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Posts posted by XIII

  1. I heard you can run linux as a live distro of a USB...... If so, could someone tell me how, and what is the best version to use?

    Most of the latest versions are doing that, Ubuntu and Fedora 10 do this, there's a tool already to make a live USB if you have it installed, and you can make it through the live CD, just google it and you will find a lot of resources for that.

    For the best thing I can do in linux that I can't do in windows "didn't try mac for an enough time to judge it" is to live in peace and safe away from threats and continuous system freezes, windows sucks.

  2. My preferred was always Ubuntu since I switched to linux 4 years ago, it's an excellent friendly distro, it helped me so much to master linux since I was a newbie, I think simplicity wins here, this is the purpose Ubuntu was created for.I tried a lot of distros "fedora 10 was the last one I tried", none beats Ubuntu with its free 24/7 IRC support and forums "I learned so much through these", it's the only one that will ship you a free CD if you don't have a fast connection to download it "you can ask for this from the official website", personally I think it's the future of Linux.

  3. I just made this form in order to redirect me to the page selected by a user, but it doesn't do that, it just reload the entire page:


    <form name="broker" action="?" method="get">  <select name"select">	<option value="" selected>Select one below...</option>	<option value="http://http://www.msn.com/de-de?rd=1&ucc=DE&dcc=DE&opt=0;	<option value="http://yahoo.com/;  </select><input type ="submit" name="submit" value="Choose"></form>

    i hope any body can help in this.

  4. Thank you so much, i respect your effort to paste this registeration system here though in fact i do need only to fix some problems in my own script, i already fixed some of them, so i will paste the new edited code, i hope to find some help fixing the rest of my code errors:


    <?php/// Connects to your Databasemysql_connect("localhost", "my username", "my password") or die(mysql_error());mysql_select_db("my db name") or die(mysql_error());///This code runs if the form has been submittedif (isset($_POST['submit'])) {///This makes sure they did not leave any fields blankif (!$_POST['email']){[COLOR=Red]die[/COLOR]"<font color=red><b><i>No e-mail added</i></b>";}/// checks if that e-mail is in useif (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {$_POST['email'] = addslashes($_POST['email']);}$mailcheck = $_POST['email'];$check = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM maillist WHERE email = '$mailcheck'")or die(mysql_error());$check2 = mysql_num_rows($check);///if e-mail exists it gives an errorif ($check2 != 0) {echo"<font color=red><b><i>Already subscribed</i></b>";}else{$insert = "INSERT INTO maillist (id, email) VALUES ('0', '".$_POST['email']."')";$add_email = mysql_query($insert);echo"<font color=blue><b><i>Subscribed successfully</i></b>";}///now we insert it into the database?><?php}else{?><form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"><table border="0"><tr bgcolor="#6652D8">	<td width="140"><span class="style1"><span class="style1">Get our Newsletter</span>: </span></td>  </tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="email" maxlength="100"></td></tr><tr><th colspan=2><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Subscribe"></th></tr><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#6652D8"></td></tr></table></form><?php}?>

    still that red die above in the code stop loading of the whole page, and if i use print or echo, it will tell the error message but will not prevent inserting to database, the above red die in :


    ///This makes sure they did not leave any fields blankif (!$_POST['email']){[COLOR=Red]die[/COLOR]"<font color=red><b><i>No e-mail added</i></b>";}

    stops all the page from continue loading, when i used echo instead, it didn't prevent inserting a blank row to database.


    the second problem is, i have another form in the same page, when i press submit, it excute both scripts, what should i do?

  5. Don't use the die() function then. It does exactly what the name suggest: makes the script commit suicide and print out the error message you specified as it's last words. Simply print out the error in a conventional way ( echo, printf) and make the script not to perform the other subscription steps (such as adding the email to the database).

    That's already what i need, i can't get a function to do that, i need a function to show the error message and stop loading the script while loading the rest of the page.


    For that you need to use a regular expression. There's thousands of examples available online. Here's one thread about the subject: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/80809-topic/?findpost=1064280124


    Thank you so much, this link helped me so much, specially Houdini's post, he is really a php guru.

  6. I just coded this e-mail list, it works well for entering data into database, but if user leaves the field blank or adds an already exist e-mail it gives him the error message and stops loading the rest of the page.


    <?php// Connects to your Databasemysql_connect("localhost", "my_username", "mypassword") or die(mysql_error());mysql_select_db("Database name") or die(mysql_error());//This code runs if the form has been submittedif (isset($_POST['submit'])) {//This makes sure they did not leave any fields blankif (!$_POST['email']) {die('<font color=red><b><i>No e-mail added</i></b>');}// checks if that e-mail is in useif (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {$_POST['email'] = addslashes($_POST['email']);}$mailcheck = $_POST['email'];$check = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM maillist WHERE email = '$mailcheck'")or die(mysql_error());$check2 = mysql_num_rows($check);//if e-mail exists it gives an errorif ($check2 != 0) {die('<font color=red><b><i>Already subscribed</i></b>');}else{echo"<font color=blue><b><i>Subscribed successfully</i></b>";}// now we insert it into the database$insert = "INSERT INTO maillist (id, email) VALUES ('0', '".$_POST['email']."')";$add_email = mysql_query($insert);?><?php}else{?><form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"><table border="0"><tr bgcolor="#6652D8">	<td width="140"><span class="style1"><span class="style1">Get our Newsletter</span>: </span></td>  </tr><tr><td><input type="text" name="email" maxlength="100"></td></tr><tr><th colspan=2><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Subscribe"></th></tr><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#6652D8"></td></tr></table></form><?php}?>

    1- i need to make it say the error message and continue loading the rest of the page.

    2- checks for the entered text "if it's a valid e-mail format xxxxxx@xxxx.xxxx."

  7. What about this : http://www.auditmypc.com/

    at least it's a starting point, I was surprised by some results they found on a computer I thought decently secure.


    It's really a very good site, never heared of it before and guess what?, my PC is free of any kind of these s**ts, i was surprised as i scanned windows installed pc, i feel good with zone alarm security suite.

    but this is not the service i wanted, i want a service that can test a web site security not only a pc, and tells if it's secured or not.

  8. Now that you've mentioned this, I would like to have something like this, too, so I'll do some googling :) I'll tell if I find something :D


    up till now i didn't find one of these sites, i googled it already, but try may you find it hidden in some place, i will search again and again too, if i find it anywhere else, i will post it here as i finally found another one who interested about the idea :)

  9. Where can i buy links


    It's a very easy question to be answered but:


    1- you need to tell us what do u mean by buying links??

    2- you need to specify what these "links" to buy!!!

    3- you need to know that Xisto works in a diffirent mechanism, you get credits for a long, non-blah blah post, which doesn't include repeated words, you will not get credits for just posting a single line every where around the forum, please read the rules section.

  10. Sorry for the subject, as i will not give you my website link :)

    It is a service i hope to see it soon, though it is so much dangerous but i hope to have it, as i'm a web developer, the biggest problem to me always is to test the website i coded, test its security and how much is it safe, don't tell me try it yourself by trying to hack it, i already know all the passwords :), i need someone or a site which could test that and try to hack it, ofcourse i don't like it to be aggrissive while doing it, it's just a test so i can try to cover any hole or so, as we know some sites includes business information and some important staffs.

    if you had ever saw a service like that, i hope you can post it here so we can test our sites, free or paid, i don't care, security is what i care about.

  11. I can't really tell what this is supposed to do (it looks like it was machine translated), but it seems like a full IDE+server package to develop PHP on your desktop right? Anyone know of anything like that for Perl that I can use?


    yeah, you can install it to develope PHP on your desktop, and it's really so easy to be installed, plus it's free, giving it another positive side.

    as you mentioned above you need a package to develope perl, XAMPP "full package" is doing that, it includes perl, i don't know if XAMPP lite package too have it or not, but XAMPP full package is having it.


    So I guess EasyPHP can replace Xampp? What are the differences between the two? I know that Xampp include Apach, MySQL, PHP and several other software combined. Will EasyPHP interpret html, css, xhtml? Would you have to install MySQL separately when you install EasyPHP?

    yeah it's a replacement for XAMPP, it's more lighter in fact, and EasyPHP also has MySQL in the package, you don't need to install it separately.


    Yeah, but I personally prefer to install everything myself separately

    That's how we could learn, ready-made software kill the skill, nothing better than configuring these things yourself, even it takes much time, i enjoy it.

  12. I never felt bored of using my computer or using the internet, wither i work, play, read or just surf the web, i never felt bored, i use it for nearly everything in my life "just some organic processes i care for it myself :D", i use it for:

    My work as a stocks trader in Egyptian stock exchange, also in collecting data about these stocks and analaysis.

    My work as a FOREX trader, also news, specially business news.

    My work as a web developer.

    Playing Chess on gameknot and also playing hattrick.

    Reading in anything, though i prefer technical, business subjects and some general reading about yoga and other subjects sometimes

    Reading News everyday.

    being on Xisto and borsetmisr forums

    developing my own site.

    investing money by some online trading and exchanging.

    That's some of what i use the internet for, i can't handle a day without using it in fact.

  13. i downloaded this not long ago, it actualy made my internet about 1/3 slower, i tried it on firefox AND internet explorer, it was all set up correctl, but i still have it installed juyst incase, i hope they bring out a better update to it soon

    I couldnt agree more, google is an amazing service, considering it was only started by 2 teenagers in colledge


    I never said google is bad, google always rocks, i said it's the first time to get such a bad service from google and that means only this new service "google web accelerator" is bad, the rest are excellent.

  14. I used dap, fresh download manager, Accelerator, D4X and much more, but the best always was Gozilla for windows and D4X for Linux, and i'm on the other side from what pysot said, it really increases download speed, ofcourse it doen't touch internet speed, but it uses every byte in your connection to accelerate your downloading speed, so you can notice not less than 12kb diffirence in speed when you use it on 512kbps ADSL for example "the connection i use", also it can pause and resume and this so much helpful in huge files downloading.

  15. Hey I need a Log in System for my site, What I want to do is where they have there own profiles for members only to view. Then Have it where they see pages which Non members don't see.. Also I want it where I can Only add Usernames or Passwords. Basicly its going to be like this


    Guest Page:


    No Log is needed

    Any one can See


    Members Page:

    Log in Needed to see, May only log in from Admin adding there name, Can Delete there name if they quit member ship, or change there password to banned them. Also The Members pages cannot be viewed Even if U type in the link to the a Members section


    I want the Log in Spot to be on the main Home page and all the Guest Pages.. So it can't be a log in system that needs its own site


    Which one do u perfer to use?? Theres so many but what one does all this???


    Ty For the help

    Also I need to know How to make a Guest book on a webpage, Im new to PHP and don't know nothing about it lol, I never found a good place to learn it .


    This topic was posted so much times before, we nearly finished discussing it more than four times, you don't need to reply yourself or post the same topic more and more to get answers, you just need to click on the search thingy in the right top corner from any page on Xisto, and search for your topic before you post it, you will find it there in multi names and versions "i posted one before, and at the same time some other new users posted it in some other titles", if it's not a matter of collecting credits, then please don't post before search, if it's that matter, then post more and admins sure will not give you these hosting credits you want to collect, so please don't spam our lovely forums.


    Xisto ROCKS!!!

  16. Can someone tell where i can find a scripts For creating a database ap. when you post something it goes in a database , ex. you post a tab ( guitar ) Artist : nirvana song : polly


    now i have posted that someone elsehave to get it out of the database .

    so how can i do this when they type nirvana . the songs come on the screen alpabetical . and when you type polly the groups with the song polly come on te screen alpabetical .


    i just noticed you only posted this post and you went away, leave the forum or just waitig for a reply for your question, if you google it, you will find millions of these ready made scripts, you can use them directly for free or even you can just modify them, but i prefer you make it yourself, you will learn so much by that way.

    anyway, you can find some on this site:



    qwijibow Posted Apr 25 2005, 01:27 AM

    I can barely understand that question, but dont want to discriminate againsed those whose first language is not English.

    What do you think ? make visible and move to the correct forum ? or straight to the junk forum ?

    some users want to just get thier aims, they don't care about learning, so even they don't care about where to put thier posts, don't be so offensive, it's a normal thing mate. :D

  17. Google had just published another new service, it is called google web accelerator, it's an accelerator for your web surfing, so you can save time surfing the internet, it looks a very great service when you look at it generally, but for the first time google made a very bad service, it does nothing new than the old accelerators, to make it appears like a very good brand service they put a warning that this service is only for broadband ADSL internet connections, not for dialup internet connections, as they didn't test it for dialup, in fact i did, i tested it on dialup, ISDN and ADSL connections, nothing new, in fact it's worse even than the old ones, it's just a hard disk waste, it doesn't save a second in fact "though it says it has saved **.**.** hours"

    we can say, it's really the first time to get such a bad service from google, hope they will do something for it soon.

  18. Hey, that was on the news yesterday! Nothing new to me I guess... That computer was less powerful than a simple mobile phone!




    it wasn't new for you, it's ok, but new for some others for sure :D , anyway that computer which was less poweful than a simple mobile phone, was at that time the most powerful machine at that time which u can have at your home, and at that time there were no mobile phones at all, years after that we got mobile phones which were more bigger than a laptop now, you were forced to carry a large case that contains of some machines to be able to make/recieve calls, don't forget that pager was a WOW cute brand new thing when it was realesed, where is it now???, do i hear someone says he met a man last month in an african forest who was using it??? ;)

    one day you will say the same about your current pc, it was a useless thing, have nothing to do more than some 3d games, developing enviroments, that slow broadband internet connection a very weak 256 mb VGA card,........ and so on, it was a time waste

  19. I want to creat a simple machine forum and I'm in big trouble with uploading the file to that Cpanel , what is it and how to use it ? Please help me . Thank you very much .


    Cpanel is the Control Panel you use to control your website contents, permissions, contacts,......and so on, you can say all things related to your site, you can google it and you will get so much refrences about this subject, but for now, this will help you, i think in solving your problem:


    1- login to your cpanel http://ww38.yoursite.com/cpanel , put your username and password.

    2- once you are on it, click on File Manager.

    3- click on public_html folder

    4- upload a file, browse and upload all your files


    also you can use any ftp manager, like cuteFTP, it will be more helpfull



  20. A new service google has just released is Google Spreadsheets, it's typically the same as Microsoft Excel in main features and abillities, ofcourse there are some diffirent things, such as it's:


    1- COMPLETELEY FREE, and this is the best as google always trying to make us happy :D

    2- It's web-based application, so you don't need to install it on your pc or to run it from your pc.

    3- you can store your files online.

    4- you can download your files in xls, cvs or HTML formats.

    5- so fast to run as it doesn't need java or virtual machines to run.


    i really like the idea though i don't use it for now, i use think free services as it's also completely free, it gives me word and powerpoint too, also you can save your work in pdf files and it gives me 1 GB storage, but anyway i think there will be a day that google will give more features and also don't forget, there will be GDRIVE ;)


    Google ROCKS!!

  21. Posted Image

    Today we celebrate 25th. "silver anniversary" for personal computer, the first ever one, IBM 5150, it was a miracle at that time, i know if you see it now you will say "you wouldn't touch it" and you may even think it's any other machine than to be a pc, but this one exactly was the reason we have these pc's today, it was the idea itself, it was the begin of the new generation, i just found this pretty article with some beutiful photos about this subject on BBC today's main page, enjoy it


    Birth of the PC


    The IBM PC was announced to the world on 12 August 1981, helping drive a revolution in home and office computing.

    The PC came in three versions; the cheapest of which was a $1,565 home computer.

    The machine was developed by a 12-strong team headed by Don Estridge.

    We take a look at changes in home computing over the last 25 years.


    taken from BBC website on 12th., Aug., 2006


    You can view the full article at this link:



  22. I have suggested to the Google people that they can wire it into the system so that when someone clicks on a ad from a particular ad unit, it should be turned off for that IP for a particular amount of time. Even if it is not turned off, the click should not be awarded by any monetary gains. That way, both the advertiser does not loose money, and neither does a Publisher get accused of foul play when a rival does such an act.


    I am not sure if Google would act on this, but it seems logical to me. On the other hand, who am I to say? I do not even know the amount of resources such a system would consume and is Google capable of doing it.


    I suggest that to them before more than a year already, so don't try to do dude, they will not listen to us, though anyway i prefer google to any other service all over the internet.


    Damn, if you're worried about this, I should probably sign off right now ^^

    Did you get paid for your Ads yet? Because I've read a bit in the Google Adsense Groups and there loads of users complaining that Google sent them off because of "click fraud" right after they reached the 100 dollar (get paid) mark.

    that happened to me before twice with google adsense, but when i complete my site i will go with it again, lol, i tried bidvertiser, they are so bad, they even don't add money to my account, they seems to be scammers :D
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