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Posts posted by PureHeart

  1. Hi Stella,


    Just a quick question about your problem. Is "x" a string or a character?




    Write code to solve the following problem. Define a function that takes a String as a parameter and returns an integer value. The function need to loop through each character in the input string to find a value of “x”. If a value of “x” is found in the string then return the position within the string where “x” is found else return -1.

  2. I reently started learning programmming. I decided to start with web programming. I covered XHTML and CSS, and am learning PHP and MySQL along with JavaScript. I plan to move on to more advanced stuff like AJAX and Ruby on Rails.
    But I wish to start learning desktop programming as well and I'll either C++, Java, or Ruby. Which one is the best one to start learning?

    And I am also looking for a book that can give me a theoretical introduction to programming that is not limited to a single language. Something that explains how programming languages work and what high and low level languages are, and how the computer hardware understands the language and stuff like that. Any suggestions?

    Well, let's say, that really depends upon your purpose.

    Each language has its own strength and weakness:
    1. Java is highly portable, runable on every platform, at the cost of performance.
    2. C++ is nice yet unlike Java and C#, is unmanaged, which means you have to deal with the memory allocation manually).
    3. C# seems to be the most beautiful, easiest to learn language I have ever seen with a clear syntax and good performance. But it's only fully support on Windows (Mono is there for C# development on POSIX but it's not yet competent). So, if you're considering multi-platform development then C# isn't a good choice.
    4. ANSI C is essential for system level programming. You can also apply object oriented programming techniques if you want, but this is not very well supported by the natural of the language. Google for "object oriented programming ansi c". As I remember, there is a free ebook on the topic.

    Alternatively, you may consider some scripting languages instead of the above (compiling) languages.
    1. PHP with PHP-Gtk => terrible, don't even think about creating good GUI with this.
    2. Python: can be used in almost every platform, from web to desktop. Some of the most used software in current Linux distribution are written in Python. You can also develop web applications using Python and in the end, I love this language due to its simple, elegant syntax.
    3. Ruby: known as the language that created the revolution in web development. Ruby can be used for desktop application also yet I haven't seen much of its application in this field.

    Caution: Python and Ruby syntax may look pretty weid to those who had certain programing experience already.

  3. In short, regex is a must for those dealing with text processing. Some of its popular applications include form validation (client side with JavaScript and server side with PHP), text parsing, etc. One more thing, regex is actually very simple. It was covered in a 30 minute lecture at my university. Is there anyone here interested in learning regex? (I can post a tutorial then)

  4. Given A,K, the definition

    A#B = ( Sum of all digits of A * Maximum digit of B )+Minimum digit of B


    and following formulas






    Determine and return the minimal number of necessary # to generate K from A or return -1 if there is no possible solution at all.


    I am still looking for a solution to this. Any idea?

  5. The access log is just a text file located in your home dir (or a sub dir), you can do whatever you want with it.Which port to be closed? What's the reason?I don't think shell access is available.Virus scan is available right from the cPanel, just use it. (Note: it only scan files in your account, not the databases)

  6. I've recently experienced that version of Yahoo! Messenger. It's not as good as traditional Yahoo! Messenger (desktop version) except that messages can be stored online so that I won't lose any message again. Web Base Y!M is lack of feature. It doesn't support file transferring, photo sharing, and you can't send message to many people in your list at once. However, Web Messenger is good in case you need your messages later and don't need advanced feature of the desktop version.

  7. If i remember correctly the class id for the control depends on the object itself, for example if you develop that control with VB its class id is generated by VB when you compile and create it by using the Application Setup Wizard.

    The problem is that I'm not the author of that control (Microsoft is). Do you know how to get the class id of any control store in an ocx or dll file.

  8. This article was originally published at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, which also belongs to me. If you want to republish this article, please ask for permission first.

    To Xisto staff: I am neither spamming nor violating TOS because I'm the copyright holder of this article.


    Have you ever wondered what success is when there are so many people who dedicate their lives to it? Is it the perfect work results or the great accuracy? Or is âto be successfulâ, to have a rich life, or to be honored by many people? So, take a few minutes to think deeply, life will show you there are people who reached success in an unexpectedly simple way.


    Success is when father and son have enough courage to enter the kitchen and cook the food which mother likes as in the occasion of womenâs day. The soup may be a little bit salty, the fist (which should be red) turns black and then when looking at the meal, mother still smiles. Because father and son couldnât be successful in the kitchen, but they were successful when giving mother âthe roseâ of love. Thatâs a present which is more valuable than any of the most valuable gifts; the happiness is deep inside motherâs eyes.


    Success is also the story about a boy with a foot illness who would never be able to walk normally again. Heâs kept the dream of being a football player ever since he was very young. After many tries to exert himself, he became a reserve football player on a small football team. Heâs never taken part in an official game. But thatâs not a failure. Instead, the real success went to the boy, who overcame the situation with so much energy and will, to follow his childhood dream. How many people can achieve that kind of success?


    Every year, after the time of university entrance examinations, there are so many candidates that get sad when failing their exams. 27/30 is such a high score. But it doesnât make sense when the school requires 27.5. In fact, thatâs still not failure, thatâs just delayed-success. Life still welcomes them with others options. The most important thing is that they tried their best to affirm themselves. Thatâs the original meaning of contest and itâs also the substances of success.


    When I was young, I read a moving story. Itâs about a poor boy with an essay about mother - the one who protects your life. The boy wrote about a mother with silver hair and husky but warm hands. He concluded: Grandmother is the mother - the woman who covered him during the journey of life. The essay has digressed from the subject and needs rewriting. But thatâs still a successful piece of work, because itâs filled with the love of an orphaned boy for his grand mother. Is there any success, any sentiment more sacred than that?


    Many years ago, newspapers honored a poor student who entered the university with the perfect score. To him, thatâs a big success. Thereâs another success, silent but great, which belongs to a father who drove a cycle (a transportation vehicle with 3 wheels, popular in Vietnam) for almost 20 years to raise money for his sonâs study. Faith and hope were always on the fatherâs face, sustaining lots of misery and hard work. And the day the son entered the university is also the day his father graduated from the course-for-a-father.


    I know thereâs a female student who graduated from university with excellent ranking 20 years ago. With her talent, she could have achieved success on the paths of career and fame. But that student accepted to sacrifice chances of her life to become a good wife, a virtuous mother of two little princesses. Even now, when sheâs a middle-aged woman, sheâs still saying: âTaking good care of you and your father, to me, is a big successâ. Whenever hearing that saying, Iâm moved to tears. Family is the success, the beautiful work of mother, and we must thank her for that.


    People always long for success, but just following it blindly is nonsense. You want to be rich or you want to be a millionaire like Bill Gates? So, please fold your money carefully and give it out to a beggar, homeless or poor person. With that good action, you will show not only that youâre rich in matter but also youâre rich spiritually. Therefore, youâre really a success!


    You may dream that success will come to you like it does to Abramowitz - the manager of the All-star team. Success is not so far away, you just need to spend some time taking care of âthe football teamâ of your family. There, youâll receive unlimited love, what Abramowitz would never receive from his players. Success comes to everyone in such a sweet and simple way.


    You were born â thatâs a great success of your parents. Your responsibility is to keep the perfect beauty of that success. Donât ever think life is just a sequence of failures; as a professor said: âThereâs no failure, itâs just the way we spend our livesâ.


    And to me, success is when someone reads this small article. Maybe the score wouldnât be high, but being able to put my own thinking to writing, to me, is a success.

    The original version of this essay belongs to a 15 year-old Vietnamese girl named HĂ  Minh Ngọc. It was rated 9.5/10 by her literature teacher.

    English version Š 2006 Nguyễn Văn Thoại (PureHeart@Xisto)

    Translated by Nguyễn Văn Thoại (nguyenvanthoai at gmail dot com)

    Please send your feedback to the email address above.

  9. I'm writing a web application for language learning and I'd like to use the Speech API from Microsoft for speech recognition. Therefore, I need to embed an ActiveX control to the web page (html file). The questions are:


    1. How to embed this ActiveX control to the web page, I don't know the class id of that control. For a RealPlayer, I would use

    <object classid="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA" width="32" height="32"></object>
    and in this case, i need the value for classid.


    2. In case the user (client) doesn't have that activeX control, how to have it downloaded automatically (with permission)?


    3. How to handle the events of the control.


    Link: http://www.bing.com/partners/developers

    Download: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download


    PS: I'm new to JS. Please answer with code.

  10. They told everything clearly. You didn't read their article carefully enough.

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  11. I want to transfer my hosting credits to a hosted member of Xisto but I couldn't.
    As far as I know, Xisto allow that. But In fact, I've always received a error message whenever trying to do so.

    Here's what I got (At the time of this transfer, I have 9 credits)

    Credits to transfer : 4Credits With 3% Tax : 4.12You must have more than to transfer

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