislike out of every other imaginable... even Satanists are more desirable to me than a christian. Which is understandable, since Anton seemed to make an awesome religion and just slap the name Satan on it for kicks. Good man. :ph34r:

  4. Ah nice post. x) (However, my head's in "debate" mode!)


    What is a deity? A deity is a "god or goddess", a "divine state" or "somebody or something resembling god". (Quotes used to reference dictionary meaning - Encarta Dictionary Tools.)


    I agree with #3 entirely except for .


    I myself believe in God. Therefore there is no absence of belief in a deity in me. And therefore I am not an Atheist with the definition of number 3. So therefore, if I can be seen as not an Atheist with the definition of number 3, then not everyone can be seen as an Atheist with the definition of number 3, that is, .


    Boy, I hope I didn't get it wrong. x)

    Do you believe in Odin, Thor, Loki, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades? Do you believe that Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva all exist? What about the Zoroastrian god, Ahura Mazda? The Eckankar's Sugmad? The Roma Del? The Inuit Sedna? If you do not believe in at least one of these, then you have an "absence of belief in a deity."

  5. Starcraft:As Terran, I'd get a wall of tanks, coupled with marines and wraiths, and possibly a science vessel or two for detection. You set the tanks to siege mode, then unsiege them one at a time and inch them forward. The tanks easily destroy any buildings you come across, and can provide a shot or two as enemy troops try to counter. If they get too close, they meet a small army of marines and wraiths. Any attempts to sabotage the tanks via stealth can be thwarted by the science vessels. Easy win.I think everyone is acquainted with the zergling rush. Fairly straightforward. Build rows of hatcheries and spawn as many zerglings as physically possible, and then send 'em all to the enemy. Chances are he hasn't built a solid defense yet, and is easily over-run.Age of Empires 2 (with expansion)You build an army of battering rams and infantry. Upgrade them to the fullest, then load the rams with the infantry. Send them in. Just concentrate on destroying the buildings. Any battering ram that is destroyed spawns the infantry you set inside, who will proceed to attack the defenders. Rams loaded with infantry move faster, too. An army within an army, really.

  6. You really have to work on blending you're text in with your background. How it is now I can verily look at it without my eyes being thrown to the huge (no offense) ugly green text. The background on the other hand matches the idea of a crack bear as you would be high so seeing something like that might be acceptable.

    Right, I'm going to work on that. I guess I'll make the text blend a bit more, as well as tweak it in some other ways. Of course, practice makes perfect.

  7. Religious terms are so flexible, they often have many definitions. 'Atheism' is no exception. Following are a few of the definitions I've found:#1: "Absence of belief in god" This is referred to as 'weak Atheism.' Babies can be called weak Atheists because they don't know of the concept of god.#2: "Belief that god does not exist" This is referred to as 'strong Atheism.'#3: "Absence of belief in a deity" Using this definition, everyone is an Atheist. Christians can even be Atheists simply because they lack a belief in the thousands of deities that are not their own.#4: "Belief that a deity does not exist" A stronger form of #3.Atheists are one of the most hated minorities in the US. Some of you may not believe this, but it's absolutely true. There are actually Atheists who hide their belief, or lack of it, because revealing it may turn their entire world upside down. The thought that Atheists are immoral hedonists who do whatever they please is a popular one, unfortunately. Some christians believe morals come from god.Morals actually come from the Ethic of Reciprocity, or the 'Golden Rule'. Treat others as you wish to be treated. You don't walk around punching people in the face because you know you don't want people to randomly punch you in the face. There are immoral Atheists out there, but there are immoral people everywhere, no matter the belief system. Every religion has a few jackasses, that's just the way the world works.

  8. Hello, hoping to have some interesting conversations and to get my website hosted. I used bravenet, so it's no wonder I'm looking for another host.I'm a geek, simply. I play Dungeons and Dragons (I collect dice). I like Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and Firefly. I love anime and manga. I'm an Atheist. I love video games, World of Warcraft's one of my favorite (level 70 warlock).

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