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About readingroses

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  1. I think the next evolution in the iPod will be an advancement of the new iPod video and iTunes Music Store integration. What I mean by this is Apple will increase the content that can be purchased through the iTunes Music store and that we will see improved generations of the iPod Video.I personally haven't had a chance to play with the iPod Video hands on yet - I currently have the old iPod Photo that was discontinued (quite literally the day after I got it...) for the improved standard iPod and the iPod video...Right now, television shows are available through the Music Store but with the latest business deal between Disney/Pixar, my guess is through Jobs' influence, we will see feature length films available in the future. (Currently, there are Pixar animated shorts that a featured, but I think it's just the beginning for video content on the iPod.)As well, it's only a matter of time until MP3 and cell technologies fuse with greater functionality. We have the ROKR now, but I'm willing to put money on a large harddrive based iPod/cellular later down the line.
  2. Anything in moderation is okay, but what I dislike about cellphones is the annoyance factor. I'm something of a film nerd and my biggest pet peeve (other than paying $10+ to see a movie at the theatre) is paying $10+ to see a movie at the theatre and having someone's cellphone go off in the middle of it!It's a matter of respect, not to mention there needs to be a stronger set of social customs behind it. Cellphones are still a new technology and so there isn't an established and recognized code of conduct/etiquette to accompany the usage.I, personally, like cellphones. In fact, I don't own a landline! My cell acts as my main line, and then long distance friends and family I talk to using Skype. My cellphone bill is cheaper than it cost me to have a landline and long distance plan. (Granted, I'm not a fan of talking on the phone, so perhaps this isn't a good argument factor for me!)I think that cellphones, when used reasonably, provide an essential security feature. It is good for use in case of emergencies: vehicle or other. Nothing is worse than being stranded on the side of the road with no way to call for help!
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