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Everything posted by blackbart

  1. Would be easier to address if you gave us some information on your operating system. If you are in linux you could set up two network configuration files on slackware the file is /etc/rc.d/ rc.inet1.conf Config information for eth0:IPADDR[0]=""NETMASK[0]=""USE_DHCP[0]="no"DHCP_HOSTNAME[0]=""...........# Default gateway IP address:GATEWAY="" As yu can see there are settings for the address, using DHCP and the default gateway. there are many more entries in the file for how ever many interfces you may have. open the file in your favorite editor and set it up for a fixed IP by entering your config in the appropriate lines. save this file as rc.inet1.fixed now remove the mask, address and gateway values and replace the value for "USE_DHCP[0]" to "yes." Save this file as rc.inet1.dhcp. you can now write a simple shell script to copy the proper file to rc.inet1.conf. #!/bin/shcp /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.$1 /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.confsave it as chnetconf, or whatever, chmod it to 755 and call it with "chnetconf (fixed or dhcp)" This is all real basic and there are other aspects to consider such as user rights and chmodding the files to writable, etc. but if you'e linux geek it oughta be cake IF, you have windoze: You'll have to be comforatable working in regedit you can export the TCPIP configuration for your fixed ip config from within regedit to a fixed.reg file then go in through control panel and change the config to DHCP and export the settings again to a dhcp.reg file. These files can be double clicked to update the registry for the desired effect or, yu can write a .cmd file to call regedit with the proper file name depending on the desired effect. My Windoze is rusty so do a little msn search on "parameters in .cmd files" for your answer to that one. I'd just put shortcuts to the .reg files on the desktop or in the menu with labels like 'Change to DHCP" & "Change to Fixed IP"
  2. i've got a site that ranks very well in MSN and Google. In fact, I've got several listings onpage one of MSN's SERP' wth my targeted keywords. As always MSN has already picked up these changes and I am on the first page for them. This is a purely white hat site no tricks, no spam, good content.I have 220 links indexed in MSN I have 18 in Yahoo and only eight in Google. When entering the search terms in Yahoo I only show up for one or two terms on the first page. All of my traffic come from MSN and google What's up with Yahoo? Why is this such a tough nut to crack? I have been told to, "Pay the $300"This is an interesting answer. I have never paid for software. I am not abot to pay for a listing from the # 2 search engine. I've got Google and MSN sewn up for free. I have recently submitted my rss feed to yahoo's directory and am interested in the differences, if any. It just seems to me that paying for a listing is anathematic to the spirit of search engines and what the public expects when they search.I am on page one (of Yahoo) for some obscure search terms; Ones I don;t even rate for in the other engines! Seems there is a very elitist approach to positioning with Yahoo. it's an interesting phenomenon. When partaking in various SEO forums and reading online articles about SEO there is so much written on Google and MSN, very little information on ranking well in Yahoo. Most SEO keyword tools use Overture's keyword lists for optimization and these lists are pretty right on. Isn't Overture a Yahoo related SE?Is the only approach to getting indexed more often than once ever coupla days paying money? I've seen other sites with little on-page optimization that get crawled two or three times a day. I've tried submitting my site through Alexa and watched my thumbnail appear and then disappear in their search resluts.It took almost a month for my new site information show up in Yahoo when I updated it. Does Yahoo look for inbound links of a particular type or does it weigh certain sites heavier? If that's the case does any one know what the key is? It just seems while we all worry about and discuss google that Yahoo is a much tougher nut would love to get on their first page almost as a challenge rather for the traffic it would generate. Just reluctant to pay extortion money.Where is the research into yahoo's algo? Is seems there is just not too much out there. and Yahoo seems to have alot more lesser SE's attached to it. I had hoped there would be more information on this.$300??? I've got a listing just no position. So will the 'brbe' get me better position?Does anyone here target Yahoo osition? how are you doing?
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