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Posts posted by tiger1405241538

  1. Many people that i have met have mentioned HTML to me without really knowing what it really means. Because of this i thought that maybe it would be a good idea to compile a tutorial for everyone to read.


    When i listen to people talking about HTML; they never seemed to know what a HTML tag was so that is what i will focus on here.




    Some people who use HTML may notice that I place the tags below in the order they appear in a document.

    Most people who use HTML know the tags which no HTML document can do without. Those are:


    <html> = this is the tag which every HTML document must start with.

    <head> = this contains primarily the TITLE tag and the META tag.

    <title></title> = this contains the title of the page; it is displayed in the bar at the top which contains the name of your ISP and the minimize, restore and close icons.

    </head> = this closes off the tag containing TITLE and META tags.

    <body> = this tag indicates the beginning of the main body of text.




    Now follows tags which can be found anywhere after the BODY tag:


    <font color="your color here"></font color> = this indicates that the following text will be the color you stated; you can state it using a hexadecimal code or a RGB code.

    <font size="your font size here"></font size> = this indicates that the folloing text will be the size that you stated.

    <font face="your font style here"></font face> = this indicates that the text between the tags will be of the style you stated (eg. Arial).

    <p align="left,center or right"></p align> = this indicates that any text between the tags will be positioned in that specific spot on the line.

    <p></p> = any text between the tags will be placed in a paragraph. There will be 1 line space between the paragraph and the next line or image.

    <img src="location of your image"> = this tag tells the browser to collect an imagefrom a location and place it in that position on the page.

    <a href="your link here"></a> = this tag tells the browser that if the text between the tags is clicked then link to the stated web address. (the address must start with "http://forums.xisto.com/;)

    <b></b> = this tag tells the browser to in effect double or even triple the width of the letters transforming BOLD to BOLD.

    <i></i> = this tag tells the browser to italicise the text between the tags which means it sort of leans in one direction for example ITALIC becomes ITALICS.

    <u></u> = this tag tells the browser to underline all text between the tags with a solid line.

    <table></table> = this tag tells the browser that a table will be made within them (tags will follow).

    <tr></tr> = this tag tells the browser that a row of a table is between the tags.

    <td><td> = this tag is placed between the <tr> tags; this tells the browser to add one column to the table.


    This now shows all of the tags you need to create the main body of your webpages.




    To close off your script you need 2 tags and those are:


    </body> = this tells the browser that the main body of text has now ended.

    </html> = this tag tells the browser that the document has now finished.




    I hope this gives people the basic understanding of HTML tags that can be essential to creating your first web page.


    Good luck with your HTML scripting.

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