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Everything posted by James_K

  1. See big brands make their money through name and obviously selling the iteam but although more and more companies are getting to sell barebone systems I would say mostly shuttel and their rivals or "accociats" (I know I spelt that wrong be quite) have that part of the market I guess one way it could be going is that other companies respect that, thats theirs and they respect that they have desktops and laptops also it's not like laptops the smaller the more expensive it's the opposite for towers the smaller the less expensive so they probebly wont benefit as much as you would expect them to because they cant up the price or people will just buy from Shuttel or better yet create their own.James
  2. hahaha i was thinking the exact same thing although i noticed that i could get an HP pavillian although not as great you got to admire its portability and how it can use a battery and comes with an attatched monitor i was planning to get a 64 equiped with a 7800 but i settalled with HP with a 2.0GHz and X700 its not a gaming rig but if your concern is space i recommend one of those
  3. eh it's not like it's the first time this has happend Notice from szupie: Please use the quote tags when quoting information. -----From http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4137782.stm -----szupie That was from um BBC dont remember the exact URL tho
  4. Win home cannot use remote access but it does have the ability to have it is on your WIN XP home CD in ummmm I dont quite remember but it's there somewhere I think it might be under extras but if you dont want to waist your time looking for it you can just download the client from here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. I dont know where you live but if you live where I live *hong Kong* you can go to some specialities stores where they can change your battery into a new one that will last for another couple of years and for you guys who think that they will screw up and damage you ipod well this is basically how these guys make a living so no plus they warrentize if your ipod does screw up becuase of the new battery that they have put in they will be happy to replace or fix it at no extra charge
  6. Haha no it;s not that hard as you might think before it was all in the jumpers well some of it still is but brands are making it easier and easier ATI automatic overclocking is still a pretty new feature Nvidea came out with it first in their firmware so ati made a come back by including it it their X series and cpu can now easily be changed by changing the multiplier in you bios settings although you wont be aloud to make much of a difference with an intel board and processor becically the board will check the recommended speed and if it notices that it's above or below that it'll thats not right and refuse to start or keep crashing it self untill it's changed to it's recommended multiplier
  7. If you really need a high powered machine, of course you want to go with a desktop. You can get much more bang for buck, and you can run more and bigger monitors. If you don't need a computer that goes BAM, but still gets the job done, and if you want to travel with your own computer, then a laptop is for you. If you can afford both, then you use a laptop for traveling and sync data as needed with the ultimate desktop that you build.of course, I highly doubt a company will give you both, so if you are allowed to take it out of the office, then get a laptopIn my experience, data on desktops tends for some reason to get backed up more often than on laptops. Doesn't have to be that way, but it is, if only because desktops can stay on the network overnight for unattended backups to the network server.My desktops have wireless keyboards and mice, something a docking station could have--but, remember, I've never meet a docking station I liked.The point here is that, whatever technical equality now exists between the two form factors, there remains both dollars-and-cents and practical/personal choice reasons to choose a desktop, laptop, or both--which is really my recommendation.With prices as low as they are, I can have a laptop for use around the house and occasional trips and a very nice desktop for a combined price of AU$4,000 or less. That's a heck of a deal compared to hardware prices not that long ago.Buying a real travel notebook means spending AU$3,000 or more, but adding the dock can be fairly pricey. For not a lot more money you can get a desktop machine and use it when you aren't on the go.If I could only have one computer, though, it would be a notebook, but only because writing is my primary task and I've gotten comfortable doing it in the den rather than in my office. But that is only a David work-style issue and, you know, it's easy for me to say I'd forgo the desktop, which I use for big projects--Web design, music, photo editing, etc.--because I know it won't actually go away.As much as I like the little notebooks, one thing is certain: No machine with a screen smaller than 15 inches could ever be my only computer.
  8. um just curious what would be the argument on NOT Getting a nano??? I mean color, picutres, longer battery (I think), a decent size thinner, more features and like duh it's NEWER! plus yah I know people are worried oh the screen cracks easily apple has already agreed to change that for free if that happends to you
  9. If I had to live without a computer I would probebly feel like I would be living in the stone ages and feel completly lost then the new ever evlovling world but I mean for most gamers their policy is to change computer every 3 years to keep up with the ever growing demand in gaming community now say an average life span of a person is 80 years right? and say you get a computer at the age of 10 become a gamer at 12 so 80-12=78 78/3 thats 26 computers in your life or 26 upgrades when is too much too much?
  10. Here is the site you wanted varsoft http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. um well lets put it this way there it's not that it's not possibe to downlaod office it's that it's not possible to LEAGLY possible to download office.....well I guess if you bought it before and had an oridiginally purchased key that you bough......but thats not the point there is not real way to download office leagaly and since this is not a hack, warez, serials or p2p type of form which I'm sure micro will point out to you later there is no one here that will be able to help you but yah if your looking for a good solution listen to the others get openoffice
  12. It looks like the guy is using bloody liquid nitrogen as a coolent man this guy is one serious dude but how would he do it I mean wont the thing crash after a certian speed? he would have had to manually configured the voltage on his mb to have done something this extreme right?
  13. I dont know if I agree with you there jip my school uses it for all their computers (Not all the same model) they make one image and when ever one messes up or if they get new computers they use that image for all of them so.......yah......please explain fi you still disagree
  14. Crap pressed the wrong button ok I suggest you use Noton Ghost https://us.norton.com/ create an image of you drive and put the image on your new computer although your going to have some problems at first because your going to have to uninstall all drivers that were ment for you old acomputer and install the new ones fo your new one
  15. Um I'm guessing you already have windows XP on both computer if so then all you need to do is connect them together through ad-hoc unless you have a wireless router if not follow these instructions (If you do have one skip below) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to copy the whole entire harddrive from one computer to another then I suggest you use
  16. Oops forgot to mension RAM and HDD RAM Thinking about Corsair XPERT but proving difficult to find again so Probebly another model but still by Xpert for 2048 is $1030 ($132) HDD Western Digital WD3000JB 300GB / 7200rpm / Serial ATA $1,087 ($140) Which gives me a combine total of $13637 ($1,758) thinking of cutting back on the cost by changing Gigabyte 7800 to a Winfast 7800
  17. I'm thinking of building a frag box so tell me if you think this is overpriced or a good idea or a bad one or what ever all prices are in HK dollars converted price to us are in brackets Proccessor ATHLON 64 3200+ $1,260 ($162) Graphics Card Gigabyte GV-NX78X256VP-B GF 7800 GTX / 256MB / DDR3 RAM $3,980 ($513) OR WINFAST PX7800GT-TDH GF7800GT / 256MB / PCI-Express $2,780 ($358) Which do you think I should get? Case Shuttel (for got what model but it will work) $3500 ($451) Remember the case comes with the Motherboard on board sound and um yah I'll prob through in a dvd writer in there later on but thats cheep like $700 ($90) for the best one out All prices were converted by http://www.xe.com/?r=1 PS. All prices have a bargining price from $50-200 *thank you hong kong* ($6-30)
  18. Oops I guess I should of did this before I looked up a vs. chart and found this http://www.gamepc.com/ looks like the 7800 wins in everything I guess if thats my choice if you disagree please tell me and explain why if you agree.....please tell me and explain why.....sensably
  19. I've been looking around for parts to build a barebone fragbox I was almost ready to build it using a 7800 then I noticed that the 1800 has been relased being a fan of nethier (i'm neutral ) since their about the same price over here I'm not sure which one to get So what is your opinion?
  20. Dude I dont know what to say Ghetto? Maybe dude one day that thing is going to short circut and someone is going to be sad....why dont you just get a proper case? I mean really
  21. from what I've heard there will be M3 GTR Gallardo SLR 911 GT2 Corvet Mustang GT Lancer WRX STI Supra I'm sure there is more but I dont know what they are if you want to try it first go here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ there you can try the free demo And 3 different "Free Roam" Towns
  22. What is this world coming too? But I guess you got to hand it to most of these kind of people I mean their determination is just amazing after many many tires but man his paretns are something too i"ve never seen parents so proud of their gaming son
  23. I was just about to say "akijikan" this thing has been out for quite awhile now.....longer that I live in Hong Kong but still it's really expensive just to have taht damn horse on yoru laptop I mean it's nice but completly and stupidly expensive but I guess if your own a ferrari you might want this laptop and if you GOT a FERRARI your RICH so why not jack up the price on the laptop too? Well thats what I think their thinking but thats my opinion
  24. yah I was thinking that too sax but I didn't bother saying anything since it would help my situation I did it just in case it seems like a nice thing to have, Hatim I dont think so it's happend to me twice on two different computers thats why it got my attention it happend to me twice in Aussi and 3 times here in HK so I dont think it's a proxy of ISP problem thanks for the help anyways guys
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