Well, the question is "Who is your favorite free webhosting service?" This is a very simple question with a very simple answer. The answer is Xisto. I have previously used Geocities, FreeWebs, and 50Webs. I have not gotten an Xisto site yet, as I am still building up credits, but it has the best and most features.I would put Geocities on the bottom of the list. My reasoning is it's many ads and just about everything else.I would have to say, FreeWebs and 50Webs would be tyed. FreeWebs has ads and has crashed on me before, but 50Webs does not have a page editor. Even with the amount of space 50Webs provides I would place it the same as FreeWebs.That is what I think about this question.I was previously in a 4-H Horse Judging Team & that is how I got this format!!!!