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Posts posted by Eternal_Bliss

  1. Dont u think that lying in ur grave for eternity will be rather boring......... unless U have a nice neighbour on ur either side So that u get someone to talk to.... Actually after couple of days after ur death u will get smelly as hell... AND I think it will be good to come out of that So perform good deeds to unite with the SUPREME AND to live happily ever after.........

  2. Uhhhh..... what would I do aside from living until I die *confused*, aside from the obvious living habits of our people.
    Can I live forever, or become unliving or something lol.

    Actually as many ppl see death is not the end,final or the ultimate.
    It is only a step where u leave ur body. We dont die only our body goes back where it comes frm
    i.e. the earth . our Sprit or the Aatmn remains alive (This is what the scriptures say)
    Ihave heard that many people have even found out the weight of the spirit by experimentation.( Though I am not sure about it)

  3. Ummm, I was refering to the text, which is man made I believe, and so was speech, the english language and all the other languages for that matter.
    I wasn't referring to god, jesus or anything remotely similar lol.

    And no I personally do not sit and wonder why I am here and if there is a higher purpose or any such jibberish, there are millions of people on the planet...... do we all have an individual higher purpose.... ehhh sure.

    My purpose is to live until I die.

    The text may be man made....... but certainly not the IDEA which it gives which is higher than u and me...
    Sometime ppl get so involved with the things in the world that they fail to see the TRUTH( So I am not surprised at all in your case and many like u who want to live until they die ).

  4. The structure is a bit like science or math, something you have to be into to actually understand.


    It's like me trying to explain the concepts of software programming and general development to a complete newb, I have to reference real life situations or simplify it for them so they can begin to understand.


    No actually it is not that way. The concepts of software programming and all this are human made so they are rigid in their structure, THEY ARE NOT FLOWY BUT THE CONCEPT OF GOD IS because it is not human made ,it is beyond reasoning, you can have your own Idea of GOD and someone a diffrent but actually u r praying to the same lord.

    As for the reference there are many in the daily life of ours. We no that evolution occured but cant it be this way that GOD made the Universe to evolve. Dont we sometime feel that why we are here ?

    what is our purpose in this earth?

    What lies beyond this universe?

    What was before the Big BANG?

    WHAT is the beginning of time?

    I AM SURE EVERY HUMAN ASKS THIS QUESTION TO HIMSELF AT ONE POINT OF TIME. This can be answered by gaining knowledge and not just sticking to some rigid,old-fashioned and narrow views of ours. WE HAVE TO KEEP OUR CUP EMPTY TO LET NEW IDEAS TO COME.........

  5. To me, that makes absolutely no sense what so ever, couldn't they just use simple words to explain the meaning.... sheesh.

    I can understand the confusion on the concept of GOD or the SUPREME BEING is a bit complex u have to put ur effort . U have to leave ur notion of "me" and "I" and pursue the path to self realization which ic our Birth Right which no one can deny us....

  6. bhav¡pyayau hi bh£t¡n¡Æ ¿rutau vistara¿° may¡.

    tvattaÅ kamalapatr¡kÀa m¡h¡tmyamapi c¡vyayam..11.2..


    this verse is from chapter 11 verse no.2



    11.2 O you with eyes like lotus leaves, the origin and dissolution of beings have been heard by me in detail from You. ['From You have been heard the origin and dissolution of beings in You.] And (Your) undecaying glory, too, (has been heard).


    The following verse says that everything comes from the BRAHMAN the Supreme Being. We all know what the Big Bang says that every thing originated from singularity. Also the verse says about everything going once again to the BRAHMAN i.e. the Singularity that explains the BIG CRUNCH......




  7. The problem is with ourselves. We humans want to clarify all the things in this infinite Universe with our limited and arbitary approach. The approach which suits our purpose best,but which need not be correct. So there is no surprise that we find problem in classifing many of the things. As humans are also only a part of this huge framework called Universe. Though we are capable of logical reasoning unlike the animals we are not the masters of the Universe.

  8. It can even be that GOD made the evolution to occur. If we are to explore a topic we cant be rigid we have to let things come frm all the sides. If we look at what modern sceintist are finding, and some of the Eastern thoughts there is a starking similarity between the two. The formation of Universe by the big bang and eventually the big crunch has all been described in the BHAGWATA GITA- The Holy book of the Hindus.

  9. Hinduism is far greater then what the preasent world belives as just another religion. In the ancient world it was far bigger in terms of followers than it is today. Actually ,the Europe was a hot bed for Hinduism. There are many folk tales and pictures which depicts events from the ramayana and the Mahabharata. But they are not given publicity in the christian world. Actually the Vatican City which we know today was a site of Hinduism and the word VATICAN itself is a corrupt version of the sanskrit word VATIKA or VATICA, which means ashram or where the holy people reside. Also the word SAINT is a corrupt version of SANT which means learned man.

  10. But the very Indians and Hinduism is not in a great position at the present. First it was the Islamic onslaught then came the Christian missionaries, who want to erase this great culture by terming the Hindus as Idol worshippers and barbarians. An average Indian due to this persecution by other cultures have forgotten their gretness. As for the Indian movies, the makers of the movies are only concerned for money,as it is commercial cinema. The routine dance number is a sure shot way of making quick bucks.

  11. I see your point but unfortunately, I don't see the logic of having the majority of movies have the same theme, which is the same-voiced women and dance numbers the size of Chicago (The Musical) in an exponential sense! It's one of those things that, you'd have to be an Indian to understand, I guess. Same goes for the Chinese and their martial arts, it's overkill!
    But I'm getting off topic, my apologies.

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