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Posts posted by Kushika

  1. I'd say it's good for people who are complete tech-incompetents, since it sets firewalls and auto-updates on by default.

    Are you talking about that rubbish Microsoft firewall that does absolutely nothing? XD It leads to a false sense of in security in my opinion.

    Once I actually properly back-up my system, or atleast, the important documents, I'll try to give SP2 a go. By the way, does it take up a lot of file space? I don't mean the initial installation file, but the whole service pack in general? Becuase I'm already using alot of diskspace as it is.

    Thanks for your previous replyies guys!

  2. You can't... chmoding is a Linux/Unix thing because Linux/Unix work all around file permissions.
    Windows dosen't use file permissions like in Unix so you don't need to do anything. When the script executes, if it opens and writes to a file, it'll do that without anything in Windows, but will require CHMOD of 777 on Unix.

    I've run plenty of scripts that require to be chmoded on UNIX to 777 and I haven't touched any file settings in Windows. Where did you read that you had to set the file to readable?


    I can't remeber where I read that...I think it was at another forum. On windows you can check the 'read-only' box in the 'Properties' dialog box. I'm not sure if this would affect anything though...

  3. I understand that there are alot of security updates in SP2. But I'm not sure if I should upgrade (I'm using Windows XP SP1). I have a decent anti-virus software installed, as well as a few freeware bit 'n' bobs. Also, if new viruses are made, are they exploiting the faults in SP1 or SP2? Or does it not matter which one they target?

    Microsoft claims:

    The vast majority of users upgrade to SP2 without a hitch, but there are some unusual cases where users have software or hardware configurations that cause problems with starting their computers after they install SP2.

    Personally, I'm slightly worried that the installation will fail and that I won't be able to recover my SP1 nor access my computer. I am running on a genuine version of Windows. I've never understood Service Packs, so I'm not sure how serious a fail could be. Any one here know what the worst possible scenario could be? And do you guys think it is worth for me to upgrade?

  4. Hi, I've recently installed Apache 1.3.34 on my Windows XP machine. Does anyone know how to CMOD files to specific values? I've read somewhere that if you set the file to 'readable' that is the equivalent of CHMODing it to 777...is this true? By the way, sorry if this is in the wrong forum section. I wasn't really sure where to put this.

  5. Bacially I have 2 computers, both connected by a wireless connection. My computer is the "master" computer, while another one is sharing an internet connection through mine. My computer is connected to a printer via USB, and I would like the other computer to be able to use the printer aswell. In the past this guy managed to set it up....but after a few networking problems the connection to the printer via both computers somehow broke off. I've spent ages on trying to work out how to make it work. Do I need to install any drivers on the other computer? I have all software required installed on my computer, but not on the other one. My computer is running on Windows XP SP1, while the other one runs on Windows XP SP2. On my computer I have enabled printer sharing via control panel, (with the share name of 'hpprinter'). Any suggestions to what I can do now? I don't have access to any manual BTW becuase it's kinda lost in a big pile of other documents... On the other computer, I tried to click "find printer" but all I get is that no printer can be found. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  6. I think Norton is rubbish. It doesn't detect everything, atleast not where spy-ware, ad-ware or similar is concerned. I'll tell you a scenario that happened to me.... Norton detected this spyware but couldn't delete it, even though it was updated. So in the end I serached for a tutorial on how to delete it. All it took was the modifying of a few registry keys and deleting a few files -- I didn't even have to run my computer in safe mode. In the end I was manually deleting all this junk for my computer while Norton did nothing. I'm much happier with my new anti-virus, Panda Platinum

  7. thks xbox, i alreday posted a similar thread in "Security and Exploits" Section, in fact this virus delete known files such as *.mdb, *.doc, *.xls,*.pps & *.ppt, and other kind of this files. In summa he can delet 13 type of diffrente files, and the "best" (U know what i mean ) is, if he isn't  deleted from the system this little f*cK** its programmed to every 3rd day of each month reactivated again and start working again. This is bad because guys with School works , companies databases that are stored in computers for a long time and probably only is used on the end of the year will never know what happened to those files.

    To Prevent this Virus Just update your antivirus before 3rd Febuary Cheers m8.


    Personally I don't think MS Outlook is a good e-mail client becuaes of all the exploits it has. I guess people just need to learn t backup files more regularly... if fact, I could do with a few backups...



    If you'd read what I posted earlier, you'd see that the delete button is only available if you use Google Mail with the language English US!

    If you use British English (like I do) or any other language, as far as I understand, you wont get the delete button, or the new "Web Clips" near the top of your page.


    To change language, once you are signed into Google Mail (or Gmail if you're not in the UK), click Settings on the top-right of the screen and make sure you are on the General tab. The option to change language should be first on the list.


    Hope this helps  :)


    I'm sure they'll make it avaliable for all languages eventaully. I'm glad they've added that feature in. No matter how much space I have, I always like to have a clean inbox :P

  9. i should have put, use fake info if you want to be secure


    I suppose it also depends if your name can easily traces. If you have a name of Jessica Smith that that is unlikely since both names are popular. I wouldn't bother giving out any info. Why should you? If you really need to give out personal info, e.g. if you're buying paid hosting, then confirm with your parent/guardian. No point in risking it....

  10. I see there are alot of computer addicts here :) For me, I need the internet for alot of the coursework I'm doing right now, as well as talk to friends. Thanks to the internet I learnt how to make website. My friend has a Windows 98 computer without internet. She rarely uses it though. She seems fine and has a happier life than some other people I know XD I do love the computer, but if I has no access to it I wouldn't care that much, quite the contrary to what I used to be like. A year or so ago I went over to my grandparents who I rarely them. Because they has a new computer, I spent ages on it playing on the internet. In the end I realised what I was doing... I forgot to value my grandparents, and that I should be spending more time with them than on the internet (which I have access almost everyday to). My school replys on computers alot more and more. Even for the registers (role call, whatever u call it) before classes. It's quite ironic... they almost lost all the data from a server crash and, besides, how hard is it to tick a piece of paper? :P Computers are good fun though. =D

  11. Thank you for your help, Houdini. It works fine now :) I actually installed everything seperately. It was a pain in the neck aswell, either way, it's good to know where all the config files are if you install it 'manually', plus I learnt something new. Maybe when I grow up I'll own some servers...I'm 14 right now. XD Thank you soooo much for your help guys! :P

  12. Why don't you try phpMyAdmin? It's also provided by Xisto so I'm sure it's a good service. Here's the link to their homepage: https://www.phpmyadmin.net/


    Thank you for your help, I've tried to install it. It connects fine to the database, however, I get the following message:


    The mbstring PHP extension was not found and you seem to be using a multibyte charset. Without the mbstring extension phpMyAdmin is unable to split strings correctly and it may result in unexpected results.


    I'm a newbie to PHP and mySQL....so... what exactly is an mbstring and should I bother to enable / install it?

  13. I'm often refered to on the internet as Pinkie or Kushika. I guess I'll just intorduce myself.... I'm pretty good at (X)HTML, CSS and I am currently learning PHP & MySQL. I can speak fluent Polish (although my speling is poor XD ) and I really want to learn Spanish. I've been learning spanish for 3 years how. I can't wait to earn 30 points. So, each day, if inactive, I lose one point? I'm a bit worried about the point system since I do go on holidays often... Also, one I apply for an account, then if my credits are reset, does this not automatically suspend my hosting account? Or do I have to quickly make up for the points. Sorry if I'm asking questions in the wrong section XD I hope I'll have fun here!

  14. Hi, I've tried seraching for a bit, but I couldn't find an answer to my questions. Recently I've succesfully installed Apache on my Windows XP Machine, along with PHP and mySQL. I need a database on my computer for testing purposes. I've enables mySQL in PHP, and both seems to be working fine. I can connect to the database, but how do I edit the database? E.g., edit rows or modify columns. I would much rather stay away from using the command-line stuff. I'm looking for a GUI Query program that I can use, but I have no clue which one to choose. It would be really nice if I could hear some opinions on which program is best to use, (bearing in mind that I don't want the program to be too big in filesize!)Thank you for reading this. I would really appreciate you help on this :)

  15. --------------------------------------------




    [quote name='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you have a website, and you would like add a menu / navigation bar on every page? Well, there are a few options, you can use ugly frames (which many people don't like) or you can add a navigation bar on every page. But if you would like to change it, you have to edit ALL the pages. Which is OK if you have a 5 page website, but once it starts to grow and you get 15 or more pages, it can prove to be quite the hassle! (I did the mistake of doing that ^^')


    BUT! I can tell you a little secret of mine..... I can teach you a magical amazing thing, that lets you edit once file and it will instantly, magical show up on all of your pages! What is this you ask? Well, it is SSI, Server Side Includes. (It is an alternative to the PHP include - if you don't know what that is, well it doesn't matter).


    BUT you cannot use SSI with things that generate the HTML code for you, such as 'simple sitE builders' You have to use 'solid HTML' and know how to edit HTML files







    1. MAKE SURE YOUR HOST SUPPORTS SSI! If you don't know have a look at their 'features' page, or their FAQ or contact customer support.




    2. First of all you need to build a layout with a navigation menu, and a space for content.




    3. You need to separate the HTML:


    Take the HTML from the top of the page to your content, put it into a file called 'top.txt', make sure you include everything, including the <html><head> tags. Now, take everything from the end of your content to the very bottom, right to the </html> tag. Put it into a file called 'bottom.txt'


    Confusing? Well here is a little diagram of a layout.


    Posted Image



    top.txt should contain only the BLUE bits of the diagram the banner and left navigation. bottom.txt should contain the PINK bits, the right navigation (if any) and footer (if any).




    4. Now we get onto the fun stuff, the SSI. Make a page named whatever.shtml and add the following code, editing where needed.


    On the content page add


    <!--#include virtual="top.txt"-->[HTML of content here]<!--#include virtual="bottom.txt"-->
    (if you have no right navigation and footer you may delete the above line).









    Just edit top.txt or bottom.txt, and the effect will appear on all of your pages which have the SSI code. Simple eh?








    1) Make sure your host does support SSI, also, read your host's FAQ / contact customer support, some hosts, such as 1asphost.com, need you to change the URL to '/username/top.txt'


    2) Make sure the SSI code is correct....mistakes are very easy to make


    3) DO NOT include any SSI code in top.txt or bottom.txt


    4) Make sure the page with the content has the extention of .shtml


    5) If your the top.txt and bottom.txt files in different directories than the content, then you need to change the code to:


    <!--#include virtual="/yourdirectory/yourfile.txt"-->

    6) All of the pages, including top.txt and bottom.txt must be on the same server or webspace.





    I am the owner of Pichu's World; the tutorial is also posted on that site, however, I am the rightful owner of the information. If in doubt, go to the contact section and e-mail the owner which is me. I can then e-mail you back with verification that I am the rightful owner and that I posted this.


    Notice from twitch:
    I have approved this tutorial, but in future remember that any content copied, even if it is your own work, requires that you have used quote tags. You shouldn't be given credit twice for doing one thing. In future, I will simply remove your whole thread.

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