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Ron Mexico

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Everything posted by Ron Mexico

  1. have used both Premiere and Sony Vegas, but I graviate towards Premiere. They both have fairly simillar software features and I think price-wise Vegas is cheaper. Also, Vegas is a bit easier to use (to me, anyway) than Premiere...esp. if you're new to video editing. When I started using Premiere it took me forever to figure stuff out (and I'm still learning everytime I use it, haha), but i've used it for so long Vegas seemed a little too foreign for me. But that's my opinion..
  2. photoshop is pretty much all I need since I mostly do photography stuff, but I find it pretty effective for most graphics creation (well.. for rasterized images, anyway). i've had to do some vector work before in school and used both adobe illustrator and macromedia flash
  3. nice! "Core" looks like something Tool or NIN would do for their album artwork
  4. I've been a member there since '01 and mostly do photography (and a bit of graphics design). I do upload stuff there from time to time, but I mostly use DA for inspiration. Alot of talented folks there, for sure check out my stuff if you ever get bored --> http://fost-x.deviantart.com/
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