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About photographerguy

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/14/1977

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  • Location
    Detroit, MI USA
  • Interests
    Anything Fun
  1. I agree that it is awesome. I learned it during my first college course for web design. I am a graphic person, I'm terrible at coding. What I love is that once I learned it, I can now concentrate more on seeing how the code is made while I'm working. Switching back and forth from the wysiwyg to the coder or the split view is helping me learn the coding part better now. Everybody learns things differently, Dreamweaver is helping me learn what I would have had a much harder time using a text editor.
  2. my best friend (who is a system admin for a pretty big company) swears by the pringle can setup.i thought he was kidding when he told me about it, but i guess it works really well. good luck.
  3. m^e: Thank you for the link to your thread, it answered my question perfectly. also for the warm welcome.twitch: judging by your response, it seems i may have offended you in some way. that wasn't my intentions at all.this sounds like a wonderful host, so i'll be submitting an application when i get my 10 points. hopefully i'll be accepted. thank you.
  4. hello,my name is matt. i live near detroit, mi, usa. i am a cad designer. i hate it so i am going to school for photography/graphic/web design. i've changed my major twice in the last year. looking foreward to being part of the community. i'm decent with photoshop/illustrator/dreamweaver/flash/blender if anyone wants to trade tips or discuss art/photography/whatever.i do have a couple of questions?is this a small community or are the forums just not that active? it seems like quite a few of the topics that interested me have no new posts in 4-5 days and only 2 or 3 in the last few months.this host sounds awesome, how is the downtime? the community in general?i was a little bummed out that the forums weren't more active. i'm not trying to complain, i'm just curious and looking for a great host/forums. thanks for any feedback.
  5. macintosh. figured i'd get you guys are riled up.on windows, i've never had a problem using mcafee and the free microsoft anitspyware.
  6. nice work. i am learning blender at the moment. i'm just getting into this. i've been doing cad design for 10+ years, so i already have the modeling part down. i'm having trouble with the materials/textures.
  7. The article that I just read (it was referenced in this thread) states that you muct download a 2314MB file named latestpics from somebody on iChat. If you download a huge file like that from somebody you don't know, you deserve to have your computer taken away. Notice the threat level was low, because not alot of people are stupid enough to do this. This just defies common sense.xboxrulz- you stated suing a security feature to prevent writing outside of the /home dir.Could you give details on this? I'm a new mac owner (2 months) and think that is a great idea.Thanks for the info.
  8. I am a fan of http://www.thefreesite.com/ There are so many different resources on here. Graphics, sound, freeware, pretty much anything you can think of.
  9. I just bought a mac 2 months ago. I just burned a dvd and transfered 2 gigs of pictures. Absolutely no problems. All my photoshop, macromedia studio mx, blender, jpgs, nikon raw, and png's all were good.I personally think burning a dvd is quicker than uploading/downloading. Good luck.
  10. I am a mac user and I'm not worried about it. There was a rumor a few months back about the first virus that was bull****. Mac OS requires you to enter your password to install/change anything. If people are downloading pirated software or porn from p2p networks, then they take a risk of installing something that isn't what it claimed to be. There is no virus that just infects your computer just by clicking on something. If you use common sense and only install programs from legit sites, everything will be happy.
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