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Everything posted by tiger1405241538

  1. Many people that i have met have mentioned HTML to me without really knowing what it really means. Because of this i thought that maybe it would be a good idea to compile a tutorial for everyone to read. When i listen to people talking about HTML; they never seemed to know what a HTML tag was so that is what i will focus on here. ------------------- Some people who use HTML may notice that I place the tags below in the order they appear in a document. Most people who use HTML know the tags which no HTML document can do without. Those are: <html> = this is the tag which every HTML document must start with. <head> = this contains primarily the TITLE tag and the META tag. <title></title> = this contains the title of the page; it is displayed in the bar at the top which contains the name of your ISP and the minimize, restore and close icons. </head> = this closes off the tag containing TITLE and META tags. <body> = this tag indicates the beginning of the main body of text. ------------------- Now follows tags which can be found anywhere after the BODY tag: <font color="your color here"></font color> = this indicates that the following text will be the color you stated; you can state it using a hexadecimal code or a RGB code. <font size="your font size here"></font size> = this indicates that the folloing text will be the size that you stated. <font face="your font style here"></font face> = this indicates that the text between the tags will be of the style you stated (eg. Arial). <p align="left,center or right"></p align> = this indicates that any text between the tags will be positioned in that specific spot on the line. <p></p> = any text between the tags will be placed in a paragraph. There will be 1 line space between the paragraph and the next line or image. <img src="location of your image"> = this tag tells the browser to collect an imagefrom a location and place it in that position on the page. <a href="your link here"></a> = this tag tells the browser that if the text between the tags is clicked then link to the stated web address. (the address must start with "http://forums.xisto.com/;) <b></b> = this tag tells the browser to in effect double or even triple the width of the letters transforming BOLD to BOLD. <i></i> = this tag tells the browser to italicise the text between the tags which means it sort of leans in one direction for example ITALIC becomes ITALICS. <u></u> = this tag tells the browser to underline all text between the tags with a solid line. <table></table> = this tag tells the browser that a table will be made within them (tags will follow). <tr></tr> = this tag tells the browser that a row of a table is between the tags. <td><td> = this tag is placed between the <tr> tags; this tells the browser to add one column to the table. This now shows all of the tags you need to create the main body of your webpages. ----------------------------- To close off your script you need 2 tags and those are: </body> = this tells the browser that the main body of text has now ended. </html> = this tag tells the browser that the document has now finished. ----------------------------- I hope this gives people the basic understanding of HTML tags that can be essential to creating your first web page. Good luck with your HTML scripting.
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