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SP Rao

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Posts posted by SP Rao

  1. Yes, but remember Muhammad pbuh fought wars like the battle of badr.

    First of all, I'd like to make my stands clear. I don't follow any particular religion. I have nothing against any religion. But the facts remain facts. And I move away from anything that is bad. (I don't follow a lot of routines of my own religion).
    There are further more facts against the religion. Well, if one says, a religion/holy book is interpreted in a wrong way. (Arguments like "The religion means no harm to anyone; but people interpret it wrongly" Or "The Holy book says great things but since it is written in such beautiful ancient language which not many people understand. Hence people misinterpret it").

    Well, how many people in how many places can misinterpret things? May be a specific region. Let's a group of countries... Unfortunately it is not so. The status of women who belong to Islam - in any country - is same. They are deprived of a lot of rights. Forget everything, they can't even enter their own God's temple! (The Mosk or "The Prayer" House or whatever you want to call it).

    Let's come to the killings in the name of religion. I can't think of a place where it is not happening. May be US, London, Mid-East and of course INDIA. And I fail to understand why only ISLAM does it. (I agree a lot of religions have a bloody past, but now it seems to be the only religion). There has got to be something inherently wrong with the Religion. Nothing will be interpreted wrongly all over the globe. Even if it is misinterpretation, when there is only misinterpretation existing it defines the religion's characteristics.

    In INDIA whichever part it might be, terrorism can actually be equated to ISLAM. There a lot of names for the organizations. But one can be certain that they are all subgroups of ISLAMIES. Once again, I'm not blaming anything/anybody here, but these are facts.

    On the other hand, I do believe not all ISLAMIES are terrorists. In fact my best friend is a Muslim. But at the end of the day, there seem to be a lot of beliefs among Muslims which hurt everyone else around.

    I've seen a lot of obsessive, religious fanatics from various religions. None violent enough to kill/torture fellow human beings. (Just for the sake of religion; never).

    Even I'm confused now. I'm not really sure if ISLAM stands for peace anymore. It might have been; but definitely not now. If someone has more insight and facts against what I've typed here, kindly enlighten me.

    In fact I'm hoping someone would!

  2. Well, DLL (Dynamic Link Library) is a collection of routines (Procedures which perform a job/multiple jobs) which are commonly accessible for "linking" by any application/program.Basically, DLLs help in saving memory. There can be 10 applications running, but all they need is one DLL(Assuming their tasks are similar). If we use static libraries, there would be one library for every application that's running there by Loading the memory.Well, as far I know using VC++ one cal write DLLs. I've never done DLL programming though.If you are a little specific about which area of system programming you need, I might be able to suggest a good website. As it is, if you give a search on google, one of the first 5 results will serve you well. (Man, I really love Google for their prioratisation algorithm for websites. It's simply marvelous!)

  3. It looks like a great piece of information to me, Iv'e done DLL's and things in C++ and still didn't know some of that :D.

    May be bacause you never needed BITWISE operators... They are very much useful in embedded system programming and system programming.

    For high level codes, BITWISE operators may not be necessary. (I've never done any DLL's. So ain't sure if you do BIT operations there... All I know about DLL is it stands for Dinamic Link Libraries. Atleast thet's what I think it is :D )

    [PS: Sorry for late response. Didn't come online for a long time as I was caught up with series of unfortunate events. Finally I'm free!!! :) ]

  4. Hmmm. Then downloading from trusted sources like Ubuntu and SuSe should hopefully not be a problem. I have finished downloading the CD images and it does not seem to be infected by any virus. I have even burnt the Ubuntu ISO image onto disc. Is it safe to try and boot that disc?


    Yes Vyoma. I'm sure the files you downloaded aren't viruses. Most of the times as vhortex was mentioning, there will be virus files having the same name as your intended files but will be much smaller in size. You can check the size of your ISO file. It'll wekll above 150MB. Even I've doanloaded Ubuntu and burnt it. I'm using it too.... It is perfectly fine. (I didn't even bother about safety.... I had Norton Antivirus installed in my machine though). So go ahead and use it!

  5. It was a good tutorial indeed. Though I did find some omissions. 1)First you didn't differntiate between a++ and ++a. May be you have a plan of explaining it later.2) You have left out bitwise operators completely. (Operators like XOR-^ , OR- | , AND - & , NOT - ~ ). In fact along with the assignment operators you've mentioned, the following also hold good.|=, &=,^=. 3)Also, there are bitshift operators. Bitwise left shift (<<) and bitwise right shift(>>) operators whih help in doing bitshifting operations.Once again I repeat I'm not sure if you have plans of covering these in your next part. But if you didn't have such plans, you can include these in your next part of the tutorial :P

  6. Cool. 1TB of hard disk space? I really don't now what to do with it, if I buy one... Here we are still quite happy with 120GB- 160GB hard disks....(We get them here at 100$).

    Anyway I feel that paying $500 for 1TB of hard disk is worth it. It was a cool deal.


    As par as what a TB means, I think is is 1024GB and I don't think any HDD manufacturer is deviating away from it. Simply because we still use binary system and whille addressing memory, we'd still be using binary numbers. Whay all the hasle of changing to decimal? (It brings more complexity to the hardware addressing and unnecessarily addresses get wasted.)


    For example, 2^10=1024. Assume that we have 10bits allocated for addressing. I can adentify 1024 different, unique address locations using this Addressing configuration. If I say I'll only have 1000 memory locations, unnecessarily I'm wasting 24 addressing possibilities! (The same will replicate itself. Like 1024 bytes is 1KB- technically. If you make that 1000, then right from these minute locations you're wasting addressing ability all the way till 1TB. )


    webintern, if you've come across any HDD manufacturer who has shifted from convention 2^xx addressing, let me nknow of the link. I'll be etremely surprised if anyone has shifted. (That's not a wise move :P


    As far as my knowledge goes, I must confess seec77 os right in saying 1TB=1024GB since we are talking about HDDs here.

  7. It's funny that you mention that is hard photographing people who don't look very good, and other people on this board have agreed with you. I don't even think of it as a challenge, for me it is indifferent wether the subect of the portrait is beautiful or not.


    Well, bad-and-ugly I'm with you in this! I really don't care what conventional photography books say. I really believe that exceptional portraits can be taken with any Individual. Most of the award winning Human Portraits I have come across had ordinary, common men/women on them.


    I find your photographs extremely interesting. Simply because you're trying something different. Different than most other photographers I've come across. Putting candy paper on the flash was quite innovative(May be many people use it; I'm not aware of ity though;-) Also the angles and postures in which you've captured the snaps were quite innovative. And yes, I think the models(Just a term for the people who appear on your portraits) you had were really great. They had given pretty good poses. Most of them were very cheerful. That's enough to make a snap look great. I didn't really find that pink colouring great. But on some of the snaps of Viviani it looks cool.


    I went through 6 pages.... They were all quite innovative.


    There are million photographers who follow conventions, very few who are innovative. Be glad you belong to minority! I'm sure with time your abilities will only refine and you move further towards perfection.


    All the best mate!

  8. Well, now Streamload has increased its storage limit to 25GB, but I'm pretty sure that the download limit is the same. Funny how these things work.


    Well, Streamload has now become MEDIAMAX. I checked the site after I saw this forum thread... I always wanted a media sharing zone to share pics. This place looks great. Neat interface and good service. They have Increased the bandwidth to 1GB/month along with increasing storage to 25GB. Another catch is max file size is 25MB. Well, if you are sharing pics with limited number of friends, then the service ain't that bad.


    But for big files, the bandwidth provided is still too low...


    In any case, you loose nothing by trying it for a month!!! :P

  9. Congragulations dude! On your new laptop. Well, I've been contemplating to buy a laptop for a while now. Yet to choose my model. Was contemplating on Compaq V3000 series or DELL INSPIRION Series (E1405 and E1505). In fact there are great offers going on for these laptops in USA. If interested go to thier sites and check them.To be frank ACER was not there in my search list at all. First it's a little expensive (Or atleast in INDIA it is so). Second it never appealed to me. ACER laptops always look good, but not really sure about the performance. I've heard that their display is patchy....When it comes to operating system, WINDOWS is a default choice. Simply because there are too many linux versions to choose from and all lack one feature or the other. SUSE, UBUNTU, FEDORA are the best ones out there.... (Latest version of SUN SOLARIS is also FREE. You can try that too). If you can get Solaris, then I guess you don't need WINDOWS. Otherwise I suggest make your system dual boot and once you're too sure that the linux caters all your needs you may continue in LINUX. (Which I believe in your country is not possible as you may have to buy windows to use it! Here in INDIA pirated CDs of Windows make merry!!!!).(You have'nt mentioned if you have Windows already, I assume you don't have it)Fedora and Ubuntu have good user interface. I think they suite you the most if you already have Windows. Solaris is supposed to be the best, I've never used it.

  10. I've applied for 5 X86 CDs a couple of weeks back. I had tried their earlier versions. I find it a good operating system. My CDs haven't arrived yet; hope they'll arrive soon;-)

    For those who haven't tried Ubuntu yet, try this link for download/free shipping Ubuntu Download

    I think Ubuntu is truely a community OS. I feel it desrves atleast a try. I will be installing Ubuntu as my linux OS along with XP ofcourse. (I don't have a PC yet, soon I'll be getting it :P So far all the experimentations were with rommmates' PCs).

  11. SP, I did notice that there was a problem with your website, but I did not realize that it was due to that LoginToBoggan module. I never even heard about that module, and so, I am not sure what could the problem be. Do you have the Drupal.org link for that module?


    I would look through their documentation and let you know what I think. Alternatively, you could also start a thread there at the support forums of Drupal for the particular error.


    Wel, was too busy for a long time man. No time at all. Hence the delay in response. A million pardons for that. Even I didn't know much about the module. It enhances the default login system by adding features like log using e-mail ID, remembering your login ID password etc... Just thought of installing it. Somehow its showing me the error.


    Here's the link. LogonToBoggan

  12. Well well well... Quite a discusion going on here. Well, I'm also in the same dilemma of whether to go for a laptop or a desktop. Ofcourse there are pros and cons.First of all, the purpose of buying the PC matters the most. If you want to do some serious programing and you move around too much and don't want to waste time, you can always choose a laptop. Simply because of its mobility. You need enough charging points though :) Other than the mobility factor, everything else is a disadvantage in a laptop.I'm listing some of them below.1) A laptop costs twice as much as a desktop costs. - Upgradations too are twice as expensive, twice as difficult. The moral of the story- expensive to buy; expensive to maintain. Definitely heavy on your pockets.2)The mouse is the most irritating part about a laptop. I've always found it very difficut to handle it. Even after using laptop for more than an year, I still find it a nuisance. I agree one can attach a normal mouse to the laptop, but then mobility factor has gone to the dogs!3)The keyboard in itself is a nuisance. I always find the keys a little too small for my fingers. You can get best of the wired desktop keyboards for INR 400 (That's $9).4)The battery of the laptops ain't that great. It'll last around 1hr-2.5hr depending on the model and make you choose. If you want further time, you need to buy extra batteries which will cost you like hell.5)You can view the laptop only at certain angles. At other ngles screen looks blank. That means, if you're watching a movie on your laptop, only you can watch it comfortably. Well, you have a desktop, your entire gang can join the show.6)If something goes wrong with a deskop, you can always experiment by opening it(For minor poblems atleast), can't really say the same about a laptop.7) If you're into gaming, definitely it's stupid to get a laptop.There's more. But I'll stop at it. I'm going to buy a lapop because,1) I travel for 4 hrs inside my company cab everyday, all thanks to the beautiful traffic of Bangalore! That too to covr a distance of 20km to and fro included! Which means, my cab moves inch by inch without making me feel I'm travelling. You know what I'm arrivng at. I can use laptop t this time.2)I have some i-fi zons where I usually visit where I can just go online.The choice depends on one's needs- Thats the moral of the story.(Even with so many didvantages, I still choose Laptops!)

  13. By the way, I am not suggesting that your future partners will try to deceive you or engage in questionable practices. I am simply curious what mechanisms you plan to put in place to protect each member of the group from potential fraud. In any case, I wish you the best with your website and future advertising plans.


    You speak my mind webintern. Honestly I had similar doubts. But if you are running this network among friends this fraud problem might not arise. But yes, definitely there should be a mechanism to check frauds. I think when Vyoma came up with the concept, he was just impressed by its potential of the collaboration. Though he was aware of all the issues which might crop up, he wanted to put forward the idea in front of like minded audience so that the idea or say dream gets shaped up into reality.


    I'm sure similar thought about fraud must be running inside Vyoma's mind. I'm also certain that there is way to solve this problem. I too am working on the concepts Vyoma, though I'm not really sure about how much codeing effort I'll be able to afford at this stage. But you can be sure that I too am thinking about it. And sure I'll come up with some ideas :)


    As far as others go, if anyone else sees the constructive potential of the concept, I'd reckon you put forward your views. I see potential here, raw potential. All it needs is regulations!


    Anyway Vyoma, any help in this endevour, you know how you can reach me :)

  14. I was trying to improve the user authentication and login screens for Drupal. There was one pluggin caled LoginToboggan. That sounded attractive enough. Indeed it is a good module. The problem is when I configured this module, the front page got changed to default Drupal initial website set up screen. The screen which has various links like "Create Your First User" etc... No matter what I may do, the home page before logging in still continues to be the same. After user logs in, the site functions perfectly...Help needed in eliminating that default page.Any sughgestion welcome.

  15. I am not sure it is an ongoing problem. It came once for me, and it stayed for a day. But then it has resolved, and it has not cropped up again.

    If you enable caching on your Drupal site, it'd repeat. It repeated until I removed caching of my website ay server. But, problem I faced and doudou is facing is quite different. But looks like the root cause was same.

  16. Well Vyoma, I'm already facing that problem with forums!As you said the very concept of fprums takes a new quite undesirable dimension in Drupal. It'd so nice if we could embed a decent forum there. Since the new forum which is being developed for Drupal(UIEForums) uses different set of tables, for an existing user of built in forum module it is impossible to migrate! (That's the problem I'm facing with UIEForums, moreover we don't know if it'll be a part of the next Drupal release. If I remember it right, there's still an uncertainity there)As far as the development goes mate, I ain't really sure if I can collaberate with you. You know I always want to. BUt looks like I have too many commitments. If you aren't putting any quick deadlines, I can work with you in this regard.But one thing is for certain. Drupal badly needs it. I guess integration of phpBB would be better. WHat do you think?

  17. But this concept by Deck seems to be a good one. May be if I can find few other websites with standards at par with my website, a similar ad-network may be used instead of taking the market alone. Ofcourse, that would involve a lot of designing, as to how the revenue is tracked amoung the group and such things, but I think that would be easier than trying to attract advertisers alone. I mean, since a group as a whole would have higher traffic, as a package, we can get better deals. (Any AstaHoster thinking of working this out? :))

    Well my friend, it is really a charming concept indeed. I've seen collaboration in many places, not too uncommon. The purpose differs though.

    You say you want to have a network of classic websites may be limited to a handful. (I guess you want to have network of around 10 websites, roughly. More than that can be chaotic) And then you share the revenues based on a predefined rule. First problem would be to identify the rule. While you are bidding for an ad as a single unit, you'll have to have concrete guidelines on revenue sharing. It again might depend on whether the advertizer wants to place the ad as Pay Per Click or Pay Per Thousand Impressions or a fixed time based advertizing. If it is either of type Pay Per Click or Pay Per Thousand Impressions you might figure out a way to share the revenue quite conveniently. Have individual counters for every site and your problems are solved. If the price is fixed then the sharing process might be a little more complex.

    Anyway, I'm just elaborating on what you said. Just to extend it a further.

    As far as the offer goes, I'm interested once my site comes up. Now my site is of no use to you mate :)

  18. I’ve tried clearing the cookies in explore, still can’t log in. But with firefox it does work. It’s good to know that I am not the only one having this problem.


    :) Sailing on same boat, huh? Truely this IE has annoyed me in more than one way when I was using Drupal. To clear off this cookie problem I struggled for 1.5 days... Utter waste.


    Another thing, just by deleting the cookies using the option provided at Tools->Internet Options->Temporary Internet Files -> Delete Cookies the problem won't get solved. You have to manually go to the directory and delete them, then too, there ain't no gaurantie thet it'll work :) That's IE for you!


    Also click on Tools->Internet Options->Temporary Internet Files ->Delete File. And when it prompts for it, check the box "Delete all files". Dumb IE stores entire web page of yours and cache the same thing everytime you request for it!


    Hell, when we have a website, we can expect more that 75% of traffic from IEs... We may use Forefox, but not everyone. That's the problem. You have it fix it mate.


    Try the above things, your problem should be resolved.

  19. It's all on their website:Basicly, they've change the interior to handle more heat, the connectivity and the looks.

    Any idea how much more it costs now? I always thought Alienware PCs are overpriced for the configuration... In my country (India) we aren't very familiar with alienware PCs. In fact I think we can't even buy one. Or atleast I've never seen anyone having a alienware PCs.

    What's special other than the looks? I've seen some pictures of these PCs. They look awesome. But if the looks isn't matched with equally good performance, i think they are overpriced. (PCs of HP, Lenovo work beautifully anyway with much lower price tags...).

    Just wanted to know hoe good they are!

  20. Then, I tried a couple more times by clearing the cookies stored by the browser, and starting everything afresh. I have not had problems after that. But yeah, I do remember having this problem.

    Well, even without any domain name I struggled for some days due to cookies. Specially if you're using IE as your browser. Evevn though I was logged in, it was not being reflected on my page. Only when I navigated to certain pages it used to show my status as logged in.

    I'm not sure if it's aahowing an error message while loggin for you. If it is not showing an error message, I'm pretty sure its because of cookies. If you have caching enabled in your drupal site, remove it and try.

  21. Out there, on the internet, you can find numerous services offering free forums. However, InvisionFree is on of the few offering IPB (if not the only one). That's why they are better than the rest.
    On the other hand, since it's FREE, you don't get an up-to-date version of IPB, but rahter version 1.3 (which I believe is the last free version). As we all know, until 2.0, IPB had some major flaws, and that's the only reason why this service isn't perfect - but it's still better than the ones offering phpBB :)

    Well, I'd used invisionfree some time back for hosting a roleplaying game along with another member and my friend Vyoma here. I found their services pretty good. All your basic neds are covered. Neat interface, good enough admin controls. You have all the basic controls you wish for.

    We had a good time there. If you tell me the need, I might be able to answer your question in a better way. Everything has its own flaw and advantages.

    All in all I feel Invisionfree services are good and up to the mark one expects. (I really couldn't find better alternatives anyway!)

  22. Unfortunately not. Moreover, I'm afraid you face a kind of bug. I'm pretty convinced that your app don't perform updates on your tables, but the way the queries are written, they probably need to update a row in a system table. When a process goes fast enought, the lock on that row is released fast, and no problem ; if a process is queued for a given reason, the lock is not released immediately and the second process has time to put a lock on another row the first process will need, and we have a perfect deadlock.

    I'm afraid only Sybase support can help you if it's really a bug.


    Well, after quite an amount of research and some real expert advices I was able to resolve the issue quite simply as a matter of fact. It wasn't a Sybase bug after all. (Or atleast I believ so!). Well, I still can't explain why though there was no table scan involved the table used to get locked. But, there was an information I forgot to mention. Though it was the queries which were under lock, I was using C++ threads to control them. (The queries were inside two Stored Procedures(SP) ).


    Now I had used multithreaded programming there. So there was a possibility that there were more than one instance of the C++ control thread running. Which in turn means, there could be more than one instance of the SPs getting fired. (Now, I don't know how Sybase handles these). Though with the help of logs I could find out the queries under lock, the simulation mightn't have been accurate enough to the real time case.


    So, I assume that when multiple instance of the SPs run, there's always a possibility of table scan. So finally after all these story pieces, the moral is "I couldn't eliminate the lock".


    I chose the alternative option. There is a Sybase library called ctlib which I was using in my C++ code. It gives an option of clearing the deadlock. (Ofcourse a function which checks if the particular SP is under deadlock). I check if the SP is under deadlock. If there is a deadlock, I clear the deadlock first. Then I waite for a randon amount of time. And I retry running the SP.


    I retry for a maximum of three times. So far I've not encountered the deadlock! Now, my problem is solved, though the deadlocks still continue to occur :)


    Anywas Thanks for all your help Yordan. May be it was my mistake that I didn't give you the holistic picture. I beg thy pardon for not giving suffecient info.

  23. Yes. In fact I wanted different things to be displayed at different pages. Now, I do understand that Drupal has only front page which is the main "node". Well, I believe that's verymuch needed for their archiotecture to work. But I needed different home pages for blogs and forums. May be I should try creating subdomains and provide a link to them through the navigation links;-) Well, I believe this involves installing Drupal again...I'll try oing what you've suggested too. Creating my own Blocks...

  24. Well Vyoma, I was talking about the primary links. I never wanted all the primary links on the top right corner. So I contemplated on putting them all in the center. (Makes mote sense and things look pretty neat that way) So I chose a layout which places the primary links on the center of the page. Now, I don't want to have logout at the center of the window. I prefer it to be on the top right corner. At the same time I want all my other primary links at the center. Or may be, I want home to be on the lefthand side part. The problem is, the options shown to me are limited. Even if I do change the "home" link from primary and put it to seconday or may be even navigation, the flexibility to place my link - though present - is limited. I can only place it at header,footer,left or right side bars. Of course I can assign a weight and make the link float or sink. But then again, it is limited, Ain't it?Ideally speaking, I need a theme which will place either primary or secondary on the top right corner and the other at the center of the screen. I was unable to find such themes.Other option was to understand Drupal architecture and create my own code to costomize it. I wanted a simpler road;-) But now, I've decided to try understanding the design and learn coding with Drupal. Wish me luck and time, mate;-)For discussing other problems I'm facing this is not the forum. I'll post it at the right place :) Well, rest assured, I too haven't given up on Drupal yet! :)

  25. I moved to Xoops from Drupel. Drupel is designed to be more programmer friendly, but has some bass ackwards ways of doing thing, like how you add new content to the menu.

    I'm a novice in the field of content management systems. I too am getting frustrated with Drupal. The same problem quoted above I'm facing. Placing menu items has become a real trouble for me.

    Any place where I can get more info about Xoops? Let's say a sort of comparison kinda stuff. I just checked Xoops site. It does sound exciting. How about the bandwidth utilization and spped?
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