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Posts posted by Levis

  1. I read this somewhere a long time, and really understood more about waves when i read some of Marconi's radio webe manusciptures. Now i know that his work is anicnet but one of the problesm that he used by using powerful transmitters was heart condition problems. Do we really watn to kill the old and young folk. Also, lets say we could use wireless energy, how would you encrpyt it. I would not want to my by neighbors usage charges. Back to the health topic. Its already quite bad that we live in a world of waves. Cell phones, and wireless connections are acctaully quite unhealthy and can cause braine damage. Imagine what power can do at high voltages.

  2. Hey guys, i use my space to run http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . The site is currently in constrcution. I am trying to make member system which will make my life easier and my families. But i am also using my space to run a pretty large physics application at physics.bakalinsky.org . Its currently password protected, if you like physics and want to check our some of the problems then contact me and ill give you access.

  3. HAha, What do you think, Free Hosting companies like Shyper close down because they are affected by the members .. Thats all wrong. Most of the hosts come up on the net for making easy money. Especially from google ads because they seem to pay out generously. But google does not support these forum sites and most of the time, the site gets banned or disabled.Then these hosts close down blaming the members. We are not greedy and want to build a community.

    The Ads that we show are very cheap. They pay out $0.10 per 1000 ad impressions on an average.
    The Biggest disadvantage is, When it comes to advertising, only traffic from USA, UK, Canada are truely valued. The rest of the visitors have no commercial importance from the advertising point of view. We serve around 45,000 to 50,000 Ad impressions per day. Out of which more than 50% is useless and of no use because of international traffic. This a fact. Making money for our organisation is truely a big challenge. Anyway, we somehow try to get our basic expenses cleared by these ads.
    Its only when we start getting more and more traffic, there will be any scope for free web hosting sites.
    As for companies who close down, those are all purely because of lack of funds.

    I know you have contacts with Xisto but do they just give you a free reseller and space. I can't imagine someone at Xisto paying fro everything out of his own pocket without making a nice income from somewhere else. I know that ads don't pay much so how do u do it? I ran my own free hosting service before and found it difficult to offer free services without paying out of my own pocket for several years.

  4. It really boils down to what you want it for. For example someone who is always on the move would definitely be more suited for a laptop if he or she can not afford to get both. Or if that person is a techie like me and need one for trouble-shooting in the field. Laptops are nice to have and prove themselves worthy 99% of the time.
    But like rkage say there are downsides to them also. They cost more than desktop with same specs, and can really warm up your pants with long use in you lap. You tend to crouch over a lot which is not good for you posture, and the list goes on. But wouldnât you be happy if you could fold up your car and take it with you when you travel?

    Laptops to me are for convenience so if itâs convent to you to have one then get it. But still fix up you desktop. Or if you canât get both, the laptop may have the edge in my opinion. You can take it anywhere and still use it at home.

    Right, i have both, one for travel an one to run my home network and to test new software products etc. If your a massive gamer and need a lot of horsepower then go for a desktop. But if you just need it to type up docs, create websites, search for pics, research; then go for the laptop if you have enough money. If your really rich then you can get a nice laptop that is suitable for gaming and video editing. If you want something fairly cheap and you want to mix and match, get yourself a VAIO FS series. Great graphics and a stable PC.

  5. IE7 is a new browser that is not just an update to IE6 but completely rebuilt. It offers more features such as tabbed browsing, and antifishing technology. If you use IE constantly then i rec you upgrade and install CallingID, it will keep you safe. I am sorry for my poor grammer, i really don't have time. Go to microsoft new webpage or cnet and find out more.This topic should be moved somewhere else. Its a question not a tutorial. See ya

  6. Here's the article I'm talking about- link
    This guy is saying that he lets his kid run Windows Vista without an anti-virus because of the parental controls. He thinks that since the new Windows has made such great improvements in security that he no longer needs an anti-virus. I think Microsoft has gone waaaaay too far in their PR, now they are flat out lying. They are getting to be like Apple (sorry Apple fans, but most of their ads are totally untrue). Vista will be a huge target for hackers because it is one of the most anticipated releases of an OS insofar. Sure, Apple OSX has it's moments, but Windows Vista will make a much bigger splash, for better or for worse.

    Microsoft is being honest, the parental controls that will be offered by Vista is one thing but what they are nto telling the General Public is that Vista locks down Windows kernel. Even though this is a great thing it will cuase problems in the future. People will one day learn how to break through the new Windows kernel and when that happens, you know what to do? The sucky part about Microsoft is that they don't plan to release the unlocked source to Firewall and antivirus companies. So one day we might be seeing some nice lawsuits again mic.

  7. LOL, this is the same topic as we had last week. The best free domain service is at domainlagoon.com I have one domain from them, i get it 17 hours and spent 20 minutes to earn it. After a year you just earn the points again and well you get it free again. They also have a bunch of partner sites which give you another free domain and another free domain with a gift card. If you live in the United States and want a domain then go for it. Domains are cheap in one place and expensicve at one place. I get domains fro 1.99, but then i have another domain which i got for 30 lol what a rip off.

  8. Microsoft offers a more profressional solution to OEM installers. Even though you might not be an OEM if you want to have more control over the installs. Go to oem.microsoft.com and go through all the BS registration. There are also free software packages which all you to integrate service packs and hot fixes including software. Do a google search to find such programs, i will right now and edit my post when i find them.

  9. Sorry, but you will need to buy an SSL certificate which aren't cheap. You will need to fill our a form to generate a code can't rem what its called right now. Or you can just go to like godaddy and use their service to generate one. The prices depends on the company that offers them and the type of encrption. I personlaly get myn from COMODO. Also, you don't really need a dedicated IP to run an SSL cert.

  10. Hey guys, In my last post on this forum i stated that a good host is always one that user a linux based server with cPAnel. I know this beccause i used to manage my own dedicated xeon servers. Anyways, i can now say that Xisto is a great dedicated host. They offer packages that don't oversell, they have good servers that are owned by the Xisto network. They server we are currently on is a dual xeon server which always has low CPU useage. That is always good on any server. Anyways, if you want to get FREE hosting, then get it here! I am out, long essay to write tonight for goverment.

  11. Definitely the Dell you got was a bargain. I think it's the same one i was going for, but i didn't have the two weeks needed to wait for the customization. I also had a Vaio and Powerbook in my wishlist, but i couldn't afford them... :)

    Well the customized VAIO FS serious are like 650- 1700. Like i got a really good one for 900 which was fully loaded at BEST BUY!!!

  12. In the Netherlands Symantec introduced the new Norton a few days ago. I think they did the same in other country's.
    For more information you can see: Symantec or dutch (it exist in more languages I think: Symantec Netherlands.

    I not yet have it, but my father is going to buy it.... The latest version we have is Norton 2004. What do you think, should we buy Norton Antivirus 2006 for âŹ54,95 or Norton Internet security 2006 for âŹ79,95?

    When I buyed it, I'll maybe post the difference and new functions.



    Well they are using the same engine that is being used in Internet Security 2006, so you migth as well use that. But personally i don't like 2006. The 2005 edition seriies was the best one. Yet after becoming computer literate i realized that norton totally sucs. Their software completely hogs system resources. I would use AVG software or Avast or Zone Alarm software. Try them you will be impressed.

    Also, i just posted my first tutorial. Check it out when it is verified. You will have more options to choose from. Sorry i forgot to add this earlier.

  13. God you guys are really trying to convert me lol. Well i aint budging. Ill be like an old stubborn head and say no thanks. There is a reason i stopeed using it. I just hate using extra software on my system. I really don't know why! Also, it is freaken quick and convenient! Well i checkd out the list and it hasn't changed that much, i can't be stubborn because i am a computer person. lol

  14. Last week I promised to release my very first tutorial on Xisto regarding basic computer security. Why is computer security important? For starters, ask yourselves the following question. Can you really risk losing your personal data, including memorable pictures, videos, documents, and important projects that are currently being developed by you? That is up to you to answer, yet I know that most computer users don’t have instant backup solutions that keep data safe, even if Windows is dead. The following tutorial will guide the average user on how to easily tweak his system without editing the registry (Windows registry is a database which stores settings and options for the operating system,).NOTE: I advise users to start with a fresh clean copy of windows, or a preinstalled version of windows for OEM users. Also, these directions are from Windows XP or 2000 users. Some systems may vary.Alright so let’s get a crack on securing and making your computer work well!Firstly boot up your computer that is running Windows XP or 2000. Make sure that you have installed all of the latest Windows updates. Microsoft releases updates for Windows, Office, and SQL express monthly. If you have already updated your system then lets proceed. 1.) Disable System Restore. This is an app that you just don’t need. System restore is not needed and only causes major problems when trying to restore windows. To disable system restore just right click on My Computer > Properties> Go to System Restore tab and uncheck the box.2.) Install an antivirus agent that will protect your system from dirty viruses. I personally use AVG-FREE because it gives you complete protection. Just remember to consistently update it. AVG automatically searches for updates when your system boots. The best part of this application is that it uses minimal system resources. 3.) Install a firewall application. The best free ones include Comodo Personal Firewall and Zone alarm. This will keep you secure. Also, remember to check for updates. The most important thing your must remember is that whenever these programs ask you to allow access to an application read what the message actually says. This will protect you from allowing mall ware programs from taking control of your system. If you are not sure about something then just ask one of the advanced users on this forum. 4.) Install one or several spyware applications. Computers should not only have an application that removes spyware but also blocks it. I personally prefer Spyware Blaster and Ad-Aware personal. If you have the money then you might go for some paid applications but these are all that you’ll need. The good thing about them is that they use very little system resources. Remember to check for updates weekly. 5.) Disable Error reposting. There is no point to open up an additional port on your computer. I would disable error reporting. Error Reposting is a program that sends errors to Microsoft for analysis. To do this go to My Computer > Properties > Error Reporting > and select disable error reporting.6.) Create a backup of Windows Hardware profile. There are times when hardware software fails and then a user receives the windows death screen (Its blue with errors) with no way to fix their system. To do this go to My Computer > Properties > Hardware Profile > Select Copy > then Rename > For the time section make it 1 second > Verify that Profile 1 (current) is the first profile. 7.) Make sure that Automatic Updates are enabled. This will make sure that whenever a new updates comes out it would most likely be installed. Once again, My Computer > Properties > Automatic Updates > and select automatic.8.) If you do not use Remote Assistance then disable it. To do this go to My Computer > Properties > Remote Tab > and uncheck Allow Remote Assistance. 9.) If you do not use file and printer sharing on your main connection then disable it. It will boost your system security by 20% also you will need to disable client for Microsoft Networks. To do all this just go to Network connections and select a land or high-speed device > Right click on it > go to Properties > and deselect file and printer & sharing and Microsoft Networks.These are just the first steps of securing your system. I don’t have time to continue right now so I’ll continue it next week. In fact, I’ll start creating weekly threads until I cover everything I know. I hope this article will inspire you to secure and take care of your system. Have to goAll content, unless otherwise stated, is copyright © Bakalinsky-NET 2006. All Rights Reserved.

  15. I don't agree with some things you said. Network computing has many advantages, but it's not faster than personal computing at all.
    It allows you to access your account or "desktop" from any place, share your documents, and cooperate. It also makes cheaper the client computer but, as BitShift said, Internet as we know it doesn't offers the bandwidth needed to bring this to reality.

    In fact, multi-user machines are common on corporative and university LANs, because this networks offer high bandwidths and this way many users can be loged into the mainframe, working and using the services provided by the server instead of the ones offered by their local computer, so it could be minimized to offer only the required for connecting to the mainframe.
    PD: Excuse me for my english, I need more practice :S

    I completely agree with you, first off users would need to have a connection using vDSL which can offer a stable connection up to 52MB. To run such a service you wound need a connection of that speed. Upload small files with a 1 to 6 MB connection is okay. But running an application like Microsoft Word or Photoshop, or a burning program will slow you down by 73% stated by some independent research companies. As Borlafu mentioned its quite easy to run such a service. Many companies & schools are switching to such systems to simplify the lives of teachers & workers. Also, what about the servers that Google will run. Itâs possible to run a network of 200 computers on a server system but what about millions? Also, what about security and 100% uptime? What about software to OS compatibility? If Google can answer the following question then Iâll switch over, maybe not I like Linux and running my own equipment.

  16. My best advice to you would be give them a go and see what best suites your needs. We have all mentioned various services. All you must do is check them out and see what you think of them and their interface. It doesnt take much time to install and uninstallthe ones you dont like.
    So give it a go and please give us feedback to, which ones you prefer.

    No i have, when i made my first website which was hosted on a Cpanel based server i used FTPCupPro or w/e it was called. I just don't think i need it naymore if i can do it at the same rate.

  17. Well dude, It's working only because hardly any big application is running on it. Try running a webserver and a database service(Let's say MySQL) and a graphical application. (Which uses reasonable amount of graphics) Unless you have a graphics card which has RAM, the comp will hang itself.

    Yes i ran Windows ISS server on it and then i installed Apache, PHP, MySQL, and PHYMYADMni and tweaked it down, it was slow but it worked pretty well. I also installed Phsotoshop elements 2.0 Microsoft Office 2003 and Mitdown Madness 2. Thos eprogram require more then 128 and it worked well, It just took a while to load lol.

  18. Well you guys are pretty big techs aren't ya. If i am running windows, i just type in ftp.domain.com and login. It gives me all the basic options that i need. Or i run FTP using Dos. Same thing if i am using linux. Why waste system resources and use one of those fully loaded program when you can do the same thing using your own OS.


    How to use FTP in MSDOS A.K.A command prompt.


    1.) Open command prompt

    2.)I like to start from base drive so i type in "cd \" which stands for change directory to beg of drive.

    3.)i type in ftp

    4.)then i type in open

    5.)then i type in ftp.domain.com

    6.)then type in my username , enter

    7.)Password, (its hidden) , enter

    8.) I am logged in

    9.)Do my thing *

    10.)Type in quit to login


    * You can check your directory out by typing dir or to send a file just type in send. You can navigate through the server by using basic commands such as CD or just typing our the whole address to the file. It seems a a bit tedious in the beg, but it becomes a quick and painless task. Hope this teaches some of you ftp clients to stop using those darn clients. Peace

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