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About chocolatxbliss

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 2]
  1. what kind fo freeware...? are you into like the product, or are you okay with trial version that sounds lame. if you're looking for like art and graphic freeware, i'd definitely go for GIMP. usually i google it..."(what software you're searching for)" + "free download" a lot will come up as trial versions, but there'll be some freeware
  2. well, as long as you're happy with it...i mean, if you're like the big downloading person or something then maybe...not? i don't know i use mcaffee (or however you spell it), but i'm pretty sure norton's good too...i think those two are like the top. i mean, if youre happy with norton and you haven't really had any problems with it, and you'r ecomputer is relatively virus free, then i dont' see the need to change it.
  3. if you're entire website is flash based or like you stuck everything on that one page, then it will take too long to load and no one will want to go cause some people have dialup and stuuuuuuf....or you could like divide up the weight so that it doesn't load all at once =]i don't really use flash, so i don't like know what the standard for flash is =/ sorry, but that's my opinion
  4. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you could just get a web host, and they'll host pics for yougoogle it, and a lot will show up, there's billions out there. you can always use different hosts all at once =]
  5. HELLO does anyone know how you can like...position an image wherever you want? I'd prefer not to put it into its own "div" box.................. is there a code or something for it?
  6. lol i have crazy weird dreams too =/ but i hardly ever remember them, and if i do, it's only like snatches of it. i don't think dreams mean anything that's GOING to happen. it's more like, it conveys your feelings (though sometime inaccurate...i had a dream where i was trying to talk this guy's mom into letting me marry her son...who i don't like...seirously...o.O) but they're just there to remind you what can happen and what has. =]
  7. aw poor you but i'm a newbie too =/ it's kind of like the freshmen vs. sernior thing in school, isn't it?
  8. oh sorry id din't know the link didn't work... freewebs.com/chocolatxbliss_harrypotter sorry for the um double post...><
  9. it's got that simple, professional feel to it, looks pretty good =]set up more links and navigation and stuff...people liek those add more stuff to your site though...it's a bit bland. try more graphics and eye catching and more colors..but i still like that simple professional feel...you could just improve a bit more
  10. Hi, I've made a website (it's a Harry Potter fansite...ahh I'm such a harry potter nerd...) and i'd like YOUR feedback on it.I'm currently in the middle of switching hosts (and maybe getting a domain name), and it's VERY under constructoin, so don't click on any of the links cause there might be nothing there. =] I have gotten a few things up, but as I'm switching hosts...anyways: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ don't comment on the content...since it's under construction...but how's the design? Feedback please. I know it looks silly cause it's a HARRY POTTER fansite and I know there's billions out there...but I wanted to put one up so i could convey my opinions and like..maybe more? I don't know but just comment on my design =] Merci beauuucoup
  11. i dno't really like the blur part it takes a bit out of the picture and makes it look kind of like weirdishhh...but they're okay i guess i mean, they're eye catching but the first one's a little weird, even if it might have taken longer to do? O.o
  12. i don't get the monkey and "farmerboy" part -- does it have anything to do with it?
  13. either program is fine, but i'd say photoshop definitely rocks all. you can like do the most with it and it's really compatible and it's REALLY good. but if you're going for freeware cause photoshop's like 100$, i'd go forrr GIMP...it has like all the same things as photoshop (excluding a couple), and considering it's freeware, i think you're getting a pretty good deal.
  14. use an image map lol i just gave out the link to someone else i think it's http://www.lissaexplains.com/ and then search for "image map" and click the first one, it gives you a tutorial. you don't have to like split the image up or anything (unless you want to) if you want to like split it up and link separate images...then you can just use this really easy code <a href=""><img src=""</a href>it's not that hard and you can like put gaps and stuff though i think an image map would be easier...i dunno i'm not realy sure what you're asking but i think that's it.
  15. it looks really good but it's like grey in the top left, then suddenly it's all black in the bottom right. it looks a little weird, put like something there (like little itty bitty things - make something different) and for the coding thing, an image map would work fine. http://www.lissaexplains.com/fun6.shtml and she gives you a good image map tutorial...it's a little confusing, but it's pretty mcuh the best out there. just re read it over and over again and concentrate really hard on her graphics and stuff and you'll get it. image maps are really fun, and if it's taking you a long time, dont' worry it took me hours to figure it out. you'll get the hang of it after a while after you learn where everything on the picture is
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