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  1. i don't have dreamweaver, i wasn't sure if i wanted to spen to money on it, just in case i didn't like it or was unhappy. But i think i might buy it after reading all these. But what is it? Is it only web design or what??
  2. i HATE google. i don't like the results that i recieve after searching, msn has much better selections and it is so much easier in some ways.i think i am the only one who probaly doesn't use google. i will use it if nothing at all come up on msn but that rarely happens.but everyone has their own thoughts.
  3. i have a myspace but i just created one to keep in touch with friends.honestly though i wouldn't have gotten so into to HTML and web-design without it. yes it's lame and people die if they have under 10 picture comments, but it's helped me and my friends get "geeky" about HTML and CSS. haha.
  4. i have made two sites.....well attempted too....i have had so much trouble. i had trouble wit the counters, mail and even putting php, xhtml and html into the web-making thing they use. i used to get so frustrated!!! haha.i do not recommend it anyone.
  5. it's my VERY first one and i am thinking of using on m website (which is still in progress hehe) i would be very greatful for any feedback or advice! [[i am kingdom hearts fan haha]]
  6. whoa i really liked it.it's really sleek looking and modern.i would use it.
  7. i use the GIMP.i love it. it has the same features as Photoshop and it's much to understand (from my point of view).
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