Kid Saiyan
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Everything posted by Kid Saiyan
one word. wow. =x i'd give you an overall 9.8/10 not 10 becuase somethings missing. I dunno what that something is; but its missing xD Ermm.. one question: How do you make signiatures like teh last one? =) i seen many like that one and i fail every attempt to recreate something like that one. heh. Ermm.. any tips or tutorial or effects that you used; pleasee tell me!! =)) Thanksyooh. Rating:9.8/10
omg!! I LOVE THIS GAME ABOVE EVERY OTHER ONE I HAVE EVER PLAYED!!! Thats the swords i love! THey look so cool! I love their shape and the colour of the aftereffect they leave after they have been swung. The best thing about them is that no-one can touch you with them!! They make me almost invincible! I just keep swinging it away and when it runs out of ammo, (i know swords dont have ammo but i mean when it finishes and cannot be used by Shadow any more) I just go back and get another one!!! I LOVE IT!! The only thing is that i am stuck.. XD Umm.. im stuck on the part of the 6th level in the Dark path. ITs so hard!! I cant get by the enemies with the machine gunsd! Its easy to kill thme but they just keep on coming and they even have Bazookas!! The hardest part is fighting all the robots in this game. Do you have any tips for me in this game, Shadow X? Im asking you firstly because your name is Shadow X so i figure that you liek this game and secondly, you have posted so much that you must be a master at this game!! Please reply soon and help me out!!
I know i just posted a new topic about the latest game i have but thats not the only new game i have bought recently!! This game may be much older than Shadow The Hedgehog, but it really is surprisingly awesome!! This is my favourite game at the moment. Its fro PC and that makes it two times the fun for me as now i can play multiplayer against others who also have it!! I love the graphics in this game!! Especially the way thatyour enemies blow up after you anhialate them with firepower!! The gore is incredible and then comes my Favourite part!! THe multiplayer action!! ITs beyond great! My favourite server is F4A - Frostyrails. This server is a freeze tag game and its played with only a Railgun (much like a Sniper) and a Gauntlet!! This means that every shot has a tiny beam! This really makes you work on your accuracy and its like ONE-HIT K.O;'s..please comment on it!
Wow..Even the thought of this being true scares me. If the scientists really are correct then id start packing my bags right now! Hang on.. It'll destroy the ENTIRE EARTH???This just cant be right. If something that big is on its way here and its gonna hit in 100 years.. then how come the scientists know that its heading this way?! I mean wont ut be too far away for them to be able to realize its existance? If its really big enough to hit the earth then im really scared. Being that big its speed must be magnanimus. This means that the scientists might be wrong and that the Meteor might actually hit long before the predicted time. :oIm worried...
Well, everyone,i know its been a while since i last said anything about any new game that i have recently purchased. And i also know its been a little while since this game was released but i cant get over it evcen though its already been like.. a monh since it came out. SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG is SUCH a great game!! I really love it in every way. The graphics is beyond awesome and dont even get me started on the storyline. ITs so amazing when you get to choose what type of path youre gonna choose. Depending on every mission that you complete, your path changes. You can be on your own, witht he Dark side or with Sonic, fighting for good. I personally like being in the middle where i am not influenced by niether the Dark nor the Light. I REALLY love the fact that you can use guns to do your dirty/clean work!! Its so amazing when you kill someone and they drop their cool weapons.l PErsonally, the dark blade that you can use. Please comment tand tel me what you think about this game! As well as any possible cheats you can share!!
Well, everyone.. ive been away for a while but now i have returned! I hope my graphics skills have improved. (Ive been told that i have improved). ANywho, i hope you all like my graphics and the siggies that i make etc. Here are someof my latest creations.... ^ This is my most favourite Siggy yet, The animation part was quite tricky to get right., It was also quite hard to get the background to work with the Uchiha Sasuke/Itachi Render. The hair of the characters in the Render was the most tricky part of the entire sig. ANyway, thats my best (in my opinion) and i hope you all like it! Please Rate it out of 10 and please also comment on how i could improve it. (I love ALLL Comments and criticism. Helps me to improve!) next one... ^ This render is kinda.. unknown.. I just found it somewhere and loved its quality!! This one is my second best yet.. and i hope you like it too. Rate please! More!! ^ I am very proud of this one!! As you can all see ans guess, Its a banner for a friends website (The site is hosted here! ) Anyway, me and my friend (Shadow X) both designed our banners and i won the battle in almost every forum we posted it in so he finally decided that it looked good and he put it up on his site!! It was pretty tricky to get the text onto the scroll and to make it look .. ''original!'' But i managed it and i would like everyone to rate it!! Thats all for now.. Comments and Criticizm most appreciated!!
Tekken 1-5 The changes of game engine and features.
Kid Saiyan replied to kenjvalip's topic in Computer Gaming
I think (its quite obvious) that Tekken 5 is the Ultimate Capcom Fighter game out so far.I say this not only because ive only just bought it (i know.. a little late but ah well!!) ,, but because once you play enough and win almost all of teh characters in the game (you can do this by finishing story mode with as many people you can play with) ,, you are able to unlock an incredible feature called ''Arcade History''.This is really great for the sole reason that it allows you to play All the previous games like Tekken 1, Tekken 2, Tekken 3 but i dont think you can play Tekken 4. Anyway, its still great!!Also, it allows you to observe how Tekken has progressed in terms of Graphics design and overall game engine effectiveness. Tekken 5 is great! No doubt about it! -
Hey, everyone!Guess what..I just got a new game!! KOF: Maximum Impact!Firstly, i didnt know a thing about King of fighters... i had seen some sprites from 2d Gba games before but nevertheless, i had no clue.Now, finally, i understand! Its a GREAT GAME!!Its , as far as i have gathered, it is the first / Best 3d version of the game. There have been 2d versions made before (in the same style of Guilty Gear X/X2 and Street Fighter games) but they were not as successful as this one!I really love it!Its got some really amazing graphics - especially when you excecute one of the characters special combo moves (theyre the best!) and then the music!I love it completely!The only thing i dont like is that in Story Mode, The King of Fighters , Duke, has unlimited combo energy.Does anyone know a way in which i could defeat him?!Ive tried everything but i still end up losing..
Hi all! Its been a while since i last made a good sig. Here are some of my latest pieces... Please check them out and rate my overall skills out of ten! Heres a Banner I made for someone... A friend of mine said that:: No offence but it looks as though you basically just cut and pasted some stock and then blended them into each other =/ Not saying you did, but thats what it looks like. First of all, lose some of those stocks, its far to crowded for any general direction to be established and the multitude of colours are clashing and making the sig look even more crowded and squished together. Try to center the banner around a certain point, take for instance the Chidori/rasengan clash in the center there... now that would need a fair bit of space as it looks to be the main stock. Perhaps work some nice brushing and get some lines leading away from it and therefore drawing the eye towards that center where your text is. If you are going to have other stock, then try to make it fit the general theme and flow of the banner, not just because its a cool character and looks nice. Usually one or two stocks are all thats needed in a banner (if any at all sometimes). An idea could be to remove Obito and Ichigo, swap the two end pics of around and then see what you get... I disagreed with him. I thin he was just being mean. Does it really look that bad?? Heres some of The Signiatures that i made:: And here is my best piece of all... its an animation... Rate away!
Wow! Im currently looking for a better link but off the top of my head, i think the best sites to read reviews about it would be : http://de.ign.com/ http://princeofpersia.ubi.com/the-shadow-and-the-flame/de-DE/home/ http://www.gamespot.com/ Hope that helps/helped!
Man.. Ive waited for a while and now, ive finally got this great game!!! I really love it! Its an absolutely brilliant game, in my opinion. And whats more, i already got some cheats for it!! Here they are... They're only a few, but enough to help you through the game! Some of them are really funny as well! Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, Square, Circle, Square.-------Secret Chainsaw WeaponUp, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, Square, Circle, Square.------Secret King Sword WeaponLeft, Left, Right, Right, Circle Square, Square, Circle, Up, Down-------Unlock Baby Toy HammerAt the pause menu press Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Square-------Unlock Telephone of SorrowUp, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, Square, Circle and Square-------Unlocks Swordfish Weapon
XBox 360 Released Today! The first 3rd generation Console
Kid Saiyan replied to plot's topic in Computer Gaming
Today..?Honestly, it was out a while back. I have already played on it several times before.I thought that it was out a while ago. The graphics are absolutely amazing and I really love it!I plan on getting one soon! -
Runescape: Good or Not ? Good or Not ?
Kid Saiyan replied to john_meikle1405241509's topic in Computer Gaming
Wow..I have a LOT to say abou tthis game.The graphics are not bad, its a great game to play if its your first time trying it out.But! Thats where it gets all messed up. The other users in the game like to mess with 'n00bs' and this gets newbies annoyed, exhausted and disappointed. This then causes them to stop playing. That then makes them feel like its a waste of time.This all adds up to the simple answer that although it may be fun at first, its annoying if you dont get what you want throughout the game - unless youre REALLY addicted! ;)If you think of it without the personalities of the other users, you see that its not taht bad once youre getting the hang of it. If you know what to do for the quests etc, or if you are having fun, then its alright.But, its now widely being used as a source of connection between people of the opposite sex.So.. overall, its a failure, if you ask me! -
Need Further Information On Bill Gates' Speech
Kid Saiyan replied to Kid Saiyan's topic in Science and Technology
Yeah! guy 'hit it on the head!'XDI think its very important becasue otherwise, MY SITE WILL CEASE TO EXIST!!..(it already has!! ><) -
Need Further Information On Bill Gates' Speech
Kid Saiyan replied to Kid Saiyan's topic in Science and Technology
Oh! Cool!That really helps things! I understand now!!I can now surprise my friends with everything i have learned!!;)Thanks everyone! :P -
Bill gates said that not only is the world of paper and pencil going down but so is the world of cd and dvds.What does this mean. If he said WORLD of CD's then that must mean the whole generation of computers.Please post with any further information you have on this issue. I need to know what it means..
A Beginners' Tutorial For Forum Signatures
Kid Saiyan posted a topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
Well I decided to make a tutorial showing how to make a signature pic for Online forums, however this is no ordinary tutorial. It is designed so as that even if oyu haev not touched photoshop in your entire life, you can still follow it. So I will explain exactly how to do everything in detail, with pictures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alrighty, The basic idea behind a signature is that you have your background, an image of a character of some sort, usually from a game, called a render, your main text (your username on the forum), and a caption. The thing to remember though is that sigs should never be made in the same way, so always do something different, like adding a layer here and there with clouds or something, etc. 1. So first, get your Render. There are two ways to get one: the easy way and the harder way. The harder way: Go on https://www.google.com/imghp?gws_rd=ssland type in his name. Then find a good picture of him/her/it.Then once you found it, right click on it and select Save Image As... and select a lotation you want to save it. http://cpostudios.com/IMAGESAVEIMAGEAS.jpg Then, open up Photoshop, and go to File>Open or hit Ctrl-O and go to select your file and hit OK. Your image will pop up in a small window in Photoshop. I usually liek to make my window larger, so grab the window's corner and make the window larger, thus adding some grey space aroudn the image. It's best to haev the image size as close to 100% as possible in the top right hand corner http://cpostudios.com/IMAGESIZE.jpg So try and have a good compromise of the image size and the window size. Now, how you cut out the render is up to how round it is. If it is, say, a spaceship, then I use the Polygonal Lasso Tool, which I can use by clicking and holding the lasso Icon and selecting the Polygonal Lasso tool: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGEPOLYGONALLASSO.jpg Now each time you click it makes an invisible point in the selected area, and connects each of those points in a straight line, which is why your render needs to have straighter edges. For round edges simple click numerous times around it, until you have a black and white moving line going around the render. If the render has a space in the middle that is not part of it (say he has a hole in his head ) then on the top left corner, select the Substract option http://cpostudios.com/IMAGESUBSTRACTOPTION.jpg and lasso around this section, thus removing it from the selection.Now once you have it selected nice and tidy, hit CTRL-C to copy the image. The Easier way: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/has some very good renders, and they are already on a plain backgroudn for your easy selection of them. They don't always have the character you want, but as logn as the render is good, we don't really care So go to it, and find a render you like. In this case I'm using Son Goku here: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGESONGOKU.jpg So click "Save" below the image and select where you want to save it. Then open up Photoshop, hit CTRL-O or go to File>Open and open up your image.Then click on the Magic Wand Tool: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGEMAGICWAND.jpg And click on the white background. And magically it selects all of the white! Once you have all your white selected, hit CTRL-****-I to invert the selection and select the render instead of the background. Then hit CTRL-C to copy. 2. Now you have to make your background. So first create a new Image by goign to File>New or hitting CTRL-N. Then enter these setting: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGENEWIMAGE.jpg you can vary slightly on the size, but this is the most commonly used one. Next make sure your foreground and background colour are Black foreground and White Background by clicking this Icon: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGEICON.jpg Or hitting D on your keyboard. Now go to Filter>Render>Clouds. These grayish black clouds will then appear on your image. Try to have the blckness rather spread out like so: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGECLOUDSGOOD.jpg and not have it all on one side like this: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGECLOUDSBAD.jpg Now, we need to add some grunge on it. However, for this we need grunge brushes, and they do not come with Photoshop originally. So, go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/and download all of their brushes in the brushes section, and extract them to your Photosohp/Presets/Brushes directory. Then on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ download the Crazy's Grunge Brushes, the Heavy Scratches brushes, and all of the techish brushes and do the same. Then in Photoshop Click your brush tool, and click the arrow next to your current brush on the top left, and a brush selecting palette will pop up. Click the arrom on the top right of that and Select "Load Brushes". http://cpostudios.com/IMAGELOADBRUSHES.jpg Now select all the brushes you downloaded earlier and hit load. Voila! Bunch of new brushes! Now, go down at the bottom of the layers palette and click the "New Layer" button: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGENEWLAYERBUTTON.jpg This will create a New Layer. The advantage of making stuff on different layers is that you can change each layer individually. So if something is behind another, you can simply only change that one, but not the one on top. However in this case it is to make a more random appearance. You will see in you layers palette a new layer named "Layer 2". Below that there should be "Layer 1". Double click that one and rename it to "Clouds". http://cpostudios.com/IMAGERENAMECLOUDS.jpg Now, select Layer 2, and select the Brush Tool in the tool palette. Now go up to the arrow next to the brush type again, and select one of the more cloudy grunge brushes.The "Officialcdpgrunge" brushes, aka Crazy's Grunge, are the best ones for this. http://cpostudios.com/IMAGESELECTBRUSH.jpg Now, for your new layer, change the Blending mode to "Soft Light". http://cpostudios.com/IMAGESOFTLIGHTBLENDINGMODE.jpg Blending modes are basically how the layer overlaps onto the layer(s) underneath it. Now with your grunge brush, making sure the foreground layer is still at Black, click a few times around the picture, until it looks a bit like this: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGEGRUNGELAYER2.jpg Now, make a new layer again and change its blending mode to soft light again. Now change your brush, and brush again until you have maybe something like this: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGEGRUNGELATER.jpg Repeat this a couple more times, using all sorts of different Brushe, until you have maybe 10 layers. I use the Heavy Scratches Brush (aka the huge one with lots of scratches and stuff) a few times too. I got this: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGEGRUNGEWHITE.jpg Don't worry if it's a bit dark, we'll fix this up by changing the foreground color to white and continuing to brush. Now, click the little folder icon at the bottom of the layers palette to make a new folder. http://cpostudios.com/IMAGEFOLDERICON.jpg Now a folder will pop up in your Layers palette. Double click it and rename it "Background". Now, drag each of the layers you made into it. Now click the arrow beside the folder and it will all fold up inside it, nice and tidy http://cpostudios.com/IMAGEFOLDERBACKGROUND.jpg Well that's it for the background, onto the render. 3. Remember earlier we hit CTRL-C to copy the render we had? Well now hit CTRL-V to paste it onto a new layer. Rename this layer "Render." Now go to Edit>transform>Scale and a square will appear around your render. (If you don't see it, zoom out). Now grab a corner and hold CTRL-SHIFT-ALT and change the size (holding these keys makes it keep its aspect ratio, and not get squashed). http://cpostudios.com/IMAGERESIZE.jpg Now hit enter to apply the transformation. Alrighty, now that we have our render well positioned, let's make it blend in better with the background. Click the "Add Layer Mask" button at the bottom of the layers palette: http://cpostudios.com/IMADEADDNEWLAYERMASK.jpg A layer mask is basically a way to erase parts of an image, but it's mroe sofisticated than the eraser tool. What's cool about it is that you can use a brush to both erase and unerase parts of an image. A layer mask is represented by a black and white image, where black represents erased bits, white is unerased, and grey is half erased (transparent). So now in your layers palette you should have a white quare next to your "Render" layer, this is your layer mask. As you can see it is all white right now. Click it and it will have a kind of double border. http://cpostudios.com/IMAGESELECTLAYERMASK.jpg Now get a grunge brush, preferably cloudy (officialcdpgrunge brushes for example) and make sure your foregroudn color is set to black. Now on the top you should see some options for the brush tool. Change the Opacity to 50% (opacity is how transparent the brushing will be. So therefore making the opacity lower will mean the brush will appear grey when painted on white. http://cpostudios.com/IMAGEBRUSHOPACITY.jpg Don't forget you can also change the size of your brush. Now, click a bit around the edges of your Render, sometimes changing brushes and opacity, while making sure you always have your Layer Mask selected. If you mess up, then you can hit CTRL-Z to undo. But if you want to undo a couple steps, then on the left of the screen there is a kind of "action History where you can go back in time. http://cpostudios.com/IMAGEACTIONHISTORY.jpg It also helps to change the opacity of your actual layer to something like 97% sometimes. Now Brush until you get somethign like this: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGELAYERMASKDONE.jpg I didn't brush much in this case, but sometimes it helps to brush a lot more. Now, it looks rather strange to have a colored character on a black and, white background so I'll lower the saturation a bit by hitting CTRL-U and changing the saturation to this: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGESATURATIONCHANGE.jpg So now it has a bit of color, but is very close to Black and White. Of course,I don't want my final sig to be Black and White, so I'll add waht is called an adjustment layer. Adjustment layers change all the layers underneath them. So go to Later>Add New Adjustment Layer>Color Balance. Click OK on the window that pops up, and a little windwo with sliders appears. Just toy around with the settings until you get a color you like. Click the Shadow/Midtones/Higlights buttons to change them instead, and once you're happy click OK. http://cpostudios.com/IMAGECOLORBALANCE.jpg Now you will have a New layer on top of everything with a Layer Mask and a strange circle thing. If you double click the circle thing it will allow you to modify your Color Balance settings. Sometimesit'll seem too dark or too light. To Fix this simply make a Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Levels. A strange window with a kind of graph will pop up after you click Ok. What we use though are the little arrows right beneath it.If you move the white one left, it will make the image darker, if you mvoe the black one right it will make it darker. If you move the grey one right or left it will also change it.Click OK once you're done. http://cpostudios.com/IMAGELEVELS.jpg Alright. Now comes the hard part: being original It's here that you have to use your imagination and come up with something to do. So now it gets hard to write a Tutorial, so I'll just tell you the different things you can do, but of course, try to come up with new ones. 1. First of all you can get an overlay. There are 3 kinds of overlays I know of, Scanlines, Squares, and dots. Both are made the same way, but one thing changes in each. a)Scanlines. Tutorial Only thing I do differently is I change my Blendign mode to Soft Light and tweak the Opacity of the Layer. b)Squares. This is the same thing as scanlines, except this time make your Document 7 x 7 pixels and fill it in like so: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGESQUARES.jpg c)Dots. Same thing as Scanlines, except make your document 10 x 10 and fill it in like so: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGEDOTS.jpg In this case I used simple Scanlines with a layer mask. http://cpostudios.com/IMAGESIGSCANLINES.jpg Now I Won't get too jinky with it and I'll leave it there, but keep in mind this is the part of the sig that makes it stand out and decides wether it's good or bad. However for the purpose of this tut I'll stop here. Now let's move on to the text. 4. Text. Alrighty. Click the Text Tool http://cpostudios.com/IMAGETEXTTOOL.jpg And click somewhere where you want to put your text. Now select a good font, in this case Serpentine. However you can get many many good fonts from http://www.dafont.com/de/. Anywho, I but my text white and wrote my username: Pooky at 36 px Size. http://cpostudios.com/IMAGETEXTSETTINGS.jpg Now right click it in the layers palette and select "Rasterize Layer". This will allow you to access the Blending Options, by double clicking the Text Layer's Image. Now it will pop up a box with lots of options. But you really have to play with it to understand what everythign does. Right now I'm simply applying a bunch of options until my Text looks like this: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGEMYTEXT.jpg Now for captions use the font "Visitor TT1 BRK" at 10px size and write your caption in white. Then Rasterize it and apply a Stroke like so: http://cpostudios.com/IMAGESTROKESETTINGS.jpg Then lower the layer's opacity and maybe change the blending mode. http://cpostudios.com/IMAGESIGCAPTION.jpg 5. Border. Alright there are many different kinds of borders. One kind is this, and then there's simple thin borders. To make thin borders, simply hit CTRL-A to select the whole Canvas, then go to Edit>Stroke and put in the width as 3px and the color as black. Then go to Edit>Stroke again and type in 2px and make the color grey. Then go to Edit>Stroke a final time, make it 1px and make the color be the color oyu want the border to be, in this case darkish blue. http://cpostudios.com/IMAGEBORDER.jpg Voila! Now you can add some stuff and touch up some layers, but his is the end of the tutorial, hope it was helpful! :) -
This effect... WOW... im jsut speechless! pretty easy also, this reminds me of a program from skyone... called Stargate, or a program like that 1. Make a new image, ours is 1000px x 1000px - with a white background 2. Fill the background with Dark Blue[ we used #141A23 3. Create a new layer, and grab the marquee tool 4. Make a rectangle reaching from the very left hand side of your page, to the very right hand side at approximatley 125px high 5. Fill this with white - Hold CTRL and press D to deselect 6. click Filter > Distort > Ripple, and leave it at default settings - repeat this process another 3 times 7. click Edit > transform > Rotate 90 clockwise 8. click Filter > stylise > wind = Wind - From the left 9. Do this 2 times in total - then the same again, but from the right 10. click Edit > transform > Rotate 90 counter clockwise 11. hold CTRL and press T Slightly drag the middle right hand side, and left hand side boxes, about 2cm past the borders of the canvas - then hit enter 12. Click filter > distort > Polar Coordinates - rectangular to polar 13. Duplicate that layer, and hold CTRL and press T to transform it - make it into a shape a little smaller than the current one - Hit enter 14. hold CTRL and press A - then Edit > Cut - then Edit > Paste 15. click the 2nd layer from the bottom on your layers palate, and do step 14 to that 16. select your background layer. Click Layer > New > Layer and call it Lens flair! 17. fill this layer Black 18. Click Filter > Render > Lens flair - and center it to the best you can 19. On the layers palate, set the blending options to colours dodge 20. hold CTRL and press U - and enter the following settings 21. make a new layer called clouds, press D to reset your colours, and click Filter > Render > Clouds 22. click filter > distort > pinch - and give it 100% - then repeat this another 2 times 23. Click Filter > Render > Lighting Effects and give it the following settings : 24. set the blending options on the layers palate to colour dodge. Then click Filter > Sketch > Chrome and give it defauly settings 25. click image > adjust > Brightness + contrast - and set the contrast to +50 Merge all the layers by clicking Layer > Merge visible Thankyou for trying it! :) Notice from m^e: In future at least make sure that you mention which software you're using for creating these effects. Not really good to leave the others groping in the blind, isn't it ?
1) Open an existing graphic you want to ripple. Now we want to go to filter>distort>ripple or you can use filter>distort>ocean ripple for a more professional look. In this tutorial I just used filter>distort>ripple. 2) Ok after applying the first ripple: I started off at 75%. Now we want to save the image, I named mine all numbers, starting from 1. So name this first image 1.jpg. 3) Now we want to press CNTRL+F to generate the effect again. Save the image as 2.jpg. 4) Again press CNTRL+F and save the image as 3.jpg 5) Again press CNTRL+F and save the image as 4.jpg 6) You can keep repeating these steps to do a nice long slow ripple or you can do 4 to get the hang of things. Aight now we want to open Flash. Open it up and make a new document, change the canvas size to your canvas size your image is in photoshop. I had 380x380. 7) We now want to add each of the images into Flash. We do this in these following steps: 1. File>Import and select the according image (start from 1 then go to 4) 2. Ok now after the first image is added we want to make a new Keyframe beside the 1.jpg image keyframe (when making the keyframe it might automatically bring the image over from the last keyframe, so just delete the image from the second keyframe and so on...). This Second Keyframe we will import 2.jpg image into. 3. Now we repeat step 2 again untill we finish importing all the images into their own keyframe. 4. Once you finish importing images 1.jpg all the way through to 4.jpg we want to decrease the ripple so it becomes flawless. We do this by making yet another Keyframe, so now we got 5 keyframes. Go to import again and import image 3.jpg (we dont want to add 4.jpg again, that will make 2 frames the same right beside eachother, hope your following me). 5. Now add another keyframe and import image 2.jpg. We only use 6 frames. Not 8. If you use 8 you will have frames that will be right beside eachother making double frames and makign it not FLAWLESS. So I really hope you follow this. If not read it again. Like the Tutorial?! Notice from m^e: In future at least make sure that you mention which software you're using for creating these effects. Not really good to leave the others groping in the blind, isn't it?
Yahoo Domain Sale: $2.99/yr. For .com
Kid Saiyan replied to akijikan's topic in Websites and Web Designing
wow!This is very cool!I had heard that one could only get a .com domain name if they had bought it through Microsoft Front Page or something like that. This is very useful!When im a little older, i just might get it!Thanks for the site, akijikan! -
Global Warming Countermeasures
Kid Saiyan replied to Logan Deathbringer's topic in Science and Technology
As clear as this is, it is confusing... i cant understand it!I learned differently in school...this is too much detail...could you 'dumb it down a little'?! please? -
Paper Thin Video Screen The morning news video?
Kid Saiyan replied to kaputnik's topic in Science and Technology
It seems all too good to be true....at this rate, well be wearing silver and warping from planet to planet with a blink of an eye (or two) by tomorrow!I dont get it!If its paper thin, then even the wind can destroy it. If its that thin, then where are all the gadgets gonne be located?! If i look at my television, i can see why its so fat! It has tonnnes of gadgets and hot sruff in the back so where will all that go?!Shouldnt it be a little thicker?! -
Another One Rides The Bus! Just your normal intro (How Boring) :(
Kid Saiyan replied to iGuest's topic in Introductions
Yup!You should '*mingle*'!lolHi and welcome to Xisto!!When i first registered here, i thought i wouldnt fit in!And now, i feel the opposite! You will deffinately have fun here! Remember; post lots, Spam none, and have fun!!^^Hi and welcome once again!