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Posts posted by yeh

  1. I personally think that the photos ARE fake.

    Becibear have a very good point there. After all, they are disputing the the stuff in the photo. Personally, I believe that US did land someone on the moon.

    Guess this conspiracy about US landing men on moon(not the photo) could be answered in the not too distant future if NASA decided to send someone to Mars without first having another moon landing. I don't think even the mighty NASA would attempt a Mars human landing mission without having the experience and data of a moon landing mission. And the Mars human landing mission could come pretty soon with US "strategic competitor", that is China, preparing for a human moon landing mission, possibly in the next 5-10 years. Once that happens, NASA would get a huge increase in budget and viola... Martians, here we come! :D

  2. Why not JAVA or some other language?

    Actually, there is not that many "heavy duty" programming languages around. Besides C, C++, Java and maybe C#(have no experience in it, but should be able to do quite a lot of stuff with it) the rest of the programming languages are used for certain tasks. Perl, PHP are basically for web programming. Visual Basic is more for ease of use. And then you have Lisp and other AI programming languages that very few people know.

    I don't think there is any OS today that was created with Java. Your Java program actually needs to run on top of a Virtual Machine(VM). And if I am not mistaken, the VM is actually created with C or C++.

  3. Definitely not an authority on hardware, but have some knowledge. This would help you while waiting for better answers.

    And one question always trouble me is, when we create data or file or might import it from other storing devices or from internet, what happens to these data when we delete them? Where do these go? According to some these stay in hard drive. If it is so after some days there will not be any space in our hdd.

    The data does stay in the hard drive until it is written over by new data. Your OS has sort of a table to keep track of the data and their location in the hard disk. When you normally delete, you just delete the entry in the table. The data is still intact in the hard disk. That is why you can recover normally deleted data through some software.

    Which languages are used?

    I think they use C or C++.

    How they managed to interact with hardware using some commands?

    There is something sort of called interrupt vectors. There is a fixed amount of them and each of them does certain things. Not just OS can interact with hardware. If you are knowledgable enough, your software can interact with hardware too.

  4. That is a very good opinion from CaptainRon. :DI need to say here that I am not particularly religious, so if you want to know what I think, read on. I guess destiny would become important when we can finally tell someone's destiny with certainty. Otherwise, destiny serves no purpose. Or it does have a function, to maniacs and the over-ambitious. Genghis Khan said and believed that it is his destiny to conquer the world. And he died before he could even fully conquer China, not to mention the known world to him at that time.

  5. I think if someone has a time travel machine and he/she would to travel back to the past and somehow stop Microsoft from being created and then travel back to the present time, he/she would discover that the same present discussion would still be going on, except some other company has taken over the place of Microsoft. Why? Becoz the majority of people would never want to learn how OS and other software actually work. It is just like buying a car. You would not want to go for 20 hours of mandatory learning of the new car before you can drive it on the road, even though you already have a driving license. And to me, mishandling a car can have far more dangerous consequences that mishandling a software product. Once a significant majority of the users support a particular standard, and it doesn't matter if all of them only knows how to double click, it does confer a significant advantage to that standard. Other software companies would offer their products first on that standard. That is why if you are into gaming on PC, then most probably you would have to use Windows. If Linux wants to unseat Windows, then it would have to be as user friendly as Windows. There is no doubt in this. And I do hope Linux succeed. This would help curb the monopolistic behavior of Microsoft. And for the technologically advanced, they could finally run all their software on a free OS.

  6. Never underestimate online advertising! :D Google is raking in huge money, not just in terms of revenue but also profits. Their profit is in the hundreds of millions. If I remember correctly, Google is earning more than Yahoo and Amazon. And it is a good thing that they are offering new products. Especially so since Microsoft would be eyeing their turf soon as their revenue and profits continue to grow.

  7. I would say the owner was erring on the safe side. After all, having a rule where everyone just root for what they like creates a more "positive" environment. When words such as "anti" are allowed, it could quickly get out of hand, depending on words after the "anti". Of course, in this case, I definitely don't find it inflammatory or derogatory. Guess the phrase "I will be forced to escalate my action" does the job of exploding the whole situation.

  8. Yup, you can do that. After all, they just can't make a software that only install once. But of course, it would be considered piracy. If you would to buy a branded computer, then the Windows version could only be used on that brand. Which is a total waste of money if you bought a laptop and then the laptop got stolen. Happened to me. Then I got myself a desktop and now the laptop Windows XP is just trash. Well, why bother jotting the serial number in BestBuy if you do not have a copy of Windows with you? And if you have, you would already have the serial number, right? Even pirated copies have serial numbers with them.

  9. Hehe.. nice! :DThe part 27+2=29 does the trick of misleading people into the wrong thinking path. The waitress should have only 2 becoz 27-25=2. What the waitress get is the difference between what A, B, C paid and the actual price. After all, she pockected some money from them. :PIf somehow the bill now becomes 30, which is the original price, A, B, C would then take out 1 each and the waitress would take out 2. 1+1+1+2=5 and 25+5=30. Hurrah!

  10. Windows might be stealing ideas from other corporations but those corporations didn't take advantage of their own ideas in the first place. I need to say here that i'm not a Microsoft fan even though I use Windows and other Micorosoft products. Micorosoft didn't start out as a big, giant corporation. They grow into one by taking advantage of the chances given to them. MacOS might have started the GUI idea but they refused to license it to IBM compatible computers, which is the dominant standard.

  11. It is the telecommunications companies that are being greedy!! After all, the internet has been in existence for quite some time. And with so many companies offering broadband, you can bet that it can be a profitable business. After all, businessmen are all about profits. To me, what those telecommunications companies are trying to do is to earn money from both parties. They do not carry traffic for free. You might have free internet usage but someone is paying for the bandwitdh. It could be your university, your favorite coffee joint etc. but someone is paying the telecommunications companies to carry your traffic. And when Google, Yahoo and Ebay report handsome profits and double digit growth, it is about time to milk them!! Having said that, the consequences to users like us is quite unpredictable. The worst case scenario would be a total control of which sites are visible since packets to non-paying sites would be dropped off. A best case scenario would be something sort of like the postal service. There would be the regular service and the express service. The dangerous thing here is whether the telecommunications companies actually increases the bandwidth for the express service or just shifts the current bandwidth in favor of the express service, thus making the regular service slower than before. The best course of action for us is of course to maintain the current network neutrality. But ultimately, the decision would come down to who has more influence in the Congress and i believe the telecommunications companies have the upper hand. But it is still a long way to go before any legislation is passed, so we shall see how it turns out.

  12. On the IQ test topic, I have read somewhere that the inventor of IQ tests meant it to be a gauge of how students respond to teaching in schools. If you have a low score, then it means that you are not responding like the rest of the students, and thus maybe a different educational approach might be needed. All this talk about "intelligence" has actually progress to the point where people equate it to innate intelligence, which is definitely not true. After all, your IQ test scores can be increased after training or repeated attempts. What makes it even more disturbing is when people tell me that SAT test(done in the US) is a measure of your intelligence. I have friends who have average score getting a perfect score in their second attempt. And that leads me to the 2% of the population that can solved the puzzle. Some people say that it is real simple while others baulk at the idea of another logic puzzle. Actually, it all boils down to the technique. If you know the technique(either through training or instinctively) then it is real simple. I definitely would not agree that only 2% of the population can solve this puzzle because once you know the technique, it is REALLY simple.

  13. I would agree with xboxrulz. Piracy is definitely not a new age culture. It is always there and would always be there. Enforcement could only reduce the rate of piracy but never eliminate it. As some writers have pointed out, the need for piracy is just too great in certain countries due to their lower income when translated to US dollars. And global companies do acknowledge this fact. For example, Microsoft could just deny security and software update to illegal copies instead of delivering an annoying pop-up. But doing so would mean that suddenly a huge portion of Windows users would be lost, most probably switching to Linux. And that is not a smart thing to do, is it?

  14. The issue of nations going nuclear would only increase in the future unless a conprehensive solution regarding this matter is achieved and most importantly agreed upon by the 5 permanent UN Security Council members. Ad hoc decision on which nation can and cannot enrich uranium is just not going to work. As with all other technologies, the barrier to entry would only decrease in the future.

  15. What do you mean by life time limit? Is it the amount of years someone can live naturally without medical and other technological help? Even if there are no pathogens, human body would age by itself. And there are tonnes of diseases associated with old age. But if medical care and other scientific advances are taken into account, then i don't think there is a life time limit in the future. When some of our body parts fail, we could replace them with artificial parts. Think of how we can maintain and run an old automobile. Of course the newer automobiles would be faster and better in a lot of ways but as long as spare parts are available, the old automobile can continue to run. Mankind would finally achieve eternal life!! :D

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