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Posts posted by HiddenKenshin

  1. I like that idea. I'm glad Texas one of the forerunners.
    But HiddenKinshin had a point about interferance.

    One major thing is should the City of Houston be spenind money like this on the internet? If they have lack of housing like my town (also in texas) or a crime rate like San Antonio, then they should spend it on addressing those issues I think.

    Well, right now I'm in possession of a chipped personal ID. A "new" gadget and I was one of the first generations to receive one in Belgium, even though I have one for about 2 years now (also due to the fact that I live in m$'s sandbox, I-city). I'm not sure if other countries have it, and if they do, America is prolly there.
    It's an ID, that looks and feels like your average debit card, with an integrated chip with a PIN code. This chip contains your personal info, but also, for example, your social security information(we have no such thing as a social security number, though), your possible illnesses and allergies(should you get committed into the hospital, alone and unconsious. No time would be wasted getting your bloodgroup and possible past incidents or affections, etc...), your criminal record. It can serve as a digital signature, it can even be used to replace the library card. It can be used to confirm a reservation at a hotel quick and easy, or to digitally sign your emails. It can be used to easily fill out and submit your taxes online. Some companies use it as an access card, along with your PIN code. It's still FAR from full implementation, but imagine all of the crimes it would undo. No more identity theft, no more frauds and scams. A whole lot of information can be channeled through this system quick and easy.
    On the other hand, it imposes a little bit of a "Big Brother" scenario. Everything is tracked, updated and stored onto that chip.

    I also forgot the link about i-City!


  2. I often find myself wandering in between ideas on building a website. There's just so many option, and to be honest, I've seen fresh, new and great ideas burst out to be successful, but also less "positive" ideas become popular. All you need is a good idea and a proper execution of it...right?


    Where I love, there's a fair share of "older" people, somewhere around 50-65. Most of them are retired and have found an outlet in teh compyootah. Or teh intahwebz. However, they seem to have some kind of "button-syndrome", much like the "white-coat-syndrome". They're afraid they might screw something up, they don't know how stuff works, they can't figure out how to install their printer, they don't know how to secure their machine, they're not too savvy in english IT terms (I'm talking about a Dutch country here, Belgium).

    All too often have I been called to help, since my parents are of the same species. Old, curious yet reluctant and ignorant. They get so grateful, for installing a plug and play printer, that they often give me some money. Although much appreciated, I don't always accept it, if it's a rather simple job.

    So I think it's a bit of niche.


    So here's my idea: I attempt to create a community driven site, that features a vocabulary list, tutorials, links, freeware programs, hassle-free explanations, a simple forum, perhaps even the possibility for users to create their own, miniature blog. IT would be neat if people could eventually help each other through the forum, I could set up even more functions that appeal to the older generations, such as the possibility to find old classmates... That last feature needs a huge community, but I'm just thinking out loud. I'm a decent writer in my native language, and have experience in dealing and explaining things to people who haven't had the chance to be raised among a plethora of buttons. I could make articles on what lives on the Internet. Older generations feel left out all too easy, whereas they're damn crafty and experienced people who shouldn't be disregarded that easy.


    I would appreciate some feedback on this.

    *Do you believe it could work? I have a small "following" of people who would register right away, and I know some channels to use.

    *What would you recommend on using this? My skills as a programmer are far too dodgy and flawed to make my own back-end system, so I'm thinking about a decent CMS that can implement lots of stable modules. I'm familiar with Drupal, but there is not much of an option to integrate a forum. I would also like a different CMS that handles page creation and user management a little more fluent and search-engine friendlier. I've had a go at phpnuke a long time ago, but found it too unstable and lacking features to like it.

    *Any other possible suggestions that I should implement?

    *Any things I'm really overlooking?


    Then there's the thing about money. What, to me, is very offputting on a site, are "premium" memberships. I would like everything, but really EVERYthing to be free. Most older people here have no clue as to what PayPal is, and creditcards aren't that common here, either, anyway.

    Input MUCH appreciated!

  3. Your signatures could be better.
    If your signatures are going to use a render, try blending in the render so that it has that great effect.

    And try adding some depth, so it has that great effect.

    Also, try adding in some lighting so that your signature dosen't look so lifeless.

    Thanks for the suggestions!

    As for the renders, I don't like to use renders at all, anymore. I'm really tired of seeing yet-another-hi-res-game-character blended in with some random filter effects. They seem rather lifeless and pointless to me. I don't wish to identify myself with Master Chief or a Killzone trooper. (anymore, heh) They get rather boring to make, in fact, because it usually features the same set of techniques over and over again.
    As for depth, I'm not sure what you mean by that. I often use bevel and emboss blending options, and drop shadows, but not too much, so the sig doesn't get too bulky.

    You're spot on with the lighting comment, I've never really bothered into adding decent lighting, it will probably add to designs better.

    Recently, I haven't made much sigs, and usually just stick to a simple, attractive looking but non-intrusive siggy featuring my name and/or website.
    The non-intrusive design has become key in my siggies. I've noticed how my own -and other people's- behaviour, concerning siggies has changed that, when coming across a screamy, large signature, it is simply ad-block'ed.

  4. All past and future accounts for DEFAULT plan will feature 500mb space and 10000mb bandwidth. All accounts were updated and resolved as of this post.




    Thank you OpaQue for making this upgrade possible. Spread the word and make Xisto to be the #1 Free Professional Web Hosting with No Ads!! ;)

    HURRAH! Damn, guys, there's no end to the rawksomeness of you all. Not only do you continue offering free, awesome, extensive and kick *bottom* hosting, you also expand it to even greater possibilities. Amazing. Great move as well.

    Most hosts would probably make the wrong step into making an upgradeable account at a fee, but it's nice to see you guys stick to the community value.


    Once again, I'm amazed. Proud to be an Xisto member.

  5. Let's say you're in power. Let's say you consider and truly believe in what is the best for your country, for your people. How would you go about letting them know that? How do you go about letting them know about love for the country, respect for the elders, passion in everything they do, be part of a community? Education. You educate your people - not brainwash them-. It's like raising a child (and I can tell you that from experience): they don't know anything, you still can't trust them and let them do whatever they want because they still can't tell one thing from another. If I let my child alone in the garden, she may take some pebbles into her mouth (what she has done), she might choke and die. Shouldn't I take it off her mouth, even if she cries, because it's something she wants? There is a time to learn, and there is a time to act upon what you've learnt. If in twenty years' time my daughter wants to go and swallow some pebbles, it will be up to her, she will know better, she will make that choice knowing the consequences, but not now.Now it's the same if teenagers go around disrespecting everything, saying (ar acting as if) the country hystory is a piece of s**t, admiring foreign culture and not giving a d**m about their own. But they don't know anything about their own history, or their own culture. You can't love what you don't know. So education is for that. If later on, you think something different, then it's up to you, you know better, and you'll act on the knowledge. But you can't do that before knowing, you can't go around and say "I'm being brainwashed!" for what they teach at school.

    That's exactly what I was trying to say. Only you did it so much better, heh. What our forefathers did for us seems to be so easily forgotten and disregarded nowadays. Sometimes even spat upon. You are where you come from, that includes history. If no one took a stand for Europe at the times of WOII (clichĂŠ example), I would most certainly be talking German right now.
    It's only when we can realize this, that we can start to admire an other culture, or disapprove anything from our own culture.

  6. I was reading the news last night when I saw an article about the worlds largest wireless network. Houston, Texas is planning to create a $50 million wireless network covering about 600 square miles. The fees to use it will be as low as $10 and free in some parks and libraries. They are also starting an organization to help people buy laptops they otherwise could not afford. I found this very interesting and very neat how we are moving into the future of connecting everyone into the internet. Los Angeles California is doing the same thing, but they are only covering about 400 square miles and are due to finish 2011. I think this is a great way to help people get connected and can't wait till it is finished, I don't know where they are getting the money because the mayor said it wasn't coming from the tax payers, but I'm sure they'll find some way to pay for it. Thought this might interest some people here. ;)

    It's nothing new,actually. In fact. Microsoft is using my hometown as a giant sandbox to play around in. A project called i-City, which also allows our entire city to have broadband, wireless internet.

    Even though our city, Hasselt, is tiny compared to Houston, a network has been succesfully established within the inner boulevard. The center of the city, if you like. In collaboration with our college, where we all go to college with a laptop and study with it, we can move around freely in town, with Internet acces available everywhere. For free.

    The services are expanding, in that you can create an account, with credits, print something and select a printer/printer center near to you and by the means of an electronic card with a passcode, you can acces the terminal and print it. You can also scan something and the scan can be sent to your default email address. Our library has the system implemented as wel, PDA's are made available, GPS integration also has systems set up on parking lots. Say you want to go shopping, and from your house, want the fastest route to a parking lot that isn't fully occupied. The GPS communicates with the city's databank and guides you to a parking lot that fits your requirements and isn't full. You can have a parking meter notify you by text when your time is running out, etc, etc...

    They're also expanding the concept of an IP, meaning that more and more devices will receive an IP, thus making them able to communicate. Eventually, your fridge will have a darn IP, but with given thought, a fridge might be able to detect the amount of beer in your fridge and upon depletion of Man-Fuel, a shopping list is created and made available, perhaps even ordering online, and having it ready or even delivered.

    A project called "Internet-voor-iedereen", meaning, Internet for everyone realised the sale of a fully functional and ready made laptop to be sold at a cheap price just like in your post.


    The problem of covering a larger area, is that the current means of wireless networking encounters too many interferences, from steel constructions, to concrete, to weather conditions such as fog, which will prolly be a major issue in covering major cities such as Houston or LA. It's an exciting idea indeed. Not just the wireless network, but all the opportunities that stem from it.

  7. I believe that you might have to do a little more than what bluefish mentioned in order to access a mysql DB....


    But that depends on what you are trying to do....


    Are you trying to just access the database yourself. As in you want to see what is in it, edit it, delete it, etc? If that is the case, simply login to cpanel, and click on mysql databases. From there you can create users and databases. Then if you would like to see what is in a database, or modify its contents. Click on the phpmyadmin link from that page.


    If you have a web based application that is on another server that you would like to access your mysql database on the Xisto server, you can simply go into cPanel, again click on the mysql databases button. Then go to the area that says "Access Hosts:". From there enter in the name or IP address of the server/computer that is trying has the application that is trying to access the database. For example, say you have some sort of database management software on your computer that you like to use, that can connect to mysql databases. You would simply enter your IP addess into textbox and click the add host button. (you can get your ip address by going to https://www.whatismyip.com/ ) If you have another website that you would like to access your database on the Xisto server, you can simply add that domain name to the host textbox, and click on the add host button. (for example: microsoft.com) Then on your program that needs to access the server, you set your database host, to your Xisto domain name (much like bluefish said)


    Hope this helps,


    I'm also kind of interested on this matter; I often need to get on my Cpanel from college, but their proxy server does not allow HTTPS outside of the college network to be accessed. Which is frustrating because sometimes it just can't wait 'till I get back home.


    Being able to at least see the databases, remotely would be a nice thing, would that work through a program like suggested above?

    In fact, is there a way to get onto Cpanel, by any chance?

  8. Okay, basically it's an XML files with Strict names for its child nodes.
    To make it rss, you will need to submit your xml file to an RSS aggregator.

    Tips: Google [rss 2.0 tutorial] to find out how to make an rss

    Google [rss aggregator] to find sites where you can link your xml file to

    That is a great way to get me started in the right places! Thank you for providing this information.

  9. I've been wondering about setting up RSS feeds, but the diverse tutorials I've come across are confusing and sometimes contradicting...Espacially on a Drupal CMS package. I just want to try and set-up a small, RSS news feed, but I'm wondering if someone can explain the details and what's-what on RSS.Much appreciated!

  10. Well if progress done at ur current installation is alot, then i guess u should upgrade. But normally i'd prefer backing up the database the files etc that i've changed and then installing a full new version and them patching up the new installation, thats probably the case with an advanced user. I am paranoid with upgrades ;) .. but thats just me.


    If you want to upgrade then i guess you can d'load the current release >>HERE<< ..

    Note: If you are using Internet Explorer and WinZip, save the file first, as otherwise IE will corrupt the file's extension.


    Check the installation readme file, where i am shure they would have steps on how to do a smooth upgrade. I havent used drupal myself but have always been a fan of the e107 CMS system. Check out the post >>HERE<< ..


    Hope the upgrade goes well .. let us know if you run into any problems. Tho i dont use drupal, the basic installation and upgrade method for all CMS is the same i guess.





    Before resorting to any major changes (the site's content is mainly done by the foundation members, not me, they don't like to see things getting risky) I tried the classic test of elimination.

    I disabled every module, except the very basic ones, and the ones that are required, of course, and re-actived them one-by-one, and checking up on iexplorer every time. When running on basic modules, the site worked for me in Iexplorer. Still determined to capture the flaw, I continued eliminating.


    I'm absolutely mind-boggled right now. As I went down the list, I eventually ended up with the last one to do, and the site is still working. Iexplorer's no-.png support is really ruining the page, but, it's working.


    Could some people confirm this to me, if they would be so very kind? Also stating which browser and version?


    Still, many thanks to the repliers, I still have the upgrade/fresh install as a back-up plan if needed.

  11. I'd suggest downloading the lastest build version from their site, and manually installing it. Its a lil pain but probably would take care of small bugs in your installed version. I couldent see the site either on IE7, in FF i can atleast see it.

    Thank you kindly for your suggestion, Dhanesh.

    But do you mean that I should install the full 5.x version of Drupal, or upgrading it? I'd like a method where I could keep the current progress intact

  12. hi,
    where did you install the drupal?
    what folder it was installed and what have you done..

    i have drupal on my site also and it was working.

    your installation does not work on my side viewing it with any kind of browser and i can still see the default page when a new hosting account was created.

    Drupal was installed through Fantastico in Cpanel. It was made in the folder "stimaphl" on the root. Other people could see it in Firefox, but not Iexplorer 6, so it should be working? I'm viewing it in another tab right now...?

    I've not yet made anything in the root, yes, I've had to postpone my own portfolio in order to have other prioritized projects done. I've never had any problems with Drupal and I've been able to acces it from several different locations and it would work. Just not in Iexplorer.

  13. As usually, Firefox is nothing but a breeze, but Iexplorer is a gigantic pain in the *bottom*.


    It's a in "early development" cms about a marketing foundation branch of a few friends of mine on college. I've installed a bunch of modules, of which none seem to give errors or conflicts, but the site simply does not load in iexplorer. There is a prompt about an error in the WYSIWYG editor module I installed, but that only reflects on input forms on content creation ONLY.

    I've tried several people to test it, and they had the same result. Anyone have a clue on what's wrong, and how to fix it?

    Without losing current progress, of course.

    This is Drupal 4.7, the one available from the Cpanel in Xisto, the layout is temporary'ish, it has several modules installed, I could list them, if needed.

  14. i dont know much of these things ,but yet i feel its plain fantasy and nothing real ,may be the guys who told you about the story see a lot of sci fi movies. i dont beleive in anything of this

    No one told me anything, I always like to go straight for the source:


    That is the site that collects all given reports by the "insider".

    Interesting fact is that if you jumble serpo around, you get "prose". You do the math, hehe.

    I always kinda thought there was something going on behind the scenes... I don't think it's at THAT level yet, but there are some things I find intruiging. For exaple, every morning, five days a week, eight or nine months a year for twelve years, everybody has to say the Pledge of Alligence. I stopped saying that way back in sixth grade, when I first realized they were brainwashing us. Well, maybe not BRAINWASHING, but I still think there's something fishy about it.
    I would warn a lot more people about my suspisions than the few I've told, but I figured we're minors anyway, so we can't LEGALLY pledge ourselves to anything.

    And despite what the haters say, I am NOT paranoid. *Annoyed* dry.gif

    My girlfriend stayed in Texas for about a year and had to do the whole pledge of allegiance thing. She took the liberty to do it as well, just out of respect. Not sure if she was obliged to, or not.
    If there's a thing that I admire Americans for, is that they love their country. Just not how it's run, apparently.

    Belgium has always had a kind of a strict catholic belief, and also, 'till I was about 12, we had to stand up, and say a prayer every morning, and before lunch. The words were given and mumbled, but none of us really understood the old-Dutch anyway. So it's comparable, perhaps.
    What us Belgians LACK, however, is a little faith on our own damn country. We've had to go through so many opressions, from the damn romans, to the spanish, the french, the austrians, and the germans, TWICE, to get where we are now, and all I hear about my country, from my fellow belgians, is *****ing and moaning. Especially a generation under me, who seem to think they can express their thoughts on whatever, evne though they have no background knowledge, whatsoever, and gather in flocks, disrespecting everything that they should.
    Maybe a pledge of allegiance, some cold hard facts or whatever should set some of their senses straight.

    Ever since I started doing Kendo, I've really learned how it is, to have an open, free mind. It's an amazing experience. So don't feel as if you're being considered paranoid.

  15. I guess your right. It isn't ALL Bush's fault but he does have an oppertunity to change it. China and other large developing countries also are making green house gasses. If everyone started driving hybrid cars I think we could stop global warming. But as they are more expensive and people in Amarica and other countries arn't likly to buy these cars thinking that its not a big deal (I'm not saying that we should start buying new cars just when you sell your old car maby you should thing about getting a hybrid). That's one solution. We could also make it a law not to polute the air with green house gasses (but they would never do that). I'm all out of ideas on how to solve this problem (if there is a problem).Thanks,
    Sorry for spelling and grammar errors.

    Well, there's the Kyoto agreement, where the largest, industrial countries agreed to lower the exhaust of greenhouse gasses.
    Regretfully, America pulled out of this agreement, as they felt it was impossible to keep the promises without damaging it's own economy(thus having to export their businesses abroad or resort to other, more harmful methods). It was worldwide viewed as an incredible selfish act, but most people don't seem to realize how fragile and influencing an economy can be.
    Other resorts are alternative means of energy, the most popular one being solar energy, but the input(cost of making, managing and maintaining a solar panel) is in most cases larger than the output (the actual produced energy). There's also windmills, of which we have an abundance in the benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg), where one of these windmills is capable of powering a quite large area.
    The most ideal, or rather perfect energy source is one with more output, than input. Flack wrote a genius sci-fi book about this, called Dune, where the universe is centered around a single thing: The Spice. ("He who controls the spice, controls the universe").

    It's not just the cars that endanger the atmopshere, it's also cans of hairpsray, cans of deodorant, oil refinery, typical industry, etc...

  16. Hai all, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is my website . You can find many articles regarding computers , daily updating recipes of four different types , Daily updating history , famous personalities birthday , news etc...

    Your content is your strongest point. I didn't even know those codes of the BSOD, it's quite nice to know them, heh. Your texts are amusing, fluent and nice to read. Attractive, not too short, not too lengthy, written from a witty perspective, at times.

    Your major, and I'm sorry to say, but personally, a MAJOR downside is that it reeks of frontpage. Please steer clear of frontpage for a plethora of reasons. A few major ones being that it hogs on frontpage extension, it uses outdated and annoying webbuilding instances, they templates and layout it offers are horrid, it promotes frames way too much and so on...
    You'll have some people coming back for your content, because it's much better than on the average site, but the design lacks incentive for the average visitor to return, or even to browse.

    You can stay with a simple layout, which is actually easier to use, if you'd give dreamweaver or css a try. But stick to the content you have now.
    With css, you can make a "blueprint" for the layout, which can be assigned to aspects of both your site's text, images, structure... most oftenly, the .css file is stored in an external file and pointed to, which means you'll only need one file to define the layout of your entire site. This can optimize faster loading, faster building and much more diversity than standard html can offer you.

    I've been down the frontpage road, and I've known the horrible frustrations that I was confronted with when everyone boo'd at my frontpage site.
    Good luck with your site!

  17. *gasp!* You mean somebody wants to organize all the information on the Internet so that we can find it quickly and easily? And for free? *feints*
    Seriously though ... there are much bigger, far worse threats in the world than an Internet service that is slowly spreading to cover pretty much every possible base.

    Agreed, but the consequences could be more grave than you'd expect. Especially with societies thriving on the information sharing technology of today. This forum being an example. It depends on how google wishes to preserve the information. I don't think it could, or should, index and control every bit of information on the web, but if they would attempt to grasp control of the Internet, they'd be able to manipulate one of the strongest weapons of today, information.

  18. Seems to be a strange theory. But overall this leads me to further condemn the activities of the Human beings that we have destabilized the atmosphere to such an extent that a simple phenomenon of grounding of all the flights led to warming of the entire continent.
    This seems to be a more grave threat to me. Uh... what happens when we exhaust the oil reserves with us? Will the environment automatically balance itself? Or will we face the after effects of a destabilized environment?

    I'd like to believe that Earth would always repair itself, except that it could, perhaps take centuries, if not, millennia to recover.

  19. Thank you for the vote of confidence in us ;) and as always ... have a thoroughly enjoyable stay.

    Another plus has just been shown. No invisible, unreachable and nearly ghostlike admins. Thank you all for letting me receive hosting.
    I've seen a bazillion features for hosts, and your features overpower even paid hosts by the boatloads.

    I can't seem to get enough of the sucking up xD

    As for posting around, I've been doing my best to go around.

  20. I extracted a back-up from my sql tables from another phpBB forum, I made a back up of the skin, and that's it.Does anyone have an idea what to do next in order to point the url's to my current Xisto subdomain? So that it might work again, or is this out of the question?Restoring the tables works, with the skin, but then everything points to the old, closed domain.***Edit***All ok, I was able to fix it myself. All I needed to do was to install a fresh copy of phpBB, install the used skin on the back (note to self: never make a back-up with a modded style), and inject the sql back-up. The sql code of course pointed to the old domain, and all I needed to do was chance the old domain to the new domain in the config table, and everything was just as it was before.

  21. First off, I'm not a conspiracy-addict. I'd liek to think of myself as a healthy young man, with a healthy, sane mind. I try not to corrupt myself with wild ideas that everything has to be blamed one someone else. I try not to be afraid of the uknown, etc...But I can't help being interested in the idea of a hidden government. International, not necessarily exclusively American. I've asked the opinion of a USAF-member, with several years of experience, and he found the idea just too unpractical to be true. No need for a hidden establishment, he believes, because it's easy enough to perform USAP's inside the "legitimate" governments. USAP's are "UNACKNOWLEDGED SPECIAL ACCESS PROJECTS". To put it more clearly, it's a project that has a special, high-level acces. And no one, not evne your superiors are to be told about it. In fact, if your superior asks you more about it, you're given the right to flat-out lie about it and deny it.Whether this is a proven and used tactic, I don't know, and I'm not claiming it to be that. But some "believers" out there do.Naturally, this directly leads to cases such as Roswell. With the salvaging of a supposed alien spacecraft, along with bodies.A year, or a year or two back, a supposed story was released under the name of serpo (http://www.serpo.org/). This is supposed to be a story, published over time, by a high level American officer, and supposedly confirmed by several anonymous sources and the like.It deals about not one crash,at the time of Roswell, but two. On the other, a living alien specimen was found hiding behind a rock. Communication was established, on a crude level, and the creature was apparently friendly, benevolent and caring. It was able to re-establish communications with it's home planet by fixing it's aircraft.Naturally, the contact was remained extremely classified, and an exchange was planned. The species "EBE", took along 12, carefully handpicked people, to live on the homeplanet of EBE for a period of 10 years. Two died, a few remained, etc... The story, for a sci-fi luvah like myself is fascinating to read. The reason why the high-level person wanted to expose this story was to initiate a non-disclosure project, much like Steven Greer did. Apparently, it was deemed to much of a difficult task to relay the info to the rest of the world, so, it's said that a plan is even still, currently in the making to break the news.On first sight, it seems ludacris. No person in his right mind would want to believe this. Then again, a succesful way to keep a certian case secret, is to counter an apparent leaking of it, with a secret of their own, a false one. Often, it would contain 20% truth and 80% lies. Combined with the alledged tactic is to make "believers" ridiculous. Linde Houwe, award winning something-or-another interviewed many people and came across a simular story, even though she didn't know about the serpo case, about a same project, except with 3 people. One died, one went insane, and one is somewhere, stashed safely away by the hidden government. µReason for me to believe that the serpo case is untrue, is that it sounds too good to be true. The EBE race is considered extremely caring, benevolent, and generous. Everything I'd want to hear was spoon-fed to me. Even though there was a plethora of scientific explanations, findings and the likes.Also, the "greys", the famous alien kind that we know of mostly, were apprently also known to these aliens as just-another-race. Other interesting findings was how the species could prosper so well. This was apparently because there were only said to be a little over half a million of these little guys. There was only one planet, one kind, one language, one culture. Thus, they were peaceful, scattered along the planet and so on.What is stressed, several times, is that people seem to have the uncanny and perhaps stupid intention to think of the universe in terms of Earth science. When a solar system is only slightly different than ours, life on a planet is significantly different. The planet Ebe, for example, had two suns. The surviving team members that returned died later on due to the radiation. So perhaps, it was 20 percent truth (story about 3 members, a story less "pretty), and 80 percent lies, the serpo story. One would be inclined to believe this, because of the tactic that is used to misguide people, along with the idea that it is indeed news that one change the world, forever. I would believe that a plan would be installed to correctly bring this news into the public. Imagine the scientific responses, the linguistic responses, cultural responses. Imagine how every would feel when they'd FINALLY realize that they're not the almighty human beings. Imagine a new kind of language being introduced. Imagine what it would to religions. Would it make or break religions? What would happen to all the believers and non-believers? Imagine the industries, suddenly circulating and creating a new market solely based on this fact. Gadgets, information, books, dvd's movies. Imagine a trade system being set-up? What would happen to the world's conflicts? I like to see the muslims (no offense) as the klingons on this planets, but would less honor. What would happen to their acts of terror? What would happen to the war in Iraq, the conflict between Israel and Palestina? Would we face a new kind of enlightenment?All these questions and many more intruige me to no end... Please share your thoughts, questions, opinions!

  22. I can't seem to find that piece information on GoDaddy right now, but I think you've misunderstood what they were offering. If it said "Free AddOn Domains", it probably meant that adding one was free. However, you would still have to be the owner of the domain you want to add, which means you would have to pay for it.
    Most hosts do offer free AddOn domains, but some require additional payments, that can cost even more than a domain - that's probably why this option was stated at GoDaddy. Of course, I could be wrong, but why would anyone be giving away 10 dollars? ;)


    Check the above, and check it carefully. It sounds to good to be true, right?
    It's an actually, reliable and trustworthy host. I've been there for a year, hosting expired, and in need of a free host. Which is why I'm here.

    Make sure you know the difference between a subdomain and an addon domain. Sub domains are often offered free of charge.

    To sum it up, you get unlimited SUB-domains, ftp accounts, email accounts, space, bandwith (the space just starts with a few gigs. One you're going over the limit, they'll just extend it, to no cost), fantastico, myPHP, the whole sweet deal. I took the 8.99 dollar plan for a year, and also gave them the money to get me a domain name. They did at GoDaddy. All in all, I think I paid about 20ish dollar for the entire year and got dreamhosting. I've seriously NEVER had any downtime. Support can be a little slow, but given all the advantages...
    The 20dollar deal a year gives you 4 extra addon domains
    I had about 3 full, running websites, ran about 4 heavily visited fora, had a few picture galleries, etc.

    Reason why I'm with Xisto is that they offer almost the exact same sweet package without the subdomains, which I don't really need.

  23. Sorry for all the confusion people. Maby I shouldn't have posted this topic as it does have lots of errors. I wrote this before taking a science class and I hardly knew about what they were talking about. In short what vhortex said about how we need to get equalibrium is correct. I would still like to hear your oppinion on this subject but now that I know what your talking about (after searching global warming on the internet and watching some of "an inconvieniant truth") I understand how many of you were confused about what I said lol. I think we need to do something about this problem soon! If we wait, it will be out of our control Bush will have messed up the only "proven" planet with life. We should have been worring about this more then that S.E.T.A. program.Thanks,
    PS sorry about the spelling errors


    Don't always involve Bush as if he's the sole problem of everything on this planet. It's frustrating for a non-American like myself. Given that he/she is no biased euroweenie.

    But, oh well. According the New Age fanatics, 2012 will solve everything, with the establishment of the Noosphere. That means we'll just have to kick back and wait it out. (hippies, anyone?)
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