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About pug

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  1. Thanks for the offer of help it's always appreciated, I've sent a PM with details on how to contact us and we can take it from there if that's OK?
  2. Hi folks I've only just seen this so sorry for the untimely reply :PI'm one of the people that helps out with the UIEForum developement, though I'm more of a cheerleader than anything Zoro does all the actual work. I just thought you might be interested to know that there are plans underway to change UIEForum over to the drupal node system.The only reason this wasn't done initially is because the forum software was already in existance before we made the move over to drupal, and the integration done was mainly to suite our own purposes. Since releasing the forum to the public there has been a huge interest in the module so we decided that to facilitate that interest a move over to the node system was a necessary next step.There is as yet no date for this to be completed, but it's in active developement so shouldn't be too long I hope.
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