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  1. Asp and Asp.net are two completely different things.Asp....Server Side Scripting Language.Asp.net.....a way to interact with the .net framework, using one of Microsoft's various programming languages.Strongly advice anyone that want to do web development, to stay away from .net. Believe me mate. For desktop applications .net is great....but for the web? Huh uh. Unless you are a skilled professional software engineer with an in-depth knowledge of OOP, the .net framework, web technologies...sure, go ahead. But in my opinion that's like a fighter pilot that have to fly commercial jets...If you want to do web development, get the skills you need for just that. x/html....css....server-side scription ( you can stay with asp if you want, but php will give you a future!), client side scripting (Javascript)How can I say this things. Dude, I can go on for hours, but I've been a developer for like 7 years now, and even ended up in Microsoft R&D Asia where I quit the job out of boredom. Sit with a massive bad performing site written in .net......All my fault, of course. But how are one supposed to do your job and keep up with the Ms evolution?Nein, I'm turning the clock back and becomng a hardcore web developer that know xhtml, css, javascript, php, mysql.....You can get a job offer a day anywhere here (I moved to Asia) and you can create some real fast kick-@rs$ good looking web sites. Whoever want, stay on the MS train....but I guarantee you that is one evil (hell, the people cannot even make a compliant web browser!)It's never too late to convert. Confess your sins and cross over!
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