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Posts posted by ruijie

  1. SelectABlog is also quite good. Its website is at http://www.selectablog.com/home.php

    The free version offers:
    2 weblogs per account
    Choice of languages for your Blog Manager
    Choice of 52 different templates (not editable)
    Support for Podcasting
    Private Entries
    Friends Lists
    Editable Links List
    RSS and Podcast Blog Feeds
    Easy Blog Pings on 4 Services
    IP Banning
    5 MB Space for Uploading Files
    JavaScript not supported

    while the paid version offers:
    No Advertisements!
    5 weblogs per account
    Mobile Blogging
    Ability to edit 60 pre-installed templates or create your own
    Private Messaging System
    Mailing Lists (Up to 30 People)
    50MB Space for Uploading Files
    JavaScript allowed in blog entries

  2. But it couldn't upload zip or rar file which contains executable file...You will have to rename the file to something else like *.exe2 or the whole zip or rar file to *.zip2 , *.rar2 etc...

    Any software to do this job??

    Extension Changer can change any file's extension. Just drag and drop the file into the application and type what to change the extension to or you can change it from the context menu too.

  3. Running the Windows Scheduler from a command prompt can elevate a user's rights.1. Type command in the Run box.2. Type at (timeafter1minhere) /interactive cmd.exe (For Example: The SYSTEM CLOCK shows 8:42PM. I would type the time in the 24 hr format, like this: at 20:43 /interactive cmd.exe3. When the system clock goes to the next minute, another command prompt will appear. Don't Close/Close the first command prompt and open up the task manager. Go to the processes tab, click on explorer.exe and end that process. The taskbar and desktop will disappear. Do not panic! This is normal.4. Type explorer.exe in the second command prompt. When you start any programs, you will be shown that you are currently logged in as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM when you click on processes tab in taskmanager or click on the start button. Now you have higher rights than administrator!EDIT: Take note of STEP 3. Do NOT close the first command prompt if you want your original account back quickly.You should be able to get back your original account after restarting your computer unless you did something wrong.Getting your account back without restarting your computer:Don't close the first command prompt. After messing around with your System account, open task manager again, end explorer.exe and then go to the first command prompt. Type explorer.exe, which launches the shell. Your login name should now be changed to your original name, instead of System.The reason is that the 1st command prompt is still running under your name, because you started it before you have changed your account name to System. When you run explorer.exe, it follows the user who started the command prompt.If you closed the command prompt, just restart your computer to get back to your original user account.

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