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  1. HOW TO MAKE A ROLLOVER MUSIC SIG IN FLASH MX 04 its a n00b job, but for you who cant do it... -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Firstly, we need to open a new document. 2. Now, bearing in mind the sig you want to use, set the size of the flash document like so: Note: These are the settings for my sig, you must make the size of your document the size of the sig you are using 3. Now, hold "ctrl" and press "r" to open the import window. find the sig you want to use and click open. 4. If it hasnt centered automatically, use the white arrow tool to move the sig so there is no white areas around it and so that the sig is fully on the document. 5. Double click on the sig, and press "F8", this will open the convert to symbol option, select "Button" and name it "overButton" 6. Using the black arrow tool, double click your sig and the timeline bar at the top should display this now: 7. Right Click on the white section under "Over", and select "Insert Ket Frame" 8. Now, while still on the "Over" section, hold "ctrl" and press "r" to import the song you want to use in your sig. Select it, and click open. 9. Still on the over part, go down to the bottom to properties, in the "sound" option, select your song, and in the "Sync" option, select "Start" 10. Now, select "Up" in the timeline, and yet again go to properties, in the "sound option select your song, and in the "Sync" option, select "Stop"
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