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About darkwarrior1405241511
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Dragons Were They Really Alive?
darkwarrior1405241511 replied to ZeroHawk's topic in Science and Technology
One of the most common, and certainly the most debatable question in circulation over dragons is, "do they exist?". Despite being repeatedly asked, a satisfactory conclusion has never really been offered. The reason is primarily because everyone has a different viewpoint on dragon existence, and due to the controversial nature of the topic, we have so far only really been faced with contradiction. To date, theories regarding dragon existence have ranged from a physical, literal presence; the idea that dragons used to roam the earth but were wiped out by chivalrous knights or human advances. Others believe that dragons are little more than a mixture of the untamed forces of nature and human imagination, or that dragons exist on the astral plane, or that they have found their home in our imaginations.However, this is more likely to be a cultural similarity [the forehead is a very generic area], rather than anything to do with the dragons themselves.)Also, when we really look at the "dragons" of the ancient world, we see that they are in fact little more than modified serpents; such as Quetzalcoatl (or Kukulkan the "Plumed Serpent"), Jormungand or the Mother Serpent. Not only this, but classing some creatures under the dragon title is subjective because the term is not inclusive.This is not to say that dragons themselves could never have existed, it merely means the logic that dragons must have existed "because they are found all over the world" isn't accurate. If we concentrate on the idea that dragons physically, in their most literal sense did once roam the world (and that's why they feature so regularly in mythology and folklore), then we can instead take a look at why they no longer co-exist with us. There are two standing theories detailing their disappearance or exinction, and they both focus on human intervention -
Lochness Monster Exists? Does it really?....
darkwarrior1405241511 replied to Kid Saiyan's topic in Science and Technology
Let us say the proposition is put that “the Loch Ness Monster exists”. The response of some individuals is immediate and negative. We may then ask, how can you be certain of its non-existence? More fundamentally, what is it that you know does not exist? Thinking reflectively, have you had the necessary information and have you defined the problem sufficiently to come to such a certain conclusion? If not (and this is probably the case) have you made similar judgments about other more important matters, where you are equally ill informed?Some individuals may be equally positive. Again, we may ask on what basis they make the judgement. Typically this is an accumulated feeling based upon media coverage and a liking for such matters. This latter should not be dismissed, but recognized as part of human nature. People who would like something to be true are more likely to interpret ambiguous evidence in that way. Likewise people (including scientists) tend to be more critical of unwelcome data.Some individuals will claim to have an open mind. Very well, we may ask what would enable them to come to a definite belief? If this was a grave matter of public health or of great financial risk, and you had to go one way or another, how would you choose?Firstly it is necessary to decide what it is that we are trying to conclude. The following is suggested as a rational and minimal basis for discussion.“That in the 20th Century there has been a number of large animals living in the waters of Loch Ness.”Thus we are concerned with natural history rather than supernatural, but we should include the possibility that a small breeding herd has died out. Present non-existence would not disprove reports from earlier years. By large, we may say ‘more than 2 metres in length’. Although witnesses have claimed much larger (20 m) all that is required is something significantly larger than the otters and eels known to be in the lake. (Would you accept a giant otter?)It is not necessary to include all the features which have been reported (head, neck, flippers, humps etc.) since some of these could be mistakes or embellishments. It is probably reasonable (or is it?) to say that the minimum requirement is a large aquatic animal. (so in simple terms its not known for certain if the loch ness monster exists) -
MMORPG’s too addictive for their own good?As some of you might have heard a girl by the name of “snowly” has died after a marathon session playing her favourite computer game .. (world of warcraft) many games went online and staged a virtual funeral for her. In a cathedral in stormwind. The games knelt in rows, heads bowed, The player, known only as “snowly” died, after playing the game for three days with barely a break during a week long national holiday in China. Her online friends said she had the highest asttendance rate in the online days, but days before she died, snowly complained of feeling exhausted as she prepared for a particularly diffucult stage of her challenge,Yet weeks later after her death, a second games, who nicknamed himself “thereafter” died in similar circumstances. The deaths are the latest in a growing number of tragedies related to excessive games-playing in Asia/Chine.As a result of this many have flooded the internet with posts concerning fellow games, some people known to have played the game non-stop for days at a time, up to a week without eating, some people are known to only take a break for eating and maybe one or two hours to sleep, as they have nothing better to do with their lives ( no social life) Chinese authotoris now want to impose restrictions on how long gamers can play online.A three hour limit is to be introduced next year. Several game makers have agreed to install “anti-obsession” system to prevent more deaths (how ever I don’t see how they can do this without ruining the game in itself)World of warcraft is the latest phenomenon in the many MMORPGS that are hugely addictive, also such games as guildwars. World of warcraft at the moment has around 4 million members.Addictive power of games: (I have been told now sure if its true)I have been told gaming can be as addictive as drugs. Research at King’s College , London said excitement caused by gaming can cause a reaction in the brain similar to taking drugs. Players can immerse themselves so deeply in games they forget to look after their body’s daily needs, Obsessed games have been warned to “take a long break” from gaming if they found it was affecting their health or social relations”Myself I know someone who has wasted their life on world of warcraft, he went to a good grammar school and was doing well, until he joined world of warcraft, In his A levels he bunked 3 weeks just to play world of warcraft, therefore ruining his eduction and any chance he may have had of getting a good job, World of warcraft may not be as interesting for him in a few months or years time, but his education has been wasted for a lifetime…..
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy fun fun fun
darkwarrior1405241511 replied to kurt18th's topic in Computer Gaming
Never played this game, but all i remember was sitting in a booring English lesson with the teacher reading us this increadibly booring story -.- -
Runescape: Good or Not ? Good or Not ?
darkwarrior1405241511 replied to john_meikle1405241509's topic in Computer Gaming
not really a game that you would continue playing after mounths, such as world of warcraft, but its free even though the graphixs sux, i got bored in the tutorial and gave up lol -
Onimusha Do you enjoy playing onimusha?
darkwarrior1405241511 replied to kenjvalip's topic in Computer Gaming
I myself didnt really like onimusha 3, i prefered onimusha 2, its been a while since i played it though, nearly three years. All i can remember was the last boss chasing me and after a while you transform into the onimusha and the ending was just wierd -
The pvp is great when you get to level 60, there are threee battlegrounds where alliance and horde can battle it out for honour and for fun : alterac valley, warsong gulch and newly released arathi basin If you want to find someone, why dont you just ask them where they are, being in a guild tells you in which area which person is in. And if you have any friends add them to your friends list and it will show you when the come online and offline and where they are at the present momeent in time Anyone who hasnt played it !! Play it now, or else suffer miserably
Does Anybody Play On Battleon.Com ?
darkwarrior1405241511 replied to iGuest's topic in Computer Gaming
You dont, the game is crap, thats why you dont play it like me and you play world of warcraft -
Blizzard have revealed their new upcoming expansion for world of warcraft, and this is how the burning crusade came about: Several years have passed since the Burning Legionâs defeat at Mount Hyjal and the races of Azeroth have continued to rebuild their once shattered lives. With renewed strength, the heroes of the Horde and Alliance have begun to explore new lands and broken through the Dark Portal to investigate the realms beyond the known world. Will these heroes find friends or foes? What dangers and rewards lie in wait beyond the Dark Portal? And what will they do when they discover that the demons they thought vanquished have returned to renew their terrible Burning Crusade? More details can be found here Here are some of the new features : 1) The level cap has been increased to 70! 2)Two new races 3) New starting zones 4) new place "the outland" accesible via the dark portal in the "blasted lands" 5) New high lvl dungeons It's rumored that ragnaros tired of being pwned so many times by players has created an army with superior power to take down Nerfarian (boss of blackwing lair" 6) New quests and items 7) a new profession jewlcrafting Which some people say is crafting of necklaces, finger rings and trinkets if so lower levels can find trinkets and rings. 8) and socketed items, which are rumored to be able to have more than 1 enchant on them e.g crusader and maybe life steal Anyone have any ideas on this new expansion
Kings Of Chaos another text-based army game
darkwarrior1405241511 replied to Xacrosancxion's topic in Computer Gaming
I used to play this game and played it for a few weeks and it got booring after a while, i dont really see the point i text based games, i go to like rank 10000 or something and just gave up because it got booring -
What Is Your Favourite Mmorpg ? is your choice
darkwarrior1405241511 replied to iGuest's topic in Computer Gaming
I'd love to say final fantasy XI, it was the best game there ever was and ever will be, well maybe not, not untill world of warcraft cames out, best game out at the moment, i play world of warcraft my self, very addicting game if you have the time for it, to make it worth wile for paying £8.99 a mounth -
Blind Teen Can Play Games And Wins
darkwarrior1405241511 replied to Brian1405241474's topic in Computer Gaming
wow this guy must be amazing, to be able to play without the benefit of your eyes is increcible, id like to meet this guy some time, i have problems winning the games against people even with twenty twenty vision -
runescape is probably one of the worst games ever, i dont see what people see in it, the graphics are apalling, my black and white gameboy is better, ive once tryed runecape before i started wow and i got bored in the tutorial and quit the game and never came back, If you want a free mmorpg try Conquer A pretty decent game much better than runecape and free, if you cant afford it