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Everything posted by araveritas

  1. I can honestly see myself almost 10 years ago in the original thread starter. and you're really not going to like my advice, but its the truth none the less.you arent going to be able to do game programming now. you cannot just decide you want to do it and think you will pick it up, and majority of the aspects behind it you wont even be able to comprehend right now. That comes with time. something that doesnt make sense to you now, further down the road will be easier to undersatnd. so my advice for you is:take about 10 steps back.do as the previous posts here have said and learn C/C++. then learn it some morethen eat sleep and breath it a while longer, hehDon't use some "game maker program" as they are all give horrible outcome, and you cant have any real satisfaction in anything that you make with them, cuz you didnt didnt make it yourself.and most importantly, start with the basics......after you've been learning C for a while, go ahead and make a game, but go back to the very beginning. meaning, make a small pong game. and once you start this, and realize how difficult it is for you (at your level of experience) to even make 2 moving lines and a ball that bounces accross the screen in 2d, then maybe you'll have more understanding on the complexity behind what you are wanting to do, and can move forward from there if you choose to xDHope this helped
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