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Posts posted by mpinsky

  1. Just like everyone else, I have to say Xisto is the best free webhost I have ever been hosted at. It's not just free webhosting, it's free paid hosting in exchange for quality posts at the forums. It's probably the best deal around on the net. There's no ads, forced or otherwise, and the community is very friendly. Not only that, but the Cpanel is very easy to use and has many features I have not seen before on other free hosting sites, not to mention Xisto doesn't plauge you with useless newsletters and ads even after you unsubscribe from them like Bravehost does. There's also not many limitation besides content, transfer space, and bandwidth.


    Again, Xisto is probably the best around in free and quality webhosting.


    Thank you, Xisto!

  2. You guys can argue all you want but in my opinion there is no possible way to determine whether or not it was fake by examining movies made in black and white from 1969.
    And, since this is the USA everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and that includes our own government. Then we DID land on the moon until the president decides to get on TV in front of the whole nation and tell us we didn't, because that is about the only way we will ever be able to 100% prove whether or not it really happened.

    But in my personal opinion, Neal Armstrong was the first person in the human race to step foot on the moon.

    Very good point there Bitshift. I never really thought of it that way, but it is true. Unless the government itself comes out itself and says it is fake, then it will stay a fact.

    Anyways, back to the Mars/Moon thing.

    Somebody asked if there were natural resources we could exploit; the answer to that is actually yes, there is. Just like clay, Mars' surface has many minerals such as copper and iron in it, therefore coming to the conclusion that it probably has some more of those materials underground, maybe even mines that we could exploit in that way. :(

    Still not too sure about oil though. :(

  3. Since I haven't had any luck with my internet connection sharing problem which i posted previously, due to the terrible quality of service here, i've decided a second connection may be the answer. I won't give up the cable because i also have 2 phone lines on it, plus cable tv, but I will get a 256K DSL connection in addition to my 128K cable. The benefits of this will be that it's double, plus i'll get the full 256K connection for myself without having to share it with other users. (I explained previously about the 10to1 ratio used here in pakistan)
    My question is: (let's say there are 10 computers) How can I have them all networked and sharing files, but having 2 internet connections, and restricting 5 computers to the cable, and the other 5 to the DSL. I'll have a computer being the host for the cable, and another being the host for the DSL. Otherwise, am I stuck with having to buy a router for the DSL, and a second network card and consequent cabling for each computer i want to use DSL for?
    My worries stem from them fact that the cable is unlimited, but the DSL is capped at 2Gb per month. Since i usually download that much in 3 or 4 days, i'll easily end up paying 10 times as much as the monthly line rental costs unless i can stop the computer for accessing that particular shared connection, and the computer will automatically choose that connection because it'll be much faster, or even because the cable is so slow sometimes it doesn't register as an internet connection.
    To complicate matters more, i'll need to add a wireless network, over which the laptops will be able to access only the cable, when it's working.

    You need three seperate IP domains or three seperate IP ranges. You'll need to set your subnet masks so five computers access one gateway, five computers access the other gateway and all computers can access each other. For example, the DSL can be, the cable can, and the subnet masks can be 255.255.255.XX, where XX is the subnet filter to restrict one gateway or the other and the computers would have IP addresses in the range of to 130 and the subnet masks would overlap in this range. You'd need your network guru to figure out the best subnet masks to use.

    You'd best be off though, using one of the computers as a server and save all the grief.

  4. OpenCanvas? I never heard for this software, is it freeware? Im guessing it is freeware judging by it's name.. Anyway I'll test it later, and post my review.

    No, it's not freeware. You can download a free trial of the latest version on their website though. However, the first version of Open Canvas is now freeware, but I can't guarentee it'll work as well feature-wise as the newer versions.

  5. I'm guessing that when you selected the Crop tool, you had been using a proportional mode rather than the normal mode. I don't have Photoshop 6, so I can't tell you where exactly you can change this. But when you have Crop selected, you should see a toolbar where you can enter a value Height and Width, and also Resolution. If there are some values entered in Height and Width, Photoshop will only crop the image at proportions of the dimensions you have given. Delete those values and you should be able to crop normally without restraints.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be that as sometimes it works normally and sometimes it doesn't. However, I'll check again, and see if I can provide you guys some screenshots. :(

  6. In light of recent news that Stephen Hawking, a prominent contemporary physicist, argues that humanity must colonize 'space,' I think that this topic has become even more relevant. Whether you believe that the US made it to the moon or not is largely pointless now. So, who cares. What we should be considering is the next steps. Is it worth colonizing the moon? And... what would be our goals once we got there. Seeing as the same administration who mandated that the US go back to the moon, can't even 'colonize' Iraq appropriately (cuz he didn't know what the hell to do once he got there), we should really think hard about what the value of going to the moon would be. For example, would there be any natural resources that we could exploit? Could we ever terraform the moon? What about Mars?


    Mars, maybe; the Moon, probably not.


    You see, the Moon has less gravatiy than Mars does, thus making it a tad bit impractical to colonize there. Plus, there is also no water on the Moon, while Mars has ice-caps, thus making it easier to get water rather than transporting it from Earth. Not only that, but Mars has shown proof of once harboring river beds and channels, thus showing us that it once had water on its surfaces. However, there would be two disadvantages I can think of at the moment of colonizing on Mars. One, plumbing would be very primitive, practically non-existant, because Mars has no water underground like Earth does, thus no plumbing system could be installed. We would have to throw our waste out in space like astronauts do, which can be a very unpleasant job to carry out, and two, imagine the cost it would be for each trip; it would cost even more than the Moon mission did. It takes an estimated time of about nine months to travel to Mars, so think of all the supplies they would have to stock for each person if we were to colonize. So, just like the Moon, colonizing on Mars would be very impractical. For now, I think people from Earth that aren't astronauts will be keeping their feet firmly planted on Earth's ground. :(

  7. All right.


    For most of my Photoshop work, I use Photoshop 6.0. Yes, I know it's old, but it gets the job done, not to mention I just don't have the money of Photoshop CS or Photoshop CS2 right now. But I'm getting off topic.


    Anyways, a few months ago, when I went to crop a picture, it wouldn't crop all the way. It would crop to a certain point and then just stop and refused to go any further with the cropping box. It seems to only form squares and sometimes horizontal rectangles, but only to a certain extent. However, when I opened Adobe Photoshop Essentials 2.0 (which I use for my Photoshop 7.0 and above brushes), the cropping tool worked just fine. I've never had this problem with Photoshop 6.0 until now, and even though I can use Adobe Photoshop Essentials 2.0, I use Adobe Photoshop 6.0 the most often as it has more features than Adobe Photoshop Essentials 2.0.


    Any ideas on what's causing this and how I can fix it?

  8. All right. Me being a fine arts/graphic design/photography student, I learned to go all out on my critiques, so please note that this isn't meant to put you down, but to help you. :(


    Photo #1

    While you have done a great job of using complementary colors to the max (red and green), the red might need to be toned down a little bit more as the red is so bright that it almost looks pink. Also, while you have gotten your flowers mostly in focus, while keeping the background blurred when you used the depth of field to your advantage, you need to focus on your center of interest a little bit more as when I looked at this photo in its actual size, the edges around your flowers (stem and otherwise) are still a bit blurry, which subtracts from your photo.


    Photo #2

    I particularly like this one. You're right, it does give off a kind of apocalyptic aura. While the color is striking, the blurriness of some of the wires can make the viewer a little bit dizzy. I recommend sharpening up the wires that are blurry some (not much mind you, just a little bit, otherwise your picture will get all pixely :( ).


    Photo #3

    While this picture does give off something of a quaint and homey feel, it seems a little too vauge and common. The colors just don't blend together well, giving it more of a feel like a snapshot than an art photograph. While I have to admit, the clarity is striking, like the other two, you need to sharpen a few things up some. However, I do like how the designs stood out the most, giving your viewer a center of interest. ;)

  9. I had this very same problem as I have the exact same basic frame setup as you described except that my background is to the left, but while your background may remain un-tiled, if your text exceeds the length of your picture, the picture will also go up with the text as well instead of remaining fixed.In my honest opinion, something like that usually looks nicer if the background remains fixed while only the text and body images scroll (but that just might be me). :(So, here's what I did for mine (I changed it so it would fit yours):

    <style type="text/css">body{background:url(tsmg2.jpg) fixed no-repeat center}</style>

    Hope that made sense... :(

  10. Yes, I agree completely. FreeWebs is going downhill.


    I remember joining FreeWebs when there was no ads, banner or otherwise. Worked wonders for my layout. I signed up a few days before they started employing the "This site is maintained for free at FreeWebs. Get your own free website now!" text banner policy. This didn't bother me much, however, as it was just one line of text that you had to put at the bottom of your pages. No harm done at all. I could live with it.


    But recently, they added this huge banner ad at the top which screwed up my entire layout...badly. This happened a few days before I went and checked on my website, I believe.


    However, I did notice that some websites have the large banner ad while others do not (such as my friends). What's up with that?


    To be honest, I gave up on FreeWebs after I learned that you could only upload 50 files at max, which really turned me off. Creates a huge problem for those that have a gallery of sorts (and this was before I knew of Photobucket and the like).


    And did you see how much hosting a domain name with them is? Nearly $30 a year. That's asking way too much if you ask me.

  11. Like many other people here, I am still a student in high school. I am in the class of 2008 here in the United States and am a rising sophmore. Anyways, I have my mind made up to go to the Art Institute of Graphic Design in California or Virginia Commonwealth University (probably the former) and major in web and graphic design, or something of sort. I, myself, like fiddling around in Photoshop and usually just sit in front of a computer all day looking and web and graphic design tutorials (I'm such a geek). Unfortunately, I have extremely small experience in Photoshop CS or CS2 as I work with the extremely old Photoshop 6.0 (I really need to upgrade).

  12. Those of you who use Yahoo Groups may or may not have already heard this, but about three days ago, I received an update from one of the groups I am a member of. Inside this notice I found two "New Graphic Site" messages and one "Virus Warning". The previous two came with attachments. Luckily, I read the virus warning first before opening them. In the virus warning was this piece of advice:

    Just a quick warning to members about a virus that is sweeping Yahoo groups. It contains a number of attachments and the subject line reads "New Graphic Site". Don't open the attachments - in fact, I'd suggest that the list owner/moderator delete them out of the list's archives (I've done that on my groups). Also, anyone who has received one of these - even if you didn't open it (my Outlook Express opens things automatically when I highlight the e-mail in my list - but, for once I'm happy I have a Mac, since I'm almost guaranteed to be safe from any viruses coming through) - run a virus scan on your computer.
    Again, don't open any e-mails coming through Yahoo groups that have the subject "New Graphic Site" - it's a worm and will continue spreading through the groups more quickly as more members get their computers infected.


    Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up if you haven't received this notice already.

  13. For those of you who don't know, "salvete" the plural form of the word "hello" in Latin, but don't worry, I'll be communicating in English, so no, you guys don't have to learn Latin to understand me. :( Anyways, I joined because, well, I needed a web host...badly. I have seen this site before and was kind of iffy on it, but after looking at it again, I thought, "Why not?" and signed up. So much for a steady resolve. I found this a good idea as love going on forums and meeting new people while picking up some useful tips and advice here and there.Anyways, hope to see you guys around! :(

  14. Not only that, but when making your website with coordinated colors, your best bet is to go with complementary colors. They look good together and create a stunning contrast. The best way to find complementary colors is look at a color wheel. The color directly across from it is its complementary color! :(


    Basic Complementary Colors:




  15. Ah, this problem again.Norton Anti-Virus has the tendency to act like a virus itself. Like other anti-virus software, it spreads itself into the computer to keep a check on the whole system to spot viruses and the like, but because of this, this makes it nearly impossible to get it off your computer normally.I had this very same problem myself when I got my new computer, and when the subscription expired, I also could not uninstall it, but had to go through different directories and delete the files manually one by one. It was a pain in the butt, but it worked. Re-installing a version of Windows without it may work, but that means you'll have to back-up everything and start all over from square one. To me, going through your directories and deleting the files of Norton will take less time than that, and you'll still have your information. :(

  16. I don't see why it wouldn't be real. After all, it wasn't really for the scientific value; it was more for militaristic strategy. The moon landing happened during the Cold War which America was then in competition with Russia. Because Russia already had sent the first man into space and orbit, America decided to shoot for the Moon, thus began "The Space Race". Not only was it done for National Pride, but because America somehow came up with the strange notion that we though Russia would claim the Moon as a military base, and we wanted to claim it first. It wasn't until after we achieved it that we found out that Russia didn't have any plans to claim it as a military base whatsoever. So, because all the effort and money the American government put into it, and because of the militaristic value of it all, I highly doubt it was a conspiracy.Hope that made sense. :(

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