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Posts posted by Compuccino

  1. FPS Bananas is a great site for skins, mapes, downloads and news for Counterstrike and other game players.

    The full list of games supported are:


    Counter-Strike: Source

    Counter-Strike 2D

    Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

    Valve Steam

    Counter-Strike: Condition Zero


    Half-Life 2

    Day of Defeat: Source

    Day of Defeat

    Battlefield 2

    Garry's Mod

    Doom 3

    Quake 4

    First Encounter Assault Recon

    Call of Duty 2


    The best skins are making all your guns looking like bananas and your grenades like small penguins!


    The rest are just for you to search, but I strongly recommend this site!




    (Picture to give you a preview of what there is!)

    Posted Image

  2. Well parental control software is increasing and improving, but the problem is that there are some ways to get round them. I have Norton AntiVirus and all you have to do to turn the parental control off is go to the control panel and simply turn it off:).Also, searching on search engines such as Altavista can also get past filters (eg. my school one).I know these problems can be patched up quickly, but for the time being some parental control systems fail in a way.Compuccino

  3. Have you ever heard about surfing on CS:S? This tutorial will give you a step-by-step introduction to surfing. :P


    Surfing was found out on Half-Life 2 after a glitch was recognised. They found out that if you landed on a slope that was at a certain angle, you could press either D (if you were on the left hand side of the slope) or A (if you were on the right hand side of the slope) and you simply glided across the slope.


    To find a surf map on CS:S, write "surf_" in the filter and many maps come up (keep in mind that you have to download them).


    The controls are pretty much explained, but there are a few other tips.


    !)You may find out that you lose speed whilst on a map. To stop this happening, always point your cursor downwards so that gravity is acting, giving you more speed.

    !)NEVER press forward (W).

    !)To transfer onto another ramp successfully, keep the direction you were previously holding. If you came off from the right hand side of a ramp, keep on holding A until you go onto the next ramp and as you hit the map, press A or D (mattering on which side of the ramp you are on).

    !)Big jumps whilst surfing slow you down, so try to make your air-time as little as possible.


    You have to practice many times to get the full hang of this and this can be quite challenging.


    Recommended Maps:






    Also, you can find many surfing videos on Google Video, which can give you tips.






    Posted Image

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