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Posts posted by James_K

  1. I dont think Mesmer is a junior you I think your are a junior mesmer, anyway back on topic AMD has always been the one to inspire overclockers because, it's not that intel chips are not overclockable mesmer it when you use it with another intel board the board will check with the cpu what it's true speed is at and say HEY! your faster/slower then your suppose to be CHANGE IT NOW! OR I WONT START UP is basically what will happen so in theory you could overclock it but from reports I've heard from freinds it max's out at 4% oh gee what a boost, also I heard that when the moved to the 800 on the FSB it's causing some slight bottlenecking which ultimatly slows down the system and tends to creat the FSB to overheat, although Intel boy I dont know where you got the idea that the Intel 800 series were dual core the only processors that are dual core that they make are the Xeon's although they now have 800 FSB so I guess you could be talking about those but they are made for servers not for normal cpu use, and just for the people that dont know AMD created dual core to creat less heat according to Moore's Law that having 2 processors doing the "number crunching" will conduct less heat then one stressing on all the "numbers" BUT do not thing OOO DUAL CORE double the proccessing speed/power no benchmarks and research shows that it's only about 1.5 not a complete double the main reason is for heat not power which is bad for intel because that WAS one of their strenths and what kept them in the games...now what do they got?

  2. Well I'm not sure about you since you didn't list the model number of the Alienware but most Alienware come with Liquid cooling and also they are usualy so neat and tidy with the cables that you cant even see them which makes it extreamly efficiant also it coumes standard with a one year warrenty which yours wont if you build it yourself plus the low lat RAM makes a big difference when compated to Genaric RAM I got Corsair XPERT 2-2-2-5 when I changed from Generics it seemed like I've upgraded by 1Ghz CPU but thats my opinion hope you get the computer you want

  3. Ok, you can check this very easily... go to https://www.siteuptime.com/ and signup for your account, enter your site's specifications... and voila! you'll get a report on your email every time when your site is down... you can check from what location in the world siteuptime will try to visit your site. Siteuptime will check your site every hour, and if it's down it will notify you, and will notify you again when it's up again... This way you can be sure that it's down, because, in many cases it's just something with your ISP.


    will do thanks a lot for you time FD I appreciate.

  4. I have a 9800 bought it when it just came out so it was expensive I'm thinking of getting the 7800 or the 1800 when it comes out not sure yet I can play all those games on my card including Quake 4 or med or higher I although I have yet to play Patch of Neo but I'm going to get Path of Neo :)

  5. I'm having trouble deciding I want to build a nice small barebone PC using the Fragbox case by Falcon although I cant get that here so I've decided to go with Shuttel but my main problem is that I'm debating on rather spending all this money to build the ultimate heater :) for the same price I could get a DECENT laptop which includes a screen and does not HAVE to have a powersupply untill it runs out of batt so what would you choose Kick *bottom* barebone or OK decent laptop, which includes a monitor and battery life? I'm open to new suggestions

  6. the best free one I would say is Runescape it's old I really havent played it for years to be honest but I heard good things about it and new changes so you might want to give that a shot, on another note MICRO YOUR ON DIAL UP? how do you LIVE? I think becuase MICRO has been SUCH a great moderator we should all chip in and help him by broadband and taste the great beauty of SPPPPEEEEDDDD

  7. haha if life was an mmorpg this world would be wayyy to overpopulated everyone would be robbers stealing stuff and "buying" a new "life" haha and if they found a way to "hack" life then they could probebly screw up the whole world on the bright side tho at least there is always respawn but that would probebly lead to neverending battles well take a look a secondlife and see how thats going I mean it even has its own stock market, thats pretty cool

  8. Hatim I belive NOD32 is great but thats my opinion generally I always saw Norton to be a huge system resource hogger but that also my opinion AVG and Panda both come highly recommended from series of techies if you still are having trouble deciding install paltalk and to the PCHELP they will help you find which AV is best to suit your needs although I would say that you wold have waisted a big sum of money on buying 2006

  9. NOD32 Is more projected at a moderate systems user as you will beable to tell through it's GUI it's simple but powerful thats why it works there is nothing wrong with norton it's just taking up a lot of unssicary system power which you could be using on other things such as games or music while playing games or movies or........you get the point although I have to admit they seem to be gradually getting better in that area

  10. I agree with Yacoob dell does a lot of things to cut back on costs and it seems to be working to me you get a resonable amount for what you pay for, Dell also has good costomer support it's user friends, thier site offers maximum customization and good batt, apart from that my bro has a toshiba sat, man the speakers on that thing is the bomb, serious he turns them full blast no distort and is LOUD for laptop speakers also the sat, has a nice panel in the front so you can close the screen and still control your music (I dont know about you but I love music so...) I really wouldn't go near a compaq (I just dont like them but thats my opinon) and Acer unless your looking at expensive stuff

  11. I think hatim is correct Norton is OK but it does take up a lot of resources from your computer I recommend NOD32 it seems to be able a lot of stuff that Norton does not and it does it much quicker then norton. Also it alows you to terminate the connection before the virus has time to install it self also it uses less computer resources, well thats my opinion

  12. I agree with killer if you got the cash get it but it will cost a limb and a arm but it will last long enough so you can grow em back, To me pyost doesn't seem to be quite a hard-core gamer most gamers know that the battle between ATI and Nvidia is never ending and how he related Nvidia to microsoft I will never know yah sure a year ago 128 were go but a year ago I was a year younger a year ago I didn't have this 64 bit Dual core AMD processor a year ago I didn't have these ATI 1800 connected by crossfire (I know there is a lot of glitches you dont have to point it out) a year ago I had the 6600 what I'm trying to say is Technology is evlolving faster then anything (if you reading this then you most likley already know) sure 128 is the recommended amount of VRAM for Quake but who wants to play everything at NORMAL quality when you can have High Or OMG crazy High? And apart from the times you'll go oh SH*T that scared the crap out of me the other times you'll go THESE ARE AMAZING GRAPHICS plus to me the way I see it you'll need to upgrade every 3-5 years with the speed that todays games are evloving and by that time you'll probebly be playing everything on low quality and low rez and you'll be back here asking which graphics card would be better the 10000 by ATI or the 780000GT by Nvidia? Yah right now 512 might seem like a bit much it's not unneccesary but it's nice to have so that you can play games still at good quality in 2 years. You might think jeeze who does this dork prefer ATI or Nvidia? I dont care I just get the better reviewed one if it works and if it's the best at the time that's good enough for me.James

  13. I think overall this site is great the only things I have problems with is that we ahve to do so many posts it would be much easier if there was more posts everyday sometimes I really have to look for somewhere to post just so I can keep my day limit above 10 *Like I'm doing now* I mean I would wait a couple days and only 2 new posts are up or I havent yet read or seen I thinks it's hard to keep a daily quota I mean no ads no fees are great but to be using a sytem like thins you need to become much more popular first

  14. so can you fit a PCI express card into an ordinary PCI slot?


    Haha no web for most cards if you look the PCI-E it wont be longer then your thumb while some might be as long as the standerd AGP slot but no there are certians "cut-outs" in the card where plastic goes in this makes sure that you dont put it in backwards or put in a wrong type of card also PCI-E is servreal timesfaster then PCI which was the whole reason it was created first created was PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) was to create expandion slots so you can add cards and extra features on to your computer thats when most graphics company formed and almost removed the term intergrated graphics then AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) was formed it's main purpose was to suppy powereful graphical devices which removed the boundries and restrictions that had proven troublsome to the designers and programmers to the Graphics industry this was because teh demand of 3D became a huge cry people were getting sick of 4 colors after they wanted higher resolutions and more colors they got 16 colors and higher resolution and after 10's of years now we have big screen TV bloody projectors as monitors for computers with 256 colors! (Thats a lot more then a rainbow, if you can list 256 colors with out looking it up you deserve a medal) of course I left out A lot of history if you want to know the whole process look it up in google or a A+ book of I might write it out later, and now we have PCIE which can handel double the transfer rate of which an AGP can and also is much more flexiable (sorry if some parts run off or done make sense it's 3 in the morning) if you need more information I'm happy to supply it


  15. Well according to microsoft the glitch is only in a TINY amount of systems and is not caused by the SYSTEM IT SELF (Oh GEE THANKS GOD.............) no noy my the system but the POWER SUPPLY!!!! wow last time i checked everytime I built a computer I considerd the power supply part of my system but nooo according to microsoft it's not them it's what they put in!, Ok enough with the sarcasim for now aparently I think it's the head of the 360 project says it's overheating so far they are not offering any replacements that I have heard of but they said you can fix it your self by installing a new, more efficiant power supply...Back with sarcasim...New power supply with voided warrenty and potentially screwing up your whole BRAND NEW system or play with glitches???? Wow good choices well hopefully by the time I but one all the TINY amounts of units will have been sold!

  16. If you're starting with a new, blank hard drive, partitioning is easy. The installation routines of Windows NT, 2000, and XP give you some control over partitions. Other versions of Windows come with FDISK, a basic partitioning utility that you copy to a bootable floppy.But if you want to have extensive partitioning options, you'll need a utility such as Partition Commander ($40) or PartitionMagic ($69). They offer such options as changing the size of partitions and converting from different file systems. And, given enough free space, they preserve the data stored on your drive.If you're starting with a new, blank hard drive, partitioning is easy. The installation routines of Windows NT, 2000, and XP give you some control over partitions. Other versions of Windows come with FDISK, a basic partitioning utility that you copy to a bootable floppy.But if you want to have extensive partitioning options, you'll need a utility such as Partition Commander ($40) or PartitionMagic ($69). They offer such options as changing the size of partitions and converting from different file systems. And, given enough free space, they preserve the data stored on your drive.Before you run the partitioning software, decide how you want to organize your hard drive(s). Consider the size of the drive, whether you want to simply segregate data from the operating system and applications or create a more complex structure, and whether you want to run more than one OS. Once you've decided how to set up your partitions, follow the directions to install and run the partitioning software. Although the software won't let you make incorrect choices, you should check and double-check the new partitions to make sure you've allocated all the drive's space. Creating and moving partitions may take 30 minutes or more, depending on how full your drive is. The software will also format the new partitions for you.

  17. Well for 98 and XP I'm going to have to do some research first but as for setting up ad- hoc heres how From the Start menu, click Control Panel. In Control Panel, in Category View, click Network and Internet Connections. In the Network and Internet Connections window, click or double-click Network Connections. In the Network Connections window, right-click Wireless Network Connection, and then click View Available Wireless Networks. In the Connect to Wireless Network dialog box, click Advanced. In the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box, click the Wireless Networks tab. On the Wireless Networks tab, click Add. In the Wireless Network Properties dialog box, in the Network (SSID) box, type the name of the network. For a peer-to-peer network, this can be any network name not already in use, for example, Adhoc. Select the This is a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network check box. If an encryption key has been agreed to by the other members of your networkSelect the Data encryption (WEP enabled) check box. Click to clear the The key is provided for me automatically check box. In the Network key box, type the network key. In the Key format list, click the key format you have agreed to. In the Key length list, click the key length you have agreed to. In the Key index (advanced) list, click the up or down arrow button to select the key index you have agreed to. To close the Wireless Network Properties dialog box, click OK. Click the General tab. On the General tab, in the This connection uses the following items list, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) . If you do not see Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), drag the scroll bar to see more options. Click Properties. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, click the General tab. On the General tab, click Use the following IP address. In the IP Address box, type an IP Address value, and then in the the Subnet Mask box, type a Subnet Mask value for each wireless computer on your peer-to-peer network. The IP Address for computer 1 should end with a 1, and the IP Address for computer 2 should end with a 2. To close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, click OK. To close the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box, click OK. I'll look up the 98 problem for youJames

  18. Their BOTH good games but when you play doom first it seems like quake is copied from it and since thier both from ID I'm guessing thier both based on the same engines I'm kind of glad that headshots actually count now in Quake I havent gotten that far but it seems like doom but more light and you actually get team mates that LIVE! yay! I'll report when I finsh em both

  19. Great this is the second time I'm writing this don’t you just hate it when that happens? well anyway alright well I don’t know about netgear but from past experience when I installed the programs that come with certain routers they seem to take over my wireless manager from windows but that might not be the case for all unless it says that the wireless manager is being used by a different program or something like that then your fine you can just basically forget all the stuff I said up their I thought you wanted to directly connect the two computers but now I see, ok your going to firstly want to set both computers on the same workgroup to do this you must first right click your "My Computer" Not the shortcut or simply just press Windows key and Pause/break there you will find a computer name tap open that and you will see full computer name and Workgroup now both computer must be on the same workgroup for this to work the defaults are MSHOME and WORKGROUP now if both of them have already been set on the same one then happy day's (I have no idea where that came from) if not change them to the same it doesn’t matter which. After doing that share all the stuff you want to now for this to work you may be forced to edit the rules set by your firewall now I don’t know about Zone Alarm but I'm sure you'll be able to find someone who does here. After that (I'm presuming your using Windows XP) go to "My Network Places" You should see all items that are being shared on your network click workgroup computers and you should see both your computers (Sometimes just the other one) on the network now the best way to do this if you paranoid about security (that’s a good thing) is secure your wireless add an encryption password to it that way only you can access but make sure you don’t make it an easy to guess password I have had countless times when I just used the password "Password" or "hello" and gotten access to things so make it unique also if you extra paranoid then you can assign computer names to that router so it will only accept a certain computer with a certain name that way only your computer can access it even if someone else tried and knew your pass, but the painful thing about this is that every time you have a new computer over your going to have to add it, but it is better if you live in highly dense residential area like NY City or a high risk area like NY city.. Ha-ha joke but yah you want and are still stuck after this I'll write you a full feature tutorial CheersJames

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